
Jack is a spinal surgeon, dedicating his life to this sort of thing. I think he could spot a tumor a mile off.

That's what I was thinking, assuming that I'm right about the part of the outline of the tumor being able to be picked up by an x-ray. But I mean, if you can't see a tumor in an x-ray period, obviously Jack would know this.
That dude aint got no Tumor....its all part of the Con for whatever the Others are hiding.


I would have thought the same thing except for one thing. When Ben asked Juliette why she showed Jack his x-rays, and he made sure that he did so out of earshot of Jack, that said to me that this thing is for real. Otherwise, he would have been sure to let Jack hear what he was saying, or simply would have said nothing at all.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
One thing's for sure: I hope almost all the Others die so we can get the story moving forward without so many dang plot twists and cage episodes. Die, BEN! Sawyer, RUN! Kate.. just jump on Sawyer's dick, already and get it over with!

Michael and Walt: Dont ever come back to the Island, you bastard-scum!

Locke: Watch out for Mr. Eyepatch and keep up the good work.


Closed Account
One thing's for sure: I hope almost all the Others die so we can get the story moving forward without so many dang plot twists and cage episodes.

You know we still havent even met the other "others". The producers have said there is more than one faction of "others".

So the plot is gona get even twistier, just for your viewing pleasure :D hehe.
The other "Others" are the knuckleheads that created this island, the bozos from DHARMA and the Hanso Foundation.

Most likely they are still in control of things.



Closed Account
The other "Others" are the knuckleheads that created this island, the bozos from DHARMA and the Hanso Foundation.

Most likely they are still in control of things.


If they created the island, how do you explain the broken statue of the giant four-toed foot?


Why would DHARMA/Hanso make that?

I think the history of the island dates back long before The Hanso Foundation had anything to do with it...
If they created the island, how do you explain the broken statue of the giant four-toed foot?

They had better explain that. They keep bringing up so many questions, and only answering so few, that I'm really afraid that they are just going to let a lot of this stuff go unexplained. That would leave me feeling pretty stupid for watching the entire thing if they do that to the audience.


Closed Account
Apparently a lead character is going to be "coming out the closet" in their flash backs soon.

I really hope its Kate so we can see her in some hot lesbian loving :D
If they created the island, how do you explain the broken statue of the giant four-toed foot?


Why would DHARMA/Hanso make that?

I think the history of the island dates back long before The Hanso Foundation had anything to do with it...

I meant the hatches and stuff that goes along with it.



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Michelle Rodriguez has awesome nipples, tho..

But agreed. She's mega manly. Mean, even. Like ..like having a sister among three brothers and she's the Tomboy.. except she doesnt blossom into the beautiful girl, she turns into a cop.. who can fix cars better than most mechanics.. and she doesnt EAT pussy.. she pounds it cuz her balls are so big..and..and.. hm.

::thinks on this::

That.. sorta makes it hot in a ..dykey, gay.. sucking your own cock sorta way. Like wanting to interupt Anne Heche going down on Ellen Degeneres and despite their obvious disgust.. you bring them both to a furious climax.. ANYWAY.

The black smoke was the french chick. She started it to get Claire's kid.. I thought? The second time, Sayid lit it. Even if it WASNT them.. it was the Others. Its at their dock!

Forget the foot, thats just PART of it! Remember the landlocked ship that contained the dynamite?! The island holds some significance.. and the ship signifies that things crash there. Like that plane, things just go WRONG at certain times.

The foot? So what, people lived there eons ago. Thats like the villagers on King Kong's island. They build things. They live there. Out of the closet..Locke had Peg Bundy, Sayid had hottie..Jack was married..Sawyer likes Kate, and Kate had that one BF who robbed banks and whatnot.

Ana Lucia never had a date, but she's dead.. Desmond had an ex. Has.. an ex.

Hurley had Libby. Almost. heh. Sun and Jin.. well, either she has bald dudes baby, or they island repaired Jin's sex drive. DNA test is right across the island! Fertility doctor, anyone?

