It's the GAS PRICES - Stupid!!!

Gas prices: Worse than '81 oil shock
Gas now at highest level, even adjusted for inflation; AAA's reading of nearly $3.20 a gallon marks ninth straight record high in current dollars.

This is the sole reason that I'm voting Democratic in 2008. We need change and I'm not talking change at the pump.

Congress needs to mandate a law that requires the auto makers to give us a car that gets 100 MPG or uses no fuel at all. Do something instead of opening your hands to Lobbyists from the Oil Companies that give you kickbacks. Grrrrrrrr!!!

The technology is there!!!!

I am not sure that voting for a particular party would help that much since I have a very strong suspicion that big oil companies have a lot of money directly or indirectly with presidential candidates or congressmen. The Goverment free involment in not regulating any type of market would be used as an excuse for not to mandate any kind of law afecting this. My hipothesis would be that there would have to be a significant event in which the poeple get fed up and hold up not only the private sector but our goverments to be accountable and fix this dependecy. As I recal gas price were going down to almost $1.00 a gallon last year but the OPEC cut production at least 4 times so that the demand could be more than the supply, so obviosly this is not just a domestic problem, don't let the media tell you that oil refineries in Texas or Alaska were having problems since we don't even get that much of our domestic oil most of it is foreign. Last year Congress tried to make a law against the rise of gas prices nothing happened, this year they are trying the same thing, its what I call a political distraction since nothing is going to happen again. We the people have to power to change that, lets all ride bikes for a week to see what happens with the prices...nah that wont work everyone is into their SUV, Escalade, vacation time travel so there goes the electric cars since they are too small.
which will further serve to fuck the worlds economy!

Notice how in a day gas prices can go up to 10 cents, but when they come down it will probably be 2 cents and yes the world economy gets fucked up for the hard working ones the rich ones they just get fatter since $300 to feed a family ain't shit for them, thats more like an ipod.
Keep saying that to yourself as you fill up you tank and it goes over $100 soon. It's crazy.


Do you mean over $100 per gallon or total cost to fill up?
If it's over $100 a gallon then my statement no longer holds true....right?
If you mean total cost to fill up...then it still equals $3.30 a gallon....which still equals to $.20 to $.40 cents per cup.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Do you mean over $100 per gallon or total cost to fill up?
If it's over $100 a gallon then my statement no longer holds true....right?
If you mean total cost to fill up...then it still equals $3.30 a gallon....which still equals to $.20 to $.40 cents per cup.

$100 dollars a gallon! :eek:
Well probably some day. I'll be walking long before then! Probably by $10 a gallon!
You DO realize that it's the Democrats who make it difficult to drill for our own oil, and to build more refineries...either of which would help increase supply and lower gas prices.

Are you serious?
You do realize that the oil America pumps is far less that which we buy from over seas. It would cost MORE to supply the proper additives to get the oil to that which we currently use.
I don't have the link but it said it could be a nickle...or two dollars more.

Let's assume you're right...
Chevron's recent find in the Gulf of Mexico, nicknamed "Jack 2", is estimated to hold between 3 billiion and 15 billion barrels of oil. Let's assume, for the sake of illustration, Chevron's most optimistic estimate of 15 billion barrels is the most accurate estimate. A fifteen billion barrel field puts the global peak (the halfway mark) off by 7.5 billion barrels. This is less than a four month supply at current rates of consumption. At projected rates of oil consumption for the year 2015 it's less than a three month supply.

This does not even account for the fact this "huge find" is almost 6 miles below the ocean and thus much more expensive to develop than traditional oil fields where the oil typically bubbles up to ground level when first discovered.

So how does that help us?

There are also these Oil Shales in America and Canada. They have billions of barrels of oil for us....that's great, right?
The conversion rate is 30-1. That means that it costs us 30 barrels of oil to produce 1 barrel.

Just because we may have oil doesn't mean it's even slightly feasible to drill for it.
It's just a fairy tale.
Today I payed $34.00 to fill 1/4 of a tank of disel, just for the fact that the fuel tank is biger than a gas tank. So it would be somewhere in the raing of $110.00 to fill a full tank of diesel. I think it was $2.84 for diesel here.
Just because we may have oil doesn't mean it's even slightly feasible to drill for it.
It's just a fairy tale.

Plus I don't want to fuck up this beautiful land anymore. Thanks Exxon, you've allready done enough for Alaska.


The high prices at the pump are good, as it will teach all the people who drive SUV's to work that they are polluting the environment and need to carpool.

Carpooling has an advantage. Once you have a certain number of passengers in your car, you can drive in the car pool lane. You will now be able to cut your commute in half, because nobody is able to use the car pool lane. So you will blast past everyone.

but if you must drive your car alone and not carpool, don't come begging me for money, when I am a wealthy millionaire, and you have spent your life savings paying for gas. BTW... I don't drive.

otherwise you will end up having to Fred-Flinstone it:D
The blame for these prices squarely belongs on the shoulders of the TREEHUGGERS that have lobbied, protested, & whatever else they have done so that there have been no new major refineries built here in the U.S. in the last 30-40 years.


knows petras secret: she farted.
The blame for these prices squarely belongs on the shoulders of the TREEHUGGERS that have lobbied, protested, & whatever else they have done so that there have been no new major refineries built here in the U.S. in the last 30-40 years.

a swing and a miss.


Staff member
The price of the oil is 7.12€ for the gallon it was 6€ three years ago. I used to drive the car quite sometimes. Now I only take the public transportation because insurance and oil prices are too expensive.
The blame for these prices squarely belongs on the shoulders of the TREEHUGGERS that have lobbied, protested, & whatever else they have done so that there have been no new major refineries built here in the U.S. in the last 30-40 years.

that's right, the TREE HUGGERS aren't able to save any of the trees (over 97% of the nation's forrests have been logged) but they are responible for billionaire oil companies charging us three bucks a gallon.

I think you have your botony mixed up, you're thinking of BUSH HUGGERS.:thumbsup:

anyway, I don't know what the fuss is about. it's a good thing that God blessed us with an unlimited supply of oil when he made the universe 15,000 years ago... Cuz if it was the result of carbon breaking down over thousands of years then we'd be fucked.


what the fuck you lookin at?
anyway, I don't know what the fuss is about. it's a good thing that God blessed us with an unlimited supply of oil when he made the universe 15,000 years ago... Cuz if it was the result of carbon breaking down over thousands of years then we'd be fucked.

I know your not serious? :confused:
None of that makes any sense!
Alot of people in europe dont understand why American's