Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize 2009

Both statements are completely false. Both Bush and Reagan received criticism for their speeches.

And, you say B.O. doesn't have blood on his hands? WTF is that? You do know that the U.S. in a war right now in Afghanistan? I assume you don't know that there has been U.S casualties, terrorist have been killed, and also a lot of innocent children, women, and men.

How anyone can say this piece of shit currently in office doesn't have blood on his hands is a complete asinine statement.

Hi Milf Man

You should know that its beyond girk1's capacities to analyze what is the real situation. She can only fanboy and kiss Obama's ass. See who has voted for Daddy O, a bunch of bloody naive, irrealistic and somewhat too easy to convince tools on that I agree :yesyes:
A nice parting gift for being snubbed by the IOC. :1orglaugh

Actually, it is a great honor and has nothing to do with "legacy". Those of you who are dismissing it are letting your red underwear show. Why wouldn't any American be proud to have our President win the Nobel Prize? I sure am! Congrats, Mr. President!

Have we grown so partisan and cynical in this country that dedication to political philosophy means more than dedication to country? Maybe I should ask Rush Limbaugh.

Oh, I never inferred it was not 'a great honor'. I just thought the adjudicators would want to see some kind of continuity (for better or worse). That's what I mean by 'legacy'; this has been a short time-frame for Obama (not even the anniversary of inauguration) .

So yes, a great honor. A great President (thus far) (?). Whoops!! Enought threads on this (quick, someone do a search ;) ) Not me :nono:

Neither did I dismiss it; I wear my fucking Flag with Pride:D
See who has voted for Daddy O, a bunch of bloody naive, irrealistic and somewhat too easy to convince tools on that I agree

I would say it's pretty simple, the majority voted for him in a straight up race.:tongue:

It's great that he received the Noble Peace Prize if but for no other reason to hear his desperate, petty enemies bitch, moan, whine and cry tears of blood.....:rofl:
Sorry BB but the "dismiss" comment was not aimed specifically at you....hence the reference to the phrase "those of you....". No offense meant.

Not a prob J :thumbsup:. I was probably reading too much into it and took it personally. Accept my apologies also Sir:)
OBAMA did nothing special, yet he receives a Nobel prize. Ridiculous. Let's hope him and his lame/rotten administration will get in very deep and big troubles and have to face unpredictable situations then we will see if this prize was really deserved.

Lets hope?? you sound just as bad as rush limbaugh and the glen becks of the world....

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Have we grown so partisan and cynical in this country that dedication to political philosophy means more than dedication to country? Maybe I should ask Rush Limbaugh.

Very good point.


Closed Account
I would say it's pretty simple, the majority voted for him in a straight up race.:tongue:

the public was mesmerized with his presence. he touted 'change', and freedom, and ending wars... people were crying at his campaigns. why wouldn't we give him a World-Coveted Symbol of Great Accomplishment.... oh....wait.... what was the accomplishment again???

Oh where to begin?

First of all, could you please outline what these terrible events are, the ones that you are personally hoping for? For no other reason, as far as I can see, than your childish dislike of Obama. You said it and you feel it, you should be able to express it. I just find it bizarre that you would want such a thing.

Leaving aside the question of ethnicity, in what way is John McCain a typical American? He was born into a position of extreme wealth, power and privilege and he still resides there today. You can say many things about McCain but nothing about his life is typical or normal of the american experience.

"Closet Kenyan." What does that mean? Am I missing something? Was Cash for Clunkers a pro Kenyan programme? Is there language favouring Masai warriors woven into the public option helathcare bill? Thank God you have got this covered.

Hmmm, Obama fanboy? I just looked back over my previous post. I didn't say anything about liking or disliking Obama. Nothing. Not one word. You are reading things that are literally not there. I said that the administration walked into a financial mess and a foreign policy mess. That is all. It would have been as true for the McCain/Palin administration.

I could go on, but let us settle this in the court of public opinion. Find someone on here that is no fan of Obama (perhaps Jason from this thread) and make your proposition to them directly and see if it holds water?

