
Big P13 said:
He's confirmed and denied that it is in one statement. That's a little too much bullshit for me...

It seems that he gets a kick out of messing with viewers. I was there when he was talking about that. He said that he heard a theory someone came up with that was the right one, but of course he didn't say which theory that was. Also when asked how long the show was going to last, he said, "At least 2 seasons."

There was a similar interview with him in TV guide. I suspect that there was no one really asking the questions, and that the shows creators were just pitching them. One of the questions asked about a character, one of the non-main survivors and he said, "We'll be seeing a lot more with him." and then in the next episode the guy was killed at the begining.
dave_rhino said:
1) the others dressed like castaways because they wanted to trick the surviviors into thinking they were castaways (duh)

that's obvious. the question was not what they were trying to portary themselves as, the question was why were they trying to disguise themselves from the survivors in the first place and hide thier intentions?
lordvader1 said:
I was in the bookstore today and saw 3 books about 150 pages in length. They tell stories of other cast aways and give more insight to the island. Has anyone ever read any of these? I might be interested in picking them up if it's worth it and adds to the mystery of the show.

I've read the first one, and I'm almost done with the second one. It's taking me forever to get through them because they suck! They seem to be geard toward teenagers, and as an adult I find them completely lame. I won't be getting anymore of them myself.

The Bad Twin, however, I might pick up out of curiousity. Has anyone read that one?
Rastagir said:
Yes, but we haven't seen the bloody Black Cloud for ages.....Why is that?

I've been wondering that myself for some time. They must be trying to make us forget about it for some reason. Maybe to make it even more of a shock the next time it appears...I don't know.
Hey guys, as you might or might not no i am from Australia and for us Aussies Season 2 of LOST just finished last night 10th of August 2006. I have taken the time (just then) to read through all of your thoughts about LOST and all your conspericies and i must say many of them i havent thought about before but seem they could be very real and true.
Just a few questions, if anyone has answers would be greatly appreciated.
1) Is there are season 3? and if so when will it be screening in the US?
2) Is season 3 the end, or will there be more?
3) Why are the others the good people? Didnt they steal and kill a lot of the survivors of the plane crash, especially from Ana Lucia's group?
What is going to happen to Kate, Sawyer and Jack? What do the others want with them? Also yes Henry is the leader, but why would he allow himself to get caught, and surely the others would know he was missing and come and get him asap?

I love LOST so much and would love some answers and to open up some more discussion on this show. Please help me!!!
Cheers Irony

This is what I've heard regarding the show:

1) Yes, there is going to be a season 3. I've heard that it's set to start in October. I believe that I've heard October 4.

2) I've heard that the series, as they have it planned, is supposed to go for somewhere between 5 and 7 seasons. That's assuming that the network doesn't decide that it's too great a cash cow to let go, and extend it longer than they should.

3) As for this one, you're making some assumptions. You really have to be careful about that with this show, that's what they rely on the viewer to do in order to distract them from what's really going on. We don't know that the Others are the good people. We only have Henry's word to go on in that regard. And, good/bad is really a matter of perspective, and point of view.

The others did kidnap a lot of the survivors, but remember that Goodwin told Ana Lucia that they are "in a better place" now. They may be doing them a favor, or at least think they are. And they are killing people that they say are not "good" people.

We don't know what the Others want with Jack, Kate and Sawyer. Hopefully we'll find out next season, but the way this show is, we may not even see them again until season 4, or at least until way late in season 3 the way they did with Walt.

As for Henry being the leader, well, that's another assumption, though it could turn out to be true. He definately seems to be pretty high up on the totem poll, but we don't know that there isn't someone above him in the Other chain of command. And whether he was caught by accident, or allowed himself to be caught remains to be seen.
We might see Jack and Kate sooner. Before the hoods went on their head, Jack/Kate nodded to each other. Sawyer caught it. It's obvious Jack/Kate came up with a "Plan B", and I believe Sayid is part of it. Sayid is in the Area after discovering the Others Camp is a fake along with the Asian couple.

The Others are going to be a mystery until we get a definite answer on what the island is about. I do believe the issue of human cloning is involved after noticing that dude in that Ice station sort of resembled Jack. Also the Others took blood samples of Michael when they caught him.

Another theory is that everything we are seeing up into the island is explained will be dismissed this season and new therories will present itself.

Season 3 is suppose to run like the show 24 with the episodes going back to back. ABC got a lot of flack for spreading the episodes out last season showing 1 episode at a time.

I've just recently seen the end of Season 2 also. There are so many more questions than answers. I was pretty sure we would get some this season! lol

Firstly, I am glad there is a third season. But I would love to know what happened to Desmond, Locke and Echo.

Does anyone else think that Charlie is acting a lil' strange at the end of the last episode for Season 2? Granted he'd just being in some strange explosion...but still...
I got some info that i'd love to post here, and I wrote it down so i wouldn't forget. Of course, I did forget, and now I don't know where the paper went. as soon as I find that i'll put it on.

one thing that I do remember...

the shows creators admited finally, straight from the horses mouth, "No. the black cloud is not nanobots. that's not a trick saying that it depends on how you look at it... no matter how you look at it, it's definatly not that."
I hope that the explanation for it isn't too far out there. That's what's kept me interested in the show, the fact that, no matter how out there some of the situations seem, they always have a realistic explanation.
ABC had a Preview show last night for the new season.

They showed a clip of the show.

The clip showed Sawyer locked in a old cage, the cage had one device that you stepped on, and another that was high up that you pressed.

There was a box that had a emblem of a fork/spoon on a big button. And the box had a funnel coming out going to a dish.

Sawyer hit the button twice and it said warning.....a guy named Carl in another cage who we only saw his back said dont push it, Sayer pushed the button hard and it blew him back like a electric shock.

The cage resembled something like those tests they give to rats to see if they learn from their mistakes.

Interesting clip. Does anybody have it to upload on this post?
