If you asked God, then he exists. :hatsoff:
wow you just proved he exists your the man... actually he told me he was too busy with some prostitutes at the moment but he'll get back to me later
If you asked God, then he exists. :hatsoff:
I doubt this planet has that much time left. If the earth is around in another fifty years it will be a miracle.
Yes, the Dinosaurs. But, with all the land that has yet to be explored not to mention the oceans who know what will be found.
Will E Worm: If god should not intervene, why should anyone intervene to help someone? Why does god get a free pass from intervening but no one else does. If my child is starving and i neglect i would be considered cruel and irresponsible. If god neglects it by creating conditions where a famine occurs, some god comes out smelling like roses instead of a pile of shit. Care to explain without invoking a mystical and irrational concept of "it's all part of the plan"?
I was just using 4 thousand as a general number to make the point of the ever chaning nature of religion. What was a God a couple thousand years ago is now silly and is no longer one, did they believe that they were worshipping anything else but the all knowing all powerful God or Gods something made up? No, they believed everything that todays modern religious person believes. That God was looking out for their best interest and it was wise to worship such a thing.
What about today? The Egyptian Gods are ridiculous but oh no our God is real, the Egyptians were fools. In the future will people look back and laugh at our silly superstitious nonsense and believe in something else and will it continue to go on like that until the human race finally dies out or destroys itself.
The Planet will be here as long as the sun burns, when it becomes a supernova then the planet will be gone. But until then just the people and life on it are the ones who one day wont exist. But 50 years thats quite a hypothesis do you have a reason for this?
The Egyptian gods and goddesses are still worshipped.
Just look around and you will see the evidence.
In Washington there is an Obelisk, just like in London and
St. Peter's Square.
Look at Washington, D.C.'s layout.
Also, look up the Bohemian Grove.
There's no reason for God to intervene.
Why would he?
People are to blame for the evil things they choose to do.
Famines happen and with all the wealty people in the world they couldn't use some of their money to help out?
This is exactly why religious people rely on phrases like...
"God's will be done"
"Everything happens for a reason"
"It's all part of God's plan"
...to defend God, when people start questioning why He allows us to suffer.
It's not God's fault if people don't believe in him. They have themselves to blame. And, the fact that most people are self-centered.
i think it is probably impossible to prove god doesn't exist.
You had the same idea as I do. And who better than to give the real answer than George Carlin:
But I want you to know something, this is sincere, I want you to know, when it comes to believing in God, I really tried. I really, really tried. I tried to believe that there is a God, who created each of us in His own image and likeness, loves us very much, and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize, something is fucked up.
And here's something else, another problem You Might have: Suppose your prayers aren't answered. What do you say? "Well, it's God's will." "Thy Will Be Done." Fine, but if it's God's will, and He's going to do what He wants to anyway, why the fuck bother praying in the first place? Seems like a big waste of time to me! Couldn't you just skip the praying part and go right to His Will? It's all very confusing.
It's also impossible to prove that God does exist,
I sort of agree, but i think it depends on what we are talking about. If certain end of the world scenarios as portrayed in the book of Revelations started to happen, that would presumably mean there is a god. I mean, who knows for sure though. It could be a hoax being played on us by aliens. Or even if we could rule out aliens, then you could say it was a very powerful being who exists in an alternate dimension, but this just raises the question of how would we know it is really the one true god who comes before everything else? This i think would be impossible to prove as i indicated in an earlier post. So in conclusion, we could never definitively prove god doesn't exist, but we may be able to eventually prove god exists, or at least something that in some sense could reasonably be referred to as god. Hopefully this isn't too confusing.
The chances of proving that there IS a god are the same as proving that there ISN'T a god. That's why religion is based on "belief" and not fact.
As the great John Lenon once said: "Whatever get's you through the night." I really hate all the these God-damn religious nuts who are so serious and try to convert people when their religion is some of the most brainwashing bullshit. They live in more sin as we see with Ted Haggard.
I sort of agree, but i think it depends on what we are talking about. If certain end of the world scenarios as portrayed in the book of Revelations started to happen, that would presumably mean there is a god. I mean, who knows for sure though. It could be a hoax being played on us by aliens. Or even if we could rule out aliens, then you could say it was a very powerful being who exists in an alternate dimension, but this just raises the question of how would we know it is really the one true god who comes before everything else? This i think would be impossible to prove as i indicated in an earlier post. So in conclusion, we could never definitively prove god doesn't exist, but we may be able to eventually prove god exists, or at least something that in some sense could reasonably be referred to as god. Hopefully this isn't too confusing.
obviously you don't understand what i wrote.
I sort of agree, but i think it depends on what we are talking about. If certain end of the world scenarios as portrayed in the book of Revelations started to happen, that would presumably mean there is a god. I mean, who knows for sure though. It could be a hoax being played on us by aliens. Or even if we could rule out aliens, then you could say it was a very powerful being who exists in an alternate dimension, but this just raises the question of how would we know it is really the one true god who comes before everything else? This i think would be impossible to prove as i indicated in an earlier post. So in conclusion, we could never definitively prove god doesn't exist, but we may be able to eventually prove god exists, or at least something that in some sense could reasonably be referred to as god. Hopefully this isn't too confusing.
But you know what we can prove is false. The bible. If that was true which it isn't there would be artifacts. There isn't even proof of a "Jesus"