Pornography: Use it in a sentence.

Why yes, yes it does, a new pornography fan everyday!


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
Notorious American outlaw:
Pornography Boy Floyd

The extra-terrestrial Larry Flynt (?!): Mork and Pornography

"You young'ins have got it made now-a-days! Back when I was your age I had to walk 20 miles to school...UP HILL....through 2 feet of pornography!"


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
Pornography a day, keeps constipation away.
An invaluable health tip from LadyLove!

....and with proper care, your pornography will not chip, peel or fade and will give you lifetime of enjoyment!

...and now... home improvment advice from DrDeath, who can be seen week nights at seven on the syndicated television program, This Old Pornography.


Thanks again to all those who have contributed to this thread!:)