I will write it out for you, you could just copy and paste it. Here goes.


wouldn't it be great if terrorists blew up the Sears tower in Chicago and thousands got slaughtered? And then there was a major run on the banks and ten million people got laid off. Obama would shit bricks and he would go down as a lame ass president. Wouldn't that be really cool?

My personal opinion is that anyone wishing for such stuff, just to score a point off a politician he does not care for, is a dick, but like I said, who am I to judge. I'll leave it to you, you have the taste for it.

Lastly, many people go through life without connecting with their soul mates. Sad but true. Perhaps I've got a shot at not being one of them. Hot Mega please write and tell me that you are 25 year old female with big tits, a passion for rugby league, a trust fund and the ability to ignore beery farts.
You should question your patriotism first because you have voted for a closet kenyan wahabi muslim (the press says his christian and born in Hawaï but I am pretty sure it is false). Someone who has two first names like Barack Hussein and a family name which is Obama is definitely not American.

Right so he's a closet Muslim, falsely reported to be born in the US who wouldn't qualify as American because of his name. :rofl2:
the public was mesmerized with his presence. he touted 'change', and freedom, and ending wars... people were crying at his campaigns. why wouldn't we give him a World-Coveted Symbol of Great Accomplishment.... oh....wait.... what was the accomplishment again???

Here's the problem...most of you misunderstand the premise of the Nobel Peace Prize.....it's never been about accomplishments per se. It's always been about ideals. Martin L. King was more than deserving of his Nobel Peace Prize but what did he technically accomplish beyond getting himself arrested a bunch of times and ultimately killed?

Other Nobel prizes are about accomplishments but not necessarily the "Peace" prize.
Lastly, many people go through life without connecting with their soul mates. Sad but true. Perhaps I've got a shot at not being one of them. Hot Mega please write and tell me that you are 25 year old female with big tits, a passion for rugby league, a trust fund and the ability to ignore beery farts.

:crash: And here I was getting all Jolly About the prospect of you being a Mrs. (or Miss). Sorry, but last I checked (and I check everyday) 'Mega was a titless dude.:o
:crash: And here I was getting all jolly about the prospect of you being a Mrs. (or Miss). Sorry, but last I checked (and I check everyday) 'Mega was a titless dude.:o

You should really stop this habit you have of talking to yourself, it's just not healthy and we're all worried. They do say it's the first sign of madness - if I were you I'd consult your local mental health facility immediately.

You should really stop this habit you have of talking to yourself, it's just not healthy and we're all worried. They do say it's the first sign of madness - if I were you I'd consult your local mental health facility immediately.


<chuckle> Careful you too may become ensnared in 'Mega's "web of deception"....:1orglaugh


Hiliary 2020
So the nobel peace prize has stooped to the level of the mtv music awards.
Lets be serious, he didnt deserve this.

The committee highlighted Mr Obama's efforts to support international bodies and promote nuclear disarmament

give me a break. Its just a ploy by the POWERS THAT BE to help him gain popularity and get re-elected.......and makke the USA weaker and weaker in every level.
People that actually think for themselves will see it for what it is, unfortunately they are now the minority.


Hiliary 2020
A nice parting gift for being snubbed by the IOC. :1orglaugh

Actually, it is a great honor and has nothing to do with "legacy". Those of you who are dismissing it are letting your red underwear show. Why wouldn't any American be proud to have our President win the Nobel Prize? I sure am! Congrats, Mr. President!

Have we grown so partisan and cynical in this country that dedication to political philosophy means more than dedication to country? Maybe I should ask Rush Limbaugh.

What the hell is that jagger? we should be happy because he's our PREZ and not question whether he deserved it or not?
I'm surprised.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
What the hell is that jagger? we should be happy because he's our PREZ and not question whether he deserved it or not?
I'm surprised.

Show me where it says in any post I made in this thread that no one could question whether he deserved the award, MP.