And I dont see any heads exploding, just rational people who can actually think for themselves questioning whether this was just.
"heads exploding" within the context of a Nobel thread....:hatsoff:
And I dont see any heads exploding, just rational people who can actually think for themselves questioning whether this was just.
First of all, I just want to mention that you guys need to keep it civil. No name calling or flaming. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if you don't agree with it.
With that being said, if he accepts the peace prize (which I don't think he should and if he turns it down he will earn a little more respect from me), I wonder if he's going to spread around that 1.4mil since he's all about spreading the wealth.
Lets see if he can walk the walk since he's been doing a lot of talk.
"heads exploding" within the context of a Nobel thread....:bowdown:![]()
What statement did he make at the UN? He made a speech at the University of Cairo about among other things mid east peace.Well I would think it mean more than just going to the UN and making a statement about middle east peace. Maybe actually holding a meeting at camp david with Israel and Iran:dunno:.
1906 Theodore Roosevelt United States "for his successful mediation to end the Russo-Japanese war and for his interest in arbitration, having provided the Hague arbitration court with its very first case"
1919 Woodrow Wilson United States "President of United States of America; Founder of the League of Nations"
1964 Martin Luther King, Jr. United States "Leader of "Southern Christian Leadership Conference"
1978 Mohamed Anwar Al-Sadat Egypt "for the Camp David Agreement, which brought about a negotiated peace between Egypt and Israel"
2002 Jimmy Carter United States "for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development
At least they ACOMPLISHED something, MLK was the leader of the SCLC which promoted Civil rights, he deserves it.
Reagan and Gorbachev both had a great hand in ending the Cold War yet neither was award the NPP? But Obama might do "something" abd he gets the award. It's a partisian award and now we are the laughting stock of the world.
Hell Bill Clinton did more to promote peace than Obama "ideas" will ever do.
Reagan and Gorbachev both had a great hand in ending the Cold War yet neither was award the NPP?
Is that a question or a statement? Gorbachev was awarded the prize in 1990. Then again, he is a socialist communist Marxist leftist red so it would figure he would win it I guess....:dunno:
Lotta burning hatred going on for a peace prize.
He deserves the award if not for just not being GWB lol but for also this single action alone so far as president.
"U.S.-Russia Nuclear Agreement Is First Step in Broad Effort"
MOSCOW — President Obama signed an agreement on Monday to cut American and Russian strategic nuclear arsenals by at least one-quarter, a first step in a broader effort intended to reduce the threat of such weapons drastically and to prevent their further spread to unstable regions.
Mr. Obama, on his first visit to Russia since taking office, and President Dmitri A. Medvedev agreed on the basic terms of a treaty to reduce the number of warheads and missiles to the lowest levels since the early years of the cold war."
Mr. Obama hailed the arms agreement as an example for the world as he pursued a broader agenda aimed at countering — and eventually eliminating — the spread of nuclear weapons, a goal he hopes to make a defining legacy of his presidency.
While the United States and Russia together have 95 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons, Mr. Obama also views Russia as an influential player in deterring nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea.
“This is an urgent issue, and one in which the United States and Russia have to take leadership,” Mr. Obama said. “It is very difficult for us to exert that leadership unless we are showing ourselves willing to deal with our own nuclear stockpiles in a more rational way.”
All our talk of not wanting other countries to develope nukes is hollow as long as we have so many.Between us and the russians we have 95% of all nuclear weapons in the world.The world is not safe with any country possesing them and Obama is to be highly commended and deserves a "peace prize" for re-starting talks with the russians on radical reductions in arsenals.