It's the GAS PRICES - Stupid!!!


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There was a gas station down here that gave gas for a 1 dollar a gallon but you could just get 15 gallons. But the time I found out about it was gone. Just my luck lol.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Either drive and pay exorbitant prices at the pump or one is forcing you to drive. I've given up bitching about the prices. Now I just make fun of it!

They will continue to go up to the point no one can afford to drive anymore, and that's really all there is to it!
An electrical engineer "cuts in" ...

First off, the gas price is due to 3 issues ...

1. China's increased usage. Hell Chinese workers are now being killed in the Middle East, and it won't be long before they start to "flex their muscles" to protect their strategic interests.

This accounts for gas being at least $1.50.

2. Lack of new refineries being built. This alone accounts for massive petroleum company profits as pure supply v. demand drives up the commodities market -- not the "evil oil companies" themselves. Why don't we have new refineries? "Popular environmentalism." Instead of newer, cleaner and safer refineries that solve the production issue, we have older, less safe and over-utilized refineries -- and the legal costs of even attempting to build new ones is not something any investor will attempt.

This accounts for another $1.50 atop.

This is the same "popular environmentalism" attitude that causes California to have the absolute worst emission and consumption efficiency of just about any state in the union.

3. The falling dollar. The falling dollar is due to our increased debt, as well other, future-considering statements. This affects commodities and exchange rates.

This has easily added another $0.50, and it's only going to get worse in the future until the federal deficit is under control. That won't happen for another 2 years because the Democrats and Republicans alike are going to spent all they can under the protection "war support capital" they have with W., including not giving him the line item veto (unlike for Clinton). That's the #1 reason I can't stand Republican Presidents!

With that all said, there are other considerations ...

A. Electric vehicles ... where the fuck do you think you get the electricity from?

B. Hydrogen vehicles ... where the fuck to you think you get the electricity from for electrolysis?

C. Consumption of and importation of fossil fuels -- the US v. EU -- shut the fuck up on the US if you live in the EU! No offense, read up!

Final Comments ...

With all that said, until we address the power grid in the US, we can't do shit. I hated W. on the environment until the 2005 Energy Act, where serious money is finally being poured into a combinational wind-nuclear plan.

While the US has more coal reserves than any EU country (and many others as well), we know we're going to have CO2 emission issues. Hence why we have to renovate our power grid. Once we do that, we can handle electrical consumption and hydrogen generation required for alternate vehicles.

As far as someone who mentioned mass transit, you're about the only person who actually made a positive contribution here -- other than the few people who stated some of what I already did (like about the refineries). The fact that there are so few in this resulting "minority" that "get it," while everyone else points fingers, is just sad.

No offense, but don't be ignorant fucks and subscribe to the "Church of Popular Environmentalism and its 'Absolute, Beyond Question Truth'." Stop inhibiting us electrical engineers from solving your consumption needs -- especially when it comes to improving the environment because we know you're not going to stop consuming!
Oh, one more thing ...

If the oil issues of the '70s never came around, there would have never been an Alaskan pipeline. It's so sad that people don't give a fuck until it affects their pocketbooks.

We engineers don't have that luxury. And we are constantly caught between the "Popular Environmentalist" and those "Bottom Dollar Investors" regularly. And neither seems to be willing to listen to the other.

Why? Because they are so fucking selfish when it comes to THEIR money.
Actually ...

a swing and a miss.
Actually, the co-founder of Greenpeace would disagree with you, and agree more with the person you are criticizing.

"Popular Environmentalism" has caused more harm than anything in the last 30-40 years. It creates "microcasms of concern," as the facts are completely removed from the argument -- let alone real issues are completely ignored.

But far worse, it's a "religion" where people won't believe anything to the contrary. Like the fact that most CO2->O2 generation is not done by trees, among countless other facts.

And it results in horrendous environmental policy. California is the laughing stock in the engineering community, with people using others as scapegoats for their own ignorance, passing laws that only harm efforts, etc...


what the fuck you lookin at?
3 posts in the time you could have edited the first one? Must have a lot to say!
Ah, no ...

3 posts in the time you could have edited the first one? Must have a lot to say!
Ah, no. I got locked out after I re-edited the first one several times.
Now yes, I could have combined maybe the latter two, but not with the first one.
Remember, the "last edited" time may be 10 minutes from the original post. ;)
Where I'm at, gas is at $3.49/gallon.

2 Gas stations actually got busted for gouging even more. They were setting their prices at $3.65/$3.71/$3.77 (per grade).

I'm not too excited about the hike in the prices...but what are you going to do? Need matter what.