Brino said:
Fine! I made a mistake based off of what Starman had said! Although you still havnt answered me! Just because your fathers small business is doing well doesnt mean everybody else is doing well too! Think of others instead of just your father and yourself!
From one page back....
Dolman said:
I realise that just because the economy around me seems good, it might not be like that everywhere.
btw The majority of the biased news networks are conservative!
HAHAH, right..... wanna give some examples?
Ok Do you even know what the Constitution of the United States says or do you just not pay attention to history!? Do you even know what the seperation of Church and State is!? The Constitution says Church and State shall stay seperate! It says this so that people in this country can have freedom of religon no matter what the religon may be! Now this ammendment is broken a lot by people in power but nevertheless it's still there and still supposed to be followed! That's why the Ten Commandments was taken out of that Courthouse and that's why the Bible and your religious views should have nothing to do with gays getting married!
AGAIN, can you read brino? I know about the seperation of church and state. I am saying, that they will ALWAYS be intermingled. THEY ARE NOW, AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE.
Example, you ask?
You and I both vote. MY religion effects what I vote for. YOUR religion, or lack thereof, effects what YOU vote for. To tell me otherwise would be a bold lie.
Now like I said its nice to think they stay seperate, but they aren't. If you are asking people opinions, then right there you are asking people who are all effecting by different religions and beliefs.
THAT is why this gay marriage thing has been a big deal.
BRINO: Ok, you say gay marriage shouldnt effect me. 'it doesn't harm you!!"
Ok, then how about this. We legalize that people can marry animals. Next we say large groups of people can all be married as one. How would you feel?(maybe a bad example, but I'm trying to think of something that you personally, would be some are with gay marriage)
It is as simple as this:
1- I do not think homosexuality is right/moral. Im not going to ridicule someone because they are gay, but it IS MY OPINION to think its wrong
2- THEY want to change something that 'my' kind have established. That makes me feel like my kind are having to conform to fit THEIR needs. Civil unions are fine with me, so why do they need the term 'marriage' ?
Well guess what brainiac, there are a lot of things that go against the bible's beliefs but still happen everyday! Murder, Rape, Theft, Abortion, etc. are all against the Bible's views yet they still happen because there out of our control! Get over it! The Bible isnt right on everything! I know saying that is going to piss you off but it's the truth! And before you write me off as being a typical athiest liberal keep this in mind, I actaully come from a Born Again Christian family who are all republican and go to church every sunday so I kinda know what I'm talking about when it comes to the seperation of Church and State!
I dont care what religion you are.
The Bible isnt right on everything!
It is my opinion that it is. To my knowledge it hasn't been proved wrong either.....
AND, you didnt answer my question, you just rambled that whole paragraph.
I said...
Us 'religious' people that DONT want gays getting married are forcing our beliefs down YOUR throat?? Thats what you think, right?
So, by your same theory, 'YOU' people, who want to CHANGE laws so gays can marry, are forcing YOUR beliefs down OUR throats. PERIOD.
You know this is true, so can we end this arguement now??
Wasnt your point about biased news!? And since when is the Howard Stern show considered news!? I mean I know they give the news at the end of the show for like 5 minutes but c'mon Howard Stern is not a news source and as far as I know there is no news on FM Radio!
I dont remember(correct me if I'm wrong) saying Stern was news. I was/am talking about MEDIA in general, which does not include just news...
Brino said:
If you bothered to actually look up the statistics youd see that under Reagan the economy was bad, and then under Bush Sr it got even worse, but then Clinton came and the economy got better, after that Bush Jr. came (with the same policies of his father) and the economy got bad again! You dont have to be an expert to notice a trend!
Ya is what I find funny. I admitted to you guys that I knew about jack shit about economics. I have honestly only been interested/learning about politics the last 3 weeks of my life. So I told you that, yet STILL, the main, and practically only thing you guys can come up with in your favor is the economy.(which i still didn't believe you on totally, and rightfully so I think....)
Check these stats out, if needed I can state where these are each from.....
Unemployment Rate -
Jan 2004: 5.6% (After GWBush's 1st three years)
Change in rate from prior year (Jan '03-'04): 0.3%, Decrease
Jan 1996: 5.6% (After Bill Clinton's 1st three years)
Change in rate from prior year (Jan '95-'96): 0.0%, No change
* The Unemployement Rate is the same after GWBush's 1st three years as it was after Bill Clinton's 1st three years.
