The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I completely agree. Where else in life, in any other profession, can you just up and sucker punch someone because you're frustrated, without repercussions? It can only happen in North American Hockey. And it shouldn't.
Ugh. I can feel the hateful "you're fucking wrong" posts already coming. It's my opinion people. Fighting has no part in this game.
I disagree with your opinion, but I see why people say it, especially when you see shit like Connolly's move. You know what it immediately reminded me of? When Bertuzzi sucker punched Steve Moore and ended his career. That could have easily happened tonight, and for what? Connolly was frustrated? And the damnest thing about it is that on Facebook, I have friends saying Connolly did the right thing. And even on Sportscentre now, they're only speaking about the third period and how amazing Canada played and how the post saved the Russians. Nothing about how they acted like children for forty minutes.