What gives us the right to eat other creatures?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I wonder just what "green herb" God was talking about there.....

Just shows how you can use the Bible to defend or contradict just about any theory or idea!

Maybe the green herb in Raccoon City?
Answers not nearly as interesting or thoughtful within this thread - for the most part - as I was expecting, actually...
People are moving things shall they be meat??? lol j/k but really. It's also a moral thing and if you have no morals, then go ahead a stuff your fucking faces.
In the words of a VERY wise man ..
"If God didn't want us to eat animals. why did he make them out of meat"

it was Homer .......... Simpson


Hunger, and because they are easy to capture.

If we were easy to capture then other animlas would eat humans
God said by fruitfull and multiply and have dominion over all the earth.

Maybe the "be fruitfull and multiply" was a reasonable idea once but now I think we need to re-think that,we have multpied to an extent that threatens the survival of the species as well as many other species and our enviorment.

On the right of one animal to eat another its a fairly natural thing to do I think.


Closed Account
From way back.
"..God said unto them....have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.'"(Genesis 1: 28,29)

"Every living thing shall be meat for you; even as the green herb, have I given you all things."

Now I think its just a matter of survival. We 'must' eat other living creatures today in my way of thinking. Imagine if we didn't? We would constantly be in danger, unable to even be outside. You think drive by killings are bad? Just give thought to how many would be killed in the crossfire of 'self defence' shooting of the packs of wild animals that would be in our cities without hunting. Overpopulation of animals as well as hundreds of species of birds causing serious unsanitary conditions without eating fowl. The reasons could go on and on.

Simply said, if we don't eat meat they world would be animals (four legged) running wild in the street, totally unsanitary conditions and pure chaos everywhere. IMHO

wild animals, etc.

I find it pretty ironic that you cite the bible as an opposition to nature. It's like God put trees and animals everywhere, so therefore we should cut down the trees and kill all the animals and destory what God made and then say we are doing it in his name.

It is not given to humans to do what we want to do, it's given to us to do God's will. In the very next verse after god gives "dominion" to people over the earth, he then goes on to tell them how they can eat the PLANTS, and then he describes the animals in the exact same way, saying that he give them life and the whole world to eat of the plants. It's interesting that Genesis talks several times specifically about eating plants, but it never talks about killing or eating animals. Even in paradise the animals don't eat each other: "the Lion will lay down with the lamb."

But that's not even the main point. The real question is what does Dominion mean? Could it might possibly mean that people are entrusted to provide for the care and well being of the world, to preserve it the way that God made it? How would God and Jesus, who said "thou shalt not kill" and "I ask for mercy, not sacrifice", treat the subjects under thier rule?

also about the "multiplying" thing, God told that to Moses after the earth was devoid of all other people, it's not said that Everyone is supposed to do that.


From way back.

Now I think its just a matter of survival. We 'must' eat other living creatures today in my way of thinking. Imagine if we didn't? We would constantly be in danger, unable to even be outside. You think drive by killings are bad? Just give thought to how many would be killed in the crossfire of 'self defence' shooting of the packs of wild animals that would be in our cities without hunting. Overpopulation of animals as well as hundreds of species of birds causing serious unsanitary conditions without eating fowl. The reasons could go on and on.

Simply said, if we don't eat meat they world would be animals (four legged) running wild in the street, totally unsanitary conditions and pure chaos everywhere. IMHO

That's not really true. Ever since man kind went from hunter/gatherer to an agriculture we've been breeding animals to eat. As it is today, we're not just breeding them for our own family, we're mass-producing animals for an entire society. So correct me if I misunderstood you but calling our interference with evolution "necessary" is not very accurate.

What man kind has been doing for a long time back is consciously disturbing the balance of nature. That's what makes us different from animals, who don't really share our expanded way of thinking and (assumably) don't know their effect on their surroundings. This goes for meat-eating as well as pollution.

Personally, I sometimes get disgusted when seeing the low quality of meat we're feeding ourselves with. I tend to look past this and eat it nevertheless, but deep down inside I'd rather stick to wild animals and fish solely. I prefer muscles over lard so to say. But it's not really an option due to financial reasons and so I just eat my industrial flesh.

I have no plans of becoming a vegetarian though, and that's solely out of egoistic reasons. My life is more precious to me than the life of animals, and so eating meat is my way of making my life better on behalf of theirs. However if I wouldn't be this heathen I'd probably become a vegetarian. Anyone denying the obvious, that the current "agriculture" of the western society is repulsive, is either lying or turning a blind eye to the issue.
This said, I hate vegetarians that ceases every opportunity to make meat-eaters feel bad about themselves.


Closed Account
That's not really true. Ever since man kind went from hunter/gatherer to an agriculture we've been breeding animals to eat. As it is today, we're not just breeding them for our own family, we're mass-producing animals for an entire society. So correct me if I misunderstood you but calling our interference with evolution "necessary" is not very accurate.

What man kind has been doing for a long time back is consciously disturbing the balance of nature. That's what makes us different from animals, who don't really share our expanded way of thinking and (assumably) don't know their effect on their surroundings. This goes for meat-eating as well as pollution.

Personally, I sometimes get disgusted when seeing the low quality of meat we're feeding ourselves with. I tend to look past this and eat it nevertheless, but deep down inside I'd rather stick to wild animals and fish solely. I prefer muscles over lard so to say. But it's not really an option due to financial reasons and so I just eat my industrial flesh.

I have no plans of becoming a vegetarian though, and that's solely out of egoistic reasons. My life is more precious to me than the life of animals, and so eating meat is my way of making my life better on behalf of theirs. However if I wouldn't be this heathen I'd probably become a vegetarian. Anyone denying the obvious, that the current "agriculture" of the western society is repulsive, is either lying or turning a blind eye to the issue.
This said, I hate vegetarians that ceases every opportunity to make meat-eaters feel bad about themselves.

I was speaking of the here and now and I do see it as necessary. While I don't disagree with your take on the matter at all. Sorry but I do see the overall picture '2008' much differently than you. If we don't continue to hunt and control herds, flocks etc. They would become too large in number in no time overflowing into populated areas, towns, cities and resulting in chaos and even death. Unsanitary conditions everywhere would be imminent.

As for breeding them for human consumption, that is a necessity also. To control disease and protect the people. Times have changed my friend, yes its all messed up now. We have to however deal with it now for what it is not how we wish it was. IMHO

We're animals!!

Just like the animals in the wild that eat other animals, we're no different, we're just more civilised about the way we go about it because we (mostly) kill animals quickly and painlessly.

Also, other animals are not as important as humans. I'm sorry if thats harsh and everything, and believe me i'm an animal lover (especially cats ;O).. But its true. Even the most intelligent of them are just basic creatures with simple minds doing simple things. If aliens came and dominated earth and decided to start eating us, it would make them bad because humans are developed creatures with real meaningful lifes.

Its kind of harsh but its the truth! Thats why we dont all eat eachother.

Oh FFS....look it's very simple. Humans are omnivores. That means we eat animals and plants. It is what we are. Do you think a Lioness contemplates whether or not she should kill the wildebeast before she hunts it? Of course not, it's nature. It is in our nature to eat meat.

If you want to make a lifestyle choice not to eat meat that's fine, but what gives you the right to criticise those who do?
I know this might be sensitive to some religion but ... only idiots immitate what monkey is doing ...
keep on track, eat things that bring no harm to your tank...I mean stomach... :D