Hating muslims dosent make you a racist, muslims are not a race, arabs are.
But it is still considered as a dicrimnation
Hating muslims dosent make you a racist, muslims are not a race, arabs are.
There i put it in big bold red print for you.
Hating muslims dosent make you a racist, muslims are not a race, arabs are.
But I'm black, you stupid motherfucker.
Wanna cookie?
You answered my post not the other way around.
only reason i say whites are the loudest is cause their complaining has gotten just as bad as everyone elses but there is more of them.:2 cents:
For every muslim extremist who wants to bomb a building you'll find a radical christian who wants to burn the Koran or murder a middle-eastern cab driver.
If someone makes an accident you will blame the driver not the car
same with Islam blame muslims who doesn't apply the Islamic rules correctly not Islam itself
^^ Not Islam. The interpretation of Islam.
Yes Islam and it's current interpretation.
DOA82 said:They dont like something so they blow it up, they feel something is offensive so it gets banned because they bitch and moan about their religion. Somone takes a stand against them and they again threaten to blow more things up. They burn poppies in protest and no one says anything because they know threats of being blown up or a religious stand will be made.
Just like any religious or ethnic group, it's prejudicial to lump them all together.
Would you also say that, in general, blacks eat watermelon and love fried chicken and are great dancers and carry knives and are inherently dull-witted and lazy....blah, blah, blah? You simply cannot make blanket generalizations about groups of people like that. Are there Muslims who fit your description? Most certainly. I would contend, however, that the overwhelming majority do not act as you describe so therefore one cannot make the general statement that you did and maintain any validity as it applies to Muslims in total.
I would imagine that there are a number of scholars, analysts, everyday folk who sense there is a problem within Islam that needs to addressed and fixed by muslims.
I can only imagine the backlash against muslims/Islam when a nuclear/biological weapon is used by Islamists in either NY, Paris, or London.
Unquestionably, extreme factions within Islam have served to taint the vast remainder of believers in a way that would and should make the mainstream infrastructure very nervous. It is easy to see only the negative elements of any group when the extremist minority is so vociferous and demonstrative in their views and actions.
I would imagine that there are a number of scholars, analysts, everyday folk who sense there is a problem within Islam that needs to addressed and fixed by muslims.
in terms of worldwide bitching the latest statistics are these:
who bitches the most
Muslims 40%
Jews 30%
Mexicans 20%
African Americans 10%
European Americans 5%
South Americans 2%
Asians 1%
HellRaiser 0.5%
That's debatable. As a matter of fact I would love to see a discussion between muslims on what has gone wrong with Islam. Islam has a problem within itself and it desperately needs fixing.