Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I wonder just what "green herb" God was talking about there.....
Just shows how you can use the Bible to defend or contradict just about any theory or idea!
Maybe the green herb in Raccoon City?
I wonder just what "green herb" God was talking about there.....
Just shows how you can use the Bible to defend or contradict just about any theory or idea!
God said by fruitfull and multiply and have dominion over all the earth.
"..God said unto them....have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.'"(Genesis 1: 28,29)
"Every living thing shall be meat for you; even as the green herb, have I given you all things."
wild animals, etc.
That's not really true. Ever since man kind went from hunter/gatherer to an agriculture we've been breeding animals to eat. As it is today, we're not just breeding them for our own family, we're mass-producing animals for an entire society. So correct me if I misunderstood you but calling our interference with evolution "necessary" is not very accurate.From way back.
Now I think its just a matter of survival. We 'must' eat other living creatures today in my way of thinking. Imagine if we didn't? We would constantly be in danger, unable to even be outside. You think drive by killings are bad? Just give thought to how many would be killed in the crossfire of 'self defence' shooting of the packs of wild animals that would be in our cities without hunting. Overpopulation of animals as well as hundreds of species of birds causing serious unsanitary conditions without eating fowl. The reasons could go on and on.
Simply said, if we don't eat meat they world would be animals (four legged) running wild in the street, totally unsanitary conditions and pure chaos everywhere. IMHO
That's not really true. Ever since man kind went from hunter/gatherer to an agriculture we've been breeding animals to eat. As it is today, we're not just breeding them for our own family, we're mass-producing animals for an entire society. So correct me if I misunderstood you but calling our interference with evolution "necessary" is not very accurate.
What man kind has been doing for a long time back is consciously disturbing the balance of nature. That's what makes us different from animals, who don't really share our expanded way of thinking and (assumably) don't know their effect on their surroundings. This goes for meat-eating as well as pollution.
Personally, I sometimes get disgusted when seeing the low quality of meat we're feeding ourselves with. I tend to look past this and eat it nevertheless, but deep down inside I'd rather stick to wild animals and fish solely. I prefer muscles over lard so to say. But it's not really an option due to financial reasons and so I just eat my industrial flesh.
I have no plans of becoming a vegetarian though, and that's solely out of egoistic reasons. My life is more precious to me than the life of animals, and so eating meat is my way of making my life better on behalf of theirs. However if I wouldn't be this heathen I'd probably become a vegetarian. Anyone denying the obvious, that the current "agriculture" of the western society is repulsive, is either lying or turning a blind eye to the issue.
This said, I hate vegetarians that ceases every opportunity to make meat-eaters feel bad about themselves.