There aren't any public monuments to Hitler and I think he still remains a pretty relevant part of history, don't you? Auschwitz is preserved as a memorial to the people who were murdered there, not as a tribute to the monsters who did the murdering. A statue of Robert E. Lee astride his horse serves to honor him. I respect and admire Lee as unquestionably one of the greatest generals who ever lived. However, it needs to be noted that he was also a traitor to the USA and did all he could to protect and perpetuate a culture that enslaved millions of black people. I cannot support maintaining these statues on public grounds or in public places when I realize the message that it sends to present-day African-Americans. Ironically, since these Nazis have chosen to make these monuments a symbol of their hatred and bigotry in the guise of preserving "southern heritage", the statues are therefore henceforth and forever tainted as being associated with their racist beliefs. They literally shit on their own swastikas. No, we cannot let them stand. Put them in a museum to preserve them as reminders of the historical significance that they represent but we absolutely cannot glorify them. They have to go and I believe that they will.
What really irks me is when people say that we're whitewashing history by removing these statues. Bullshit. We're not whitewashing history, we're just choosing not to celebrate it. If you want to learn more about these confederate generals and whatnot you're free to visit a library or bookstore, read a history textbook, watch a film or documentary or just read about them online.