Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize 2009


They have given it to Al Gore and as Facial King pointed out Kissinger before him.

We really shouldn't take this seriously.

i don't, but they should at least try to maintain some credibility, no? oh, btw, yasser arafat got it, too. maybe gaddafi and osama are next.
i don't, but they should at least try to maintain some credibility, no? oh, btw, yasser arafat got it, too. maybe gaddafi and osama are next.

Of couse they should. But historically it hasn't so we really shouldn't have expected anything less. As Friday pointed out. After 8 years of Bush and his fabulous foreign policy anything must seem like a complete turn around. This is probably the judges way of showing their feelings towards it.

They have to give the award to someone, right? :dunno:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
^^That's what I find really peculiar. Where is the legacy, Obama's legacy to warrant this. And, unlike some on this forum, I'm not even necessarily anti-Obama LOL. Seem's like a disjointed decision but I guess we'll never know.

A nice parting gift for being snubbed by the IOC. :1orglaugh

Actually, it is a great honor and has nothing to do with "legacy". Those of you who are dismissing it are letting your red underwear show. Why wouldn't any American be proud to have our President win the Nobel Prize? I sure am! Congrats, Mr. President!

Have we grown so partisan and cynical in this country that dedication to political philosophy means more than dedication to country? Maybe I should ask Rush Limbaugh.
Regardless of the merits of the award I'm telling you, dollars to donuts or a pound to the penny, that there is a fella sitting in Crawford Texas right now who can't stop thinking that one of them there Nobel prizes sure would look good on the mantelpiece.
Regardless of the merits of the award I'm telling you, dollars to donuts or a pound to the penny, that there is a fella sitting in Crawford Texas right now who can't stop thinking that one of them there Nobel prizes sure would look good on the mantelpiece.

You may be right, but honestly, I don't think he gives a sh*t. And in that, I would agree with Bush, a rarity to be sure. The award is bullsh*t for all the reasons noted above...
Forgive me if this is an example of biting satire and I am slow on the humor front.

Seems like you are a bit vague when describing these troubles that yu are hopoing for. Are you seriously hoping for another 9/11 style event? Or perhaps a nuclear incident? Or are you hoping for the whole economy to go down the shitter and a return to mass unemployment and food lines? That would shown him eh?

To be honest I thought that he and his administration walked into the most unpredictable economic situation of recent times. I also thought inheriting two wars neither of which are going swimmingly, was and is enough of a challenge. However, if you think his workload on the problem front needs expanding then who am I to argue? That said I would feel justified in questioning both your patriotism and I'm saddened to say your maturity.

Shut up already. I definitely see in you a clone (or must I say a twin) of Hot Mega.You have the same way of writing and the same Obama blind fanboyism.
You should question your patriotism first because you have voted for a closet kenyan wahabi muslim (the press says his christian and born in Hawaï but I am pretty sure it is false). Someone who has two first names like Barack Hussein and a family name which is Obama is definitely not American.
I would have voted Mc Cain because he has faced war and he is more representative of what is America than Obama.
Plus your spelling is the one that belongs to a basic simpleton.
As the saying goes: "People get what they deserve." can't be more true. Your population has elected a crappy president with a very poor political experience who promised the impossible. Obama is more a personnality than a real president, he is a rookie and a noob in many fields. He already yielded to Putin's demands concerning the anti missile shield. He back stabbed his allies that were Poland and the Czech Republic. And you still think that is and was a smart move, you have no sense of geostrategy. He also shook Chavez's hand and kneed in front of a Saudi Official, is that worthy of an American president who is a real patriot? No, absolutely not.
The bailouts made by Obama has solved nothing and Bernanke has done nothing to prevent bankruptcy of banks and cheatings that happened in big firms and financial institutions. A lot of your firms that were the leading heads of several industries are no more.If you think that by implementing taxes in order to pay the social security and free healthcare for poor people will change the situation, this is just false. The unwilling to work people and useless parasites deserve nothing,not a dime nor a cent. People living in ghettos are very often gang members who are approving criminality and underground economy, so no reason to assist them socially and financially.
Many people start to hate more and more Obama, there has been a attempt of attacking him. It won't be the last one. Look at what who is in his administration, former douchebags of the Clinton administration.
Anyone who is a true Patriot would never vote for someone who yields to another leader's demands, who knees in front of a Saudi official and for someone whose family name is Obama.


Closed Account
I gotta admit I'm a little suprised by this choice but honestly I can probably name like 3 or 4 nobel peace prize winners, so I guess I'm not that suprised by this.
Good for him:nanner::bowdown::thumbsup: and :thefinger to all the haters.


Obama, one of 205 original nominations, will be awarded a gold medal, diploma and $1.4 million in prize money. Other possible candidates had included civil rights activists in China and Afghanistan, as well as African politicians. Nominations for the peace prize closed on February 1, 2009—less than two weeks after Obama's inauguration on January 20.

So Obama was nominated for these efforts while he was still Campagining for the Presidency. He was not even president when he was nominated or if he was he was only President for 2 weeks.

Like I said before it's a joke award.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Nominations for the peace prize closed on February 1, 2009—less than two weeks after Obama's inauguration on January 20.

