The committee highlighted Mr Obama's efforts to support international bodies.
I support international bodies, too. As long as they're young and female. Does that make me a candidate for next year's award?
The committee highlighted Mr Obama's efforts to support international bodies.
So the nobel peace prize has stooped to the level of the mtv music awards.
Lets be serious, he didnt deserve this.
The committee highlighted Mr Obama's efforts to support international bodies and promote nuclear disarmament
give me a break. Its just a ploy by the POWERS THAT BE to help him gain popularity and get re-elected.......and makke the USA weaker and weaker in every level.
People that actually think for themselves will see it for what it is, unfortunately they are now the minority.
Show me where it says in any post I made in this thread that no one could question whether he deserved the award, MP.
wouldn't it be great if terrorists blew up the Sears tower in Chicago and thousands got slaughtered? And then there was a major run on the banks and ten million people got laid off. Obama would shit bricks and he would go down as a lame ass president. Wouldn't that be really cool?
As a raging liberal even I can admit its a little premature but I love how neo-cons heads are exploiting today. LMAO. If there were a Nobel War Prize Bush would have gotten half a dozen by now.
Actually they are laughting with the rest of the world. Rush is having a field day with this. beck did this mornign as well, they are making jokes left and right. Actually ABC is putting together a montage of jokes from all over the world about Obama winning the Award.
Psst....Jas....shhhh...They're laughing to keep from crying.
You know, like when you fall flat on your ass....It's much better to laugh it off than cry even though you feel like shit.:thumbsup:
Erick Erickson: Obama is becoming Jimmy Carter faster than Jimmy Carter became Jimmy Carter.
Headline over AP analysis by White House correspondent Jennifer Loven: He Won, But For What?
Unlike the other Nobel Prizes, which are awarded by Swedish institutions, the peace prize is given out by a five-member committee elected by the Norwegian Parliament. Like the Parliament, the committee has a leftist slant, with three members elected by left-of-center parties. Jagland said the decision to honor Obama was unanimous
Obama was to meet with his top advisers on the Afghan war on Friday to consider a request by Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, to send as many as 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan as the U.S war there enters its ninth year
Until seconds before the award, speculation had focused on a wide variety of candidates besides Obama: Zimbabwe's Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, a Colombian senator, a Chinese dissident and an Afghan woman's rights activist, among others
Nothing like giving a Peace Award to a person who is comtemplenting sending 40,000 soldiers/marines to Afghanistan.
Actually they are laughting with the rest of the world. Rush is having a field day with this. beck did this mornign as well, they are making jokes left and right. Actually ABC is putting together a montage of jokes from all over the world about Obama winning the Award.
You saidShow me where it says in any post I made in this thread that no one could question whether he deserved the award, MP.
So you admit its Premature AKA he didnt deserve it.As a raging liberal even I can admit its a little premature but I love how neo-cons heads are exploiting today. LMAO. If there were a Nobel War Prize Bush would have gotten half a dozen by now.
Uh, isn't there truth in that statement (If you actually follow US policy)?
Oh you again mega........Is there truth? What exactly has he acheived for world peace? Was it greater than the other candidates?
Sorta got lost after the "POWERS THAT BE" card was dropped.
Ok, honesty is good, but I dont have time to explain in detail but only to say there is a greater world power than just Democrat and Republican making decisions $$$$$$$$
MP wouldn't actually be twisting your words and accusing you of saying things you didn't now would he??:wave2:
Lets not forget the Rush Limbaugh was also Nominated for the Nobel Peace Award. That would have burned some asses on the left for sure.
Oh and thre is this little tid bit
According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize should be awarded "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.
Not IDEAS but actual work. I also guess that sending 40,000 more troops over to Afghanistan is reducing a standing army.
Didnt twist anything, just took the jags point as "dont worry , be happy..and question nothing.
I am no Obama cheerleader but I can't believe that there is so much reflexive disdain for this president on this board. I guess if he had not won it, he'd be being lambasted for being a loser. It's fair to debate whether he should have won but it is classless and just plain wrong to belittle the accomplishment.
So the nobel peace prize has stooped to the level of the mtv music awards.
Lets be serious, he didnt deserve this.
The committee highlighted Mr Obama's efforts to support international bodies and promote nuclear disarmament
give me a break. Its just a ploy by the POWERS THAT BE to help him gain popularity and get re-elected.......and makke the USA weaker and weaker in every level.
People that actually think for themselves will see it for what it is, unfortunately they are now the minority.
Well I would think it mean more than just going to the UN and making a statement about middle east peace. Maybe actually holding a meeting at camp david with Israel and Iran:dunno:.So quantify what the phrase, "who shall have done the most or best work for the fraternity between nations..." means and what do you think are some of the ideals that would qualify?
Also, like I stated before MLK received the award and deservedly so....what did he do to fit into the defined criteria you cite??