yeah, im trying to figure out exactly what questions they answered, and what remains.
We finally found out what happened to Claire when she was gone. Although at this point in the show, it only confirmed what we allready knew about the others.
It seems that the biggest question to get a "clear answer" is the button pushing. I think that there isn't any doubt that it was real, that it wasn't just a psych experiment and there was a reason to do it and something would happen if it wasn't done. right?
What exactly that reason was, I have no idea. Obviously it had something to do with electomagnetism. I don't believe the explanation that was given to be true, because the guy lied about everything else, and he didn't even believe it either, he thought it was just as fake as locke.
I'm really not sure what the purpose of turning that key was, and the difference between that and pushing the button. What would happen if you pushed the button and turned the key, or if you didn't push the button and turned the key(what did end up happening) or if you didn't push the button or turn the key, and what the difference is?
One very interesting speculation was that the system failure caused by the timer running down and the period before desmond pushed the button is what caused the crash of flight 185. This question still remains, but it makes me wonder, if it IS the case, why was thier no apparent effect when the the same situation happened with locke, the time when his leg got crushed?
as part of the trick to get him to stay in the hatch desmond was told that the outside was contaminated and that he had to take injections. when he found that that was false, he told claire to stop taking the injections. So If the virus/radiation was false, why were the others giving her the injections?
It seems that "henry" is the leader of the Others. If this was the case then why did Zeke real name Tom, always act in charge? if this was merely a trick upon thier part to disguise this fact, which seems likely, then why did "henry" go out on whatever it is that he was doing when he got caught, instead of sending someone else to do it?
We found out that Walt is still alive, but we don't know what happened to him or why the Other's wanted him.
We still don't know who the Others are, or what they have to do with dharma project, or what they want with the survivers.
Why did the Others wear disguises to make them look like castaways?
We still don't know what exactly happened with Danielle's team, or what happened to her son.
We still don't know what the "monster" is, or why there was a polar bear on the island.
What caused the survivers to experience those halucinations/visions?
Why was Libby in the mental institute and why did she not tell Hurley that's where he knew her from?
As of the finale...
What is going to happen to Jack, Kate and Sawyer?
Will Micheal really be able to get off the island and be rescued?
What happened to Sayid?
What exactly happened at the hatch?
What happened to Locke and Echo and Desmond?
as Big P13 stated, What's up with that funky statue, and why did the reports sent from the second hatch wind up in a pile in the middle of the jungle?