* The Unemployment rate steadily declined in the third year with GWBush while it remained unchanged in Bill Clinton's third year.
Poverty Rate For Families (Two-Year Average) -
2001-2002: 9.40% (GWBush's 1st two years)
1993-1994: 12.95% (Clinton's 1st two years)
1993-2000: 10.50% (Average for Clinton's full eight years)
* The % of families living in poverty is lower after two years under GWBush than after two years under Bill Clinton - even lower than 7 out of 8 of Clinton's years in office.
Percent of People Below 50 Percent of Poverty Level (Two-Year Average) -
2001-2002: 4.95% (GWBush's 1st two years)
1993-1994: 6.05% (Clinton's 1st two years)
1993-2000: 5.31% (Average for Clinton's full eight years)
* The % of people living in deep poverty is lower after two years under GWBush than after two years under Bill Clinton - even lower than the average across Clinton's entire TWO terms of office... AND lower than ANY of Clinton's 1st six years in office.
Homeownership Rate -
GWBush's 1st three years:
4th Quarter 2000: 67.5% (before GWBush)
4th Quarter 2003: 68.6% (after 3 years of GWBush)
Difference: +1.1%
Bill Clinton's 1st three years:
4th Quarter 1992: 64.4% (before Clinton)
4th Quarter 1995: 65.1% (after 3 years of Clinton)
Difference: +0.7%
* The Homeownership Rate is higher under GWBush's 1st three years than under Bill Clinton's 1st three years.
* The Homeownership Rate grew MORE in the 1st three years with GWBush than in the 1st three years with Bill Clinton.
Inflation Rate -
GWBush's 1st three years:
Jan 2001: 3.73% (before GWBush)
Jan 2004: 1.93% (after 3 years of GWBush)
Difference: 1.8% Decrease
Bill Clinton's 1st three years:
Jan 1993: 3.26% (before Clinton)
Jan 1996: 2.73% (after 3 years of Clinton)
Difference: 0.53% Decrease
* The Inflation Rate is lower after three years of GWBush than it was after Bill Clinton's first three years.
* The Inflation Rate declined over three times greater under GWBush than under Bill Clinton.
* "2004 Will Be the U.S.'s Best Year Economically in Last 20 Years" ~ The Conference Board's revised forecast, December 2003.
* Manufacturing is at 20-year record highs.
* GDP for the second-half of 2003 grew an incredible 6 percent while inflation was held under 1 percent.
* Real private-sector GDP has expanded at a 5.3 percent annual rate since the Bush tax cuts were passed while in the prior six quarters private-sector GDP averaged only 2.5 percent.
* Foreign exports have been increasing and have actually doubled since six months ago.
* The Federal deficit is estimated to be $477 billion in 2004 but then drop to $362 billion for 2005. The current 2004 deficit is 4.2% of the GDP which makes it smaller, compared to the GDP, than what it was in the late '80s and early '90s.
* The stock markets (i.e. your pensions, IRAs, 401(k)s and college saving plans) have rebounded solidly and are approaching three-year highs.
Economically, things are looking good and getting better.
And so even though GWBush "wrecked" the economy, caused a long and deep recession and threw 4 gabzillion people out of work - in just two years GWBush was still able to keep the poverty rate LOWER than what Clinton had done in almost EIGHT years?
* And all of this IN SPITE OF 9-11, which annhialated one of America's most important financial centers.
* AND in spite of waging two major overseas wars to overthrow two terrorist regimes.
* AND in spite of completely revamping and reconstructing our national security and intelligence agencies to defend against constant domestic terrorist threats.
* And yet we STILL have (as the numbers show) a far BETTER economy after three years of GWBush than when he first took office.
* And, as shown above, GWBush has had a GREATER positive impact on the economy than what Clinton was able to accomplish in his first three years.
Now I bet you'll never hear ANY of this by listening to CNN/NBC/CBS/ABC/MSNBC/NPR or by reading USATODAY/NYTimes/WashPost/LATimes.
Interesting, eh?
Here's one more