Sorry, that was hateful irrational emotional biased and opinionated......And to my special lady "We did it baby!".
<<<<<<Friday and I just told you legz.<
Well I think it is great!
cheers, meesterperfect :glugglug:
everyone else supporting this administration, search "The Obama Deception" for instance... from there, its up to YOU whether or not you take the red pill or the blue pill.... oh, wait- I remember Mr. Obama actually referring to that analogy not too long ago, where we were all told to 'shut the fuck up' by him in not so many words...:rofl:
Source for claim he was nominated while still campaigning? He was elected in November, 2008. Just because nominations were closed doesn't mean nothing else after that date mattered in the decision. Besides, it's not like he was campaigning to win the Nobel prize so what's the problem??
It is not a "joke" award, Jason. He's only the 3rd sitting American president to win it. It's a tremendous honor. Why on earth would any patriotic American not be proud to have our president win the award?? Baffles the shit out of me....![]()
I am no Obama cheerleader but I can't believe that there is so much reflexive disdain for this president on this board. I guess if he had not won it, he'd be being lambasted for being a loser. It's fair to debate whether he should have won but it is classless and just plain wrong to belittle the accomplishment.
I'm so sick of all this partisan horseshit. I remember a day many years ago when we were all just Americans. Gone for good it appears....really sad.
He was the wrong choice. Morgan Tsvangirai deserved it way more.
I think it is shameful because the last 10 years of Nobel Peace Prize winners is like a who-is-who list of leftist activists.
I quit caring back in 2007 when Al Gore beat out Irena Sendler.
About Irena Sendler.
There recently was a death of a 98 year-old lady named Irena. During WWII, Irena, got permission to work in the Warsaw Ghetto, as a Plumbing/Sewer specialist. She had an 'ulterior motive' ... She KNEW what the Nazi's plans were for the Jews, (being German..) Irena smuggled infants out in the bottom of the tool box she carried and she carried in the back of her truck a burlap sack, (for larger kids..) She also had a dog in the back that she trained to bark when the Nazi soldiers let her in and out of the ghetto. The soldiers of course wanted nothing to do with the dog and the barking covered the kids/infants noises.. During her time of doing this, she managed to smuggle out and save 2500 kids/infants. She was caught, and the Nazi's broke both her legs, arms and beat her severely. Irena kept a record of the names of all the kids she smuggled out and kept them in a glass jar, buried under a tree in her back yard. After the war, she tried to locate any parents that may have survived it and reunited the family. Most had been gased. Those kids she helped got placed into foster family homes or adopted.
In 2007 Irena was up for the Nobel Peace Prize .. She was not selected.
Al Gore won, for a slide show on Global Warming.
The nobel prize nominees these last years have done nothing concrete so far, only big talk and no walk.
Only people with no clue and no patriotism can support and vote for a more than mediocre president with a garbage administration.
His election was a very successful marketing hype, but the expected results are not here. He made huge promises that he isn't and won't be able to fullfill.
He doesn't represent all Americans but mainly African Americans and other minorities. He doesn't really represent white Americans, I am sorry to say so but this is the reality. He favors blacks over whites. And when you dare to say something negative about him you are labelled automatically as an intolerant person :wtf:
Plus, you seem to forget that the way he acted abroad when shaking Chavez's hand or keening in front of a Saudi official are not worthy of what a true and patriotic American president. The measures of all his campaign and programs like closing gitmo and freeing dangerous detainees, like trying to implement social security and free healthcare at the cost of honest hardwork citizens, like trying to modify the second amendment are far to please the citizens of the USA who are patriotic and who work hard for their country. Obama's so called change is a backward step program and a weakening of the USA.
In general, socialism is the equal distribution of misery hence perhaps why many Americans are in disagreement about him being given ridiculously this prize.
The disdain will grow into a bigger and bigger hatred if Obama continues to be so naive and doesn't open his eyes. It is traitorous to implement healthcare and social security system at the cost of hardwork citizens as well as closing gitmo and freeing dangerous detainees. So, in a certain way, it is justified from the side of deceived voters and true patriots to belittle this so called accomplishment.
He was the wrong choice. Morgan Tsvangirai deserved it way more.
Only people with no clue and no patriotism can support and vote for a more than mediocre president with a garbage administration.
He was the wrong choice. Morgan Tsvangirai deserved it way more.
1) So for what you're suggesting to be valid....Irena Sendler would have to be something other than a leftist right?? Her actions sure make her sound like a leftist if you ask me.
2) Also Geo....when leftists are the group more inclined to be anti-war and pro-peace...isn't it rather obvious the majority of winners of a "Peace" prize are generally going to be leftists??? Certainly when people on the right (at least here in the US) spend the majority of their time plotting invasions and warfare...they're not engendering themselves to a body that recognizes efforts for peace.:wave2:
3) Hmmm, "mediocre president" and "garbage administration" after 9 months.....:georges::eyeso: BTW, have you finally figured out that Pelosi is not a member of the Obama administration as you have so proudly trumpeted again and again here???
He favors blacks over whites...I suppose that's why the majority of members in his "garbage" administration are white and not black.
Really...give it up Geo...:rofl:
You know I hadn't even thought of him. He does seem like the correct choice.
I guess the committee felt that Obama had more of a chance to change things in the position he has than Tsvangirai.
Yeah, I suppose, but the award should be about the change and peace that the person brought in the year. Tsvangirai had been fighting with a corrupt dictator for a long time just so he can have the chance to help Zimbabwe change and bring stability to a country and economy that need it; and it he did it without violence and even through the death of his wife and grandson. While I'm not aware of improvments in Zimbabwe since he became Prime Minister, the future is much brighter than it has been in a long time.