So Obama was nominated for these efforts while he was still Campagining for the Presidency. He was not even president when he was nominated or if he was he was only President for 2 weeks.

Source for claim he was nominated while still campaigning? He was elected in November, 2008. Just because nominations were closed doesn't mean nothing else after that date mattered in the decision. Besides, it's not like he was campaigning to win the Nobel prize so what's the problem??

Like I said before it's a joke award.

It is not a "joke" award, Jason. He's only the 3rd sitting American president to win it. It's a tremendous honor. Why on earth would any patriotic American not be proud to have our president win the award?? Baffles the shit out of me....:rolleyes:

I am no Obama cheerleader but I can't believe that there is so much reflexive disdain for this president on this board. I guess if he had not won it, he'd be being lambasted for being a loser. It's fair to debate whether he should have won but it is classless and just plain wrong to belittle the accomplishment.

I'm so sick of all this partisan horseshit. I remember a day many years ago when we were all just Americans. Gone for good it appears....really sad.
I have to say that it is a great honor for Obama to have won the prize I am surprised that he got it this soon. Makes me think that McCain would have gotten it if he was elected just because Bush was gone. I give Obama credit for trying to get things started on many fronts and hope that he has success but its really too soon because there are no results yet - just intentions.
The Nobel Peace prize is one of the greatest honors a person can receive. Is there anyone here who would turn it down?

I have a problem with him receiving it because of this:
Some around the world objected to the choice of Obama, who still oversees wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and has launched deadly counter-terror strikes in Pakistan and Somalia.

He has not moved to bring our troops home and end these ridiculously useless wars. If he did, he would definitely have earned it.

I think he was given this award because he does represent a COMPLETE REVERSAL of the global embarrassment that is/was George W Bush. And maybe this award will kickstart him into seeing that the way to find peace around the world is THROUGH PEACE....not war.


Closed Account
Source for claim he was nominated while still campaigning? He was elected in November, 2008. Just because nominations were closed doesn't mean nothing else after that date mattered in the decision. Besides, it's not like he was campaigning to win the Nobel prize so what's the problem??

It is not a "joke" award, Jason. He's only the 3rd sitting American president to win it. It's a tremendous honor. Why on earth would any patriotic American not be proud to have our president win the award?? Baffles the shit out of me....:rolleyes:

I am no Obama cheerleader but I can't believe that there is so much reflexive disdain for this president on this board. I guess if he had not won it, he'd be being lambasted for being a loser. It's fair to debate whether he should have won but it is classless and just plain wrong to belittle the accomplishment.

I'm so sick of all this partisan horseshit. I remember a day many years ago when we were all just Americans. Gone for good it appears....really sad.

Jagger this is the same crazed constituentcy in which parents didn't want the sitting President(Obama) to speak to their school kids(Although Reagan & the Bush's had done it without a hitch) about staying in school & setting goals for themselves,etc.......

The blatant disrespect for our President(who doesn't have blood on his hands like Bush) is repulsive.

That being said I thought the thread title was a joke & didn't open as I assumed it would be some SATIRIC tirade against Obama.


milf n' cookies
B.O. has done absolutely NOTHING to win this sham of an award anyways. Didn't they give it to that fat ass liar Gore too?

I suspect someone was told it would be "racist" if they didn't give him the reward. :rolleyes: People are such tools!


milf n' cookies
Jagger this is the same crazed constituentcy in which parents didn't want the sitting President(Obama) to speak to their school kids(Although Reagan & the Bush's had done it without a hitch) about staying in school & setting goals for themselves,etc.......

The blatant disrespect for our President(who doesn't have blood on his hands like Bush) is repulsive.

Both statements are completely false. Both Bush and Reagan received criticism for their speeches.

And, you say B.O. doesn't have blood on his hands? WTF is that? You do know that the U.S. in a war right now in Afghanistan? I assume you don't know that there has been U.S casualties, terrorist have been killed, and also a lot of innocent children, women, and men.

How anyone can say this piece of shit currently in office doesn't have blood on his hands is a complete asinine statement.
Shut up already. I definitely see in you a clone (or must I say a twin) of Hot Mega.You have the same way of writing and the same Obama blind fanboyism.

Great minds think (or write) alike? Seriously though, what would be the point of creating another "account" to say the same things and write the same way as I would as ol 'Mega??? :1orglaugh

Obama, one of 205 original nominations, will be awarded a gold medal, diploma and $1.4 million in prize money. Other possible candidates had included civil rights activists in China and Afghanistan, as well as African politicians. Nominations for the peace prize closed on February 1, 2009—less than two weeks after Obama's inauguration on January 20.

So Obama was nominated for these efforts while he was still Campagining for the Presidency. He was not even president when he was nominated or if he was he was only President for 2 weeks.

Like I said before it's a joke award.

Well honestly Jason....there is the Lugar-Obama nonproliferation act..he was the only presidential candidate to question how openly talking about talking to Iran was the extreme position but openly talking about bombing them is not. He did hold a campaign promise to deliver a major reconciliatory speech to the Muslim world for starters......