calpoon said:
thier no apparent effect when the the same situation happened with locke, the time when his leg got crushed?
Why did the Others wear disguises to make them look like castaways?
why there was a polar bear on the island.
What caused the survivers to experience those halucinations/visions?
there was no effect when there was the lockdown (when Locke got his leg crushed) because that was a different situation, the reason those metal doors came down is because of the package that was being dropped, obviously the plane that dropped it didnt want the person(s) in the hatch to come running out and maybe get hit by the package. (thats why there was a countdown on the hatch speakers)
When "henry" said he didnt press the button, he obviously did, because the others know all about the electo magnatism (they arent stupid)
1) the others dressed like castaways because they wanted to trick the surviviors into thinking they were castaways (duh)
2) 2 explanations: there was a polar bear on the island because of zooilogical research, in the first hanso video he tells us this. Also this is why there was a Dharma logo on the shark that attacked Sawyer and Michael
because Walt is "special". Remember in the first series, when Michael meets walt as a young boy, he gives him a toy polar bear. And again in the first series, the camera zooms in on the comic book Walt was reading, which has what in it? Yes, a polar bear...