

Closed Account
1) Why does he not suspect that they are being watched and listened to in their cages? First he explains his plan (stupid) to electrify the puddle. And then Kate gets out of the cage (and back in). Does she think she got away with that in secret.

When he told Kate the plan of electrifying the puddle, he did not know he was being watched. He would'nt have any reason to believe it. But obviously now he knows.

They also said "if you tell Kate that we are watching and listning we'll do the same to her" or something like that.

edit: sorry for double post
The second island might have something to do with the cable Sayid found.

The electronic equimp the Others are using aint top quality WI-FI technology. The cable must link the 2 islands together.

When he told Kate the plan of electrifying the puddle, he did not know he was being watched. He would'nt have any reason to believe it. But obviously now he knows.

They also said "if you tell Kate that we are watching and listning we'll do the same to her" or something like that.

edit: sorry for double post

No, I think what they said is "if you tell her what we did [to you] we'll put one in her too. There was never any mention of the Others watching them. I think Amstrad is right. I was wondering why Sawyer hasn't been suspiscious of them being watched, espescially after the Others turned off the juice to the food button after Sawyer explained his plan outloud.

The second island might have something to do with the cable Sayid found.

The electronic equimp the Others are using aint top quality WI-FI technology. The cable must link the 2 islands together.


That's a really good theory. But if that cable ran between the two islands, the other island would have to be pretty much straight across from where the cable was found. I would think Sayid would have seen it at that point. Like I said. I just can't think of a way for the Others to hide an island without making the plot totally lame. They've done such an amazing job of keeping this show from being lame so far, it would be a shame for it to go that way now.
i think the cable powers the others base. i mean their shelter is underground, when jack opened ther door, the water rushed in, i think that cable follows into the sea. Sayid followed it into the jungle which led him to th french woman.... coincidence, maybe.
i honestly think that cable has a huge impact on not only the cloaking of the other island, but on the entire plot itself.

anyone else wondered how and why the others have those electrode guns and how they got them. i dunno, so much electric stuff going on, it will all tie in one way or another


Closed Account
No, I think what they said is "if you tell her what we did [to you] we'll put one in her too. There was never any mention of the Others watching them. I think Amstrad is right. I was wondering why Sawyer hasn't been suspiscious of them being watched, espescially after the Others turned off the juice to the food button after Sawyer explained his plan outloud.

i just watched it again to see what they said:

"If you tell her what we did, what we put in you, that we are watching you, any of these things... and we will put one in her too"

So yeah, Sawyer blatently knows.
ok i just thought of this. what if there on the same island. they never left. the island or land mass they were looking at in the end was something else. because in the end of the second seasen when the got captured. when they were on the dock. they were fully awake. meaning if they were put on a boat i think they would have relized they were on a boat. from the sound of the waves hitting the boat and the fact that they were moving without moving. plus i think they gave away there only boat. because of the fact that they seemed to want the sail boat real bad.


Closed Account
ok i just thought of this. what if there on the same iland. they never left. the iland or land mass they were looking at in the end was something else. because in the end of the second seasen when the got captured. when they were on the dock. they were fully awake. meaning if they were put on a boat i think they would have relized they were on a boat. fro mthe sound of the waves hitting the boat and the fact that they were moving without moving. plus i think they gave away there only boat. because of the fact that they seemed to want the sail boat real bad.

Well spotted, but i dont think they were awake when they were being transported. They were probably given the same sedative that the others used to first knock them out.

When Jack woke up on the table, he had no recollection of getting there.
ok i just thought of this. what if there on the same island. they never left. the island or land mass they were looking at in the end was something else. because in the end of the second seasen when the got captured. when they were on the dock. they were fully awake. meaning if they were put on a boat i think they would have relized they were on a boat. from the sound of the waves hitting the boat and the fact that they were moving without moving. plus i think they gave away there only boat. because of the fact that they seemed to want the sail boat real bad.

this is very interesting great post!

i totally agree with the whole bein captured thing. they were captured on their land but if in fact the other island is where the othrs are then they needed to get them across via boat, and they would have felt that, however they have not developed that part of the story yet. For all we know they could have been shipped over, but then again wouldnt Hurley have told somebody. :confused: :dunno:

that is also a good reason to steal their boat, maybe only by getting close enough, or sailing around the cloaking device can you see the other island.

lots and lots of questions
I think the the second island will be explained when Michael and Walt return.

I think Desmond knows whats going on, but for some reason is keeping his mouth shut. Also Desmond's girlfriend might show up later this season since she has found the location of the island and might be the person that explains to the castaways what the fuck is going on.....if she doesnt get captured.



Closed Account
I think the the second island will be explained when Michael and Walt return.

I think Desmond knows whats going on, but for some reason is keeping his mouth shut. Also Desmond's girlfriend might show up later this season since she has found the location of the island and might be the person that explains to the castaways what the fuck is going on.....if she doesnt get captured.


I don't know if shes gona actually be on the island or not, but the producers have said shes gona be seen a lot this season.
yeah, i'm a little bit worried about this show jumping the shark. although it's kind of interesting that people have pointed out many similiarities with the show The Prisoner, and now we have them being held captive by mysterious people... but the whole thing is getting a bit tiring for me. you can only hold attention with so many epsiodes of jack, kate and sawyer sitting in a room and saying "what the hell is going on?" it's time for them to escape, be let go, or otherwise advance the plot. all we've really found out so far is that sawyer is in love with kate and he's a good guy at heart- all of which we allready knew and that wasn't even shown until last weeks episode. oh yeah, and that there's another island. but big deal, it's not like they can't swim or steal a boat, how does that deter them from escape?
What we should be talking about is how pissed we should be that the show after the next 2 episodes won't return until February. Here's a real crazy theory but try it out....what if the 2nd island isn't real at all but some kind of illusion? We all saw what happened at the end of season 2 when the button stopped being pushed. Shaking, purple sky etc. What if the Others are able to manifest some kind of electromagnetic illusion? We know very little about these people as of now and just because they seem fairly primitive doesn't mean that they truly are. It's obvious they like to play mind games. After all Ben (Henry) said he's been on the island his whole life. He has access to the outside world based on the video footage he showed Jack. Who knows what kind of technology he has access to.


Closed Account
What we should be talking about is how pissed we should be that the show after the next 2 episodes won't return until February. Here's a real crazy theory but try it out....what if the 2nd island isn't real at all but some kind of illusion? We all saw what happened at the end of season 2 when the button stopped being pushed. Shaking, purple sky etc. What if the Others are able to manifest some kind of electromagnetic illusion? We know very little about these people as of now and just because they seem fairly primitive doesn't mean that they truly are. It's obvious they like to play mind games. After all Ben (Henry) said he's been on the island his whole life. He has access to the outside world based on the video footage he showed Jack. Who knows what kind of technology he has access to.

This might just be my imagination, but when the button wasnt pushed and the sky went purple, the 'Others' (including Ben) also had no clue what was going on... I don't think they know about that secret of the island.
that we are watching you

I completely missed that part of the statement.

I honestly don't think Ben wanted the sailboat because he gave away their only boat. I think he wanted it simply because he didn't want the survivors to have it.

As far as Ben living on the island all his life, what do we have to confirm that? His word? As far as I'm concerned, maybe he has, maybe he hasn't.

Something else I noticed. Sawyer had a bank account set up for his daughter in a bank in Albequerque. I think that the band Kate robbed was in Albequerque wasn't it? I wonder if it was the same bank. With this show, it probably was.
Ben(Henry) and the others obviously were part of whatever kooky experiments that DHARMA/Hanso groups were doing.

Most likely the incident was them seizing control of the facility's. If you noticed, their little surburban communtiy looked fake like they were trying to live a normal life but were clueless.

The producers have said, dont beleive what you see, I bet when they do explain what is going on you most likely will have to re-watch all the episodes to catch the full picture.

I just hope this show doesnt get yanked like the X-files before giving a full explanation of the plot and characters. I was pissed like you couldnt believe when they canceled that show.



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
The X files went on too long, when they couldve devoted the last season.. or TWO if you're like some people that think Agent Doggett was a poor replacement...(I thought the T-2000 wasnt bad at all but the end of the series did lack charm/originality) so as I was saying, they couldve devoted the last season to explaining everything instead of the shove-it-all in a huge recap end-episode. Anticlimax, anticlimax!

Is it just me or did the end of the series turn into a soap opera? Plot twists and turns upon plot farts and plot diarrhea.

And..if ABC pulled Lost, the fans would pull together like they did for Firefly and they'd make a movie, methinks. Which would be awesome.. but they're only on season 3, a movie in ACCOMPANIMENT to the series would be a work of art, if they pulled it off ala X-Files did.. albeit the X movie sucked cuz it just recapped season one thru three and barely tied it back into the series. (okay, we lost our evidence. Lets go find out more crap.. from a new informant.. and when the season finale comes, answer two questions and present three more! GUA HA HEEE!)


Closed Account
I'm worried this program will go down in history as one of the biggest let downs ever.

I love it, but i just can't picture the ending actually being anything good...

Maybe in the last episode Jack wakes up and says "OH GOD, what a terrible dream!... i dreamed i was on an island, and... "

Yeah, that would be perfect ending :1orglaugh
I'm worried this program will go down in history as one of the biggest let downs ever.

I love it, but i just can't picture the ending actually being anything good...

Maybe in the last episode Jack wakes up and says "OH GOD, what a terrible dream!... i dreamed i was on an island, and... "

Yeah, that would be perfect ending :1orglaugh

i know, i can't picture the ending actually being good either. i can just sense that its going to be a major letdown. i swear, the country will riot if that happens!