Michelle Rodriguez has awesome nipples, tho..
But agreed. She's mega manly. Mean, even. Like ..like having a sister among three brothers and she's the Tomboy.. except she doesnt blossom into the beautiful girl, she turns into a cop.. who can fix cars better than most mechanics.. and she doesnt EAT pussy.. she pounds it cuz her balls are so big..and..and.. hm.
::thinks on this::
That.. sorta makes it hot in a ..dykey, gay.. sucking your own cock sorta way. Like wanting to interupt Anne Heche going down on Ellen Degeneres and despite their obvious disgust.. you bring them both to a furious climax.. ANYWAY.
The black smoke was the french chick. She started it to get Claire's kid.. I thought? The second time, Sayid lit it. Even if it WASNT them.. it was the Others. Its at their dock!
Forget the foot, thats just PART of it! Remember the landlocked ship that contained the dynamite?! The island holds some significance.. and the ship signifies that things crash there. Like that plane, things just go WRONG at certain times.
The foot? So what, people lived there eons ago. Thats like the villagers on King Kong's island. They build things. They live there. Out of the closet..Locke had Peg Bundy, Sayid had hottie..Jack was married..Sawyer likes Kate, and Kate had that one BF who robbed banks and whatnot.
Ana Lucia never had a date, but she's dead.. Desmond had an ex. Has.. an ex.
Hurley had Libby. Almost. heh. Sun and Jin.. well, either she has bald dudes baby, or they island repaired Jin's sex drive. DNA test is right across the island! Fertility doctor, anyone?
Jack's dad..is Claire's father, if I recall. But yes.. Kate is the obvious choice. Her stepfather 'molested' her.. and she hasnt exactly shown her throbbing clit (metaphorically) to us.
Then again, who expected Eko, huh?! I mean, besides the DUI.