Please don’t ban Imam Akkay. We are not done with our religious conversions and our souls could be in peril if he is no longer allowed in this here message board of pornography. Allahu Akbar!
BTW, what is such a holy guy doing hanging out with degenerate pervies like us in here sweating and perspiring right next to us over total filth jerking off into the same trough. Hmmmmmmmm???
"Smite" doesn't necessarily mean ban. His posts are long-winded and made worse with the addition of multiple blank lines. Every post of his seems to be really pushing the character limit of Xenforo.
And then he finally makes a small post, only 6 links, but instead of it being 6
lines, it ends up being almost 50 lines with all that space after each link.
Trying to use science as a way to prove Islam is the right path is off-the-rails crazy on a good day, and fucking insane every other day.
I said before, I consider myself a Christian, but I am not so damn stupid as to use science as a way to prove my beliefs. Religion has it's place, and so does science,
"and never the twain shall meet".
The Earth is not 6000 years old, and the sun does not orbit the Earth.
If God wrote the Bible as some claim, then why did the Catholic church edit parts and completely throw out other parts?
I could go on and on about some of the whacked out ideas some Christians have swallowed, just as
@akayy has swallowed some of the whacked out ideas about his religion.
The whole point of this is simple, both religions have fallen victim to preachers, clerics, cardinals, popes, Imams, ayatollahs, alims, alamahs, caliphs, grand muftis, etc. Over the centuries some of these individuals inserted their own idiocies into their teachings and some of that stuck.
In religion, as in life, everyone needs to keep an open mind. If we could all do that, then we might actually be able to conquer things like racism and come together to solve some of the problems we are facing in today's fucked up world.