Jack's dad..is Claire's father, if I recall. But yes.. Kate is the obvious choice. Her stepfather 'molested' her.. and she hasnt exactly shown her throbbing clit (metaphorically) to us.

Then again, who expected Eko, huh?! I mean, besides the DUI.


Closed Account
Forget the foot, thats just PART of it! Remember the landlocked ship that contained the dynamite?! The island holds some significance.. and the ship signifies that things crash there. Like that plane, things just go WRONG at certain times.

Actually one very strong rumour is that a tsunami hit the island, destroying the statue and pushing the ship (The Black Rock) deep in-land. I think this was leaked somewhere.

Kate had that one BF who robbed banks and whatnot.
Actually she just pretended to like this guy, because he was a bank robber. Kate was hinted at by the producers as being the one who is gay. Although that wouldnt explain why she kissed jack that time... Confused maybe? :D
also torrie82, the black smoke being asked about is an island defence mechanism. locke and sayid talk about it i believe in late season 2. it along with the polar bears are just the islands way of defending itself against what it thinks will harm it.
in season 2 locke came face to face with it, and then it went away, seemingly knowing locke meant it no harm.

just my guess. i recall them talking about this in season 2


Closed Account
Yeah but we still aren't sure WHAT it exactly is. Its called a "security system" by the French chick, but doesn't explain anymore than that.

And the polar bears:

In the hanso video they mention that the island is for zoological research, and on the blast doors there is a message that reads -

Ursus maritimus is the scientific name for "polar bear". This most likely means that the polar bears were being changed physically so that they could live in the warm climate of the island, just as a scientific experiment.
I'm not sure if they were there as " the islands way of defending itself" but it could be.

God damn i love this show.

Ursus maritimus is the scientific name for "polar bear". This most likely means that the polar bears were being changed physically so that they could live in the warm climate of the island, just as a scientific experiment.

The idea of the bears being changed kinda goes with the theory that the Others used to be Animals that were genetically changed to human form. something like the Island of Dr. Moreau.

It would explain ted's statement about being on the island all his life, and the way they live in their make believe suburb community.

The "Incident" may have been the Others rising up and taking control of the island.



Closed Account
Yeah that is another interesting theory floating about. Although to be honest i wouldn't be too happy if that is what actually happened.
Michelle Rodriguez has awesome nipples, tho..

But agreed. She's mega manly. Mean, even. Like ..like having a sister among three brothers and she's the Tomboy.. except she doesnt blossom into the beautiful girl, she turns into a cop.. who can fix cars better than most mechanics.. and she doesnt EAT pussy.. she pounds it cuz her balls are so big..and..and.. hm.

::thinks on this::

That.. sorta makes it hot in a ..dykey, gay.. sucking your own cock sorta way. Like wanting to interupt Anne Heche going down on Ellen Degeneres and despite their obvious disgust.. you bring them both to a furious climax.. ANYWAY.

The black smoke was the french chick. She started it to get Claire's kid.. I thought? The second time, Sayid lit it. Even if it WASNT them.. it was the Others. Its at their dock!

Forget the foot, thats just PART of it! Remember the landlocked ship that contained the dynamite?! The island holds some significance.. and the ship signifies that things crash there. Like that plane, things just go WRONG at certain times.

The foot? So what, people lived there eons ago. Thats like the villagers on King Kong's island. They build things. They live there. Out of the closet..Locke had Peg Bundy, Sayid had hottie..Jack was married..Sawyer likes Kate, and Kate had that one BF who robbed banks and whatnot.

Ana Lucia never had a date, but she's dead.. Desmond had an ex. Has.. an ex.

Hurley had Libby. Almost. heh. Sun and Jin.. well, either she has bald dudes baby, or they island repaired Jin's sex drive. DNA test is right across the island! Fertility doctor, anyone?

Jack's dad..is Claire's father, if I recall. But yes.. Kate is the obvious choice. Her stepfather 'molested' her.. and she hasnt exactly shown her throbbing clit (metaphorically) to us.

Then again, who expected Eko, huh?! I mean, besides the DUI.

Please refrain from posting in this thread when you are high in the future. Things are confusing enough as they are! :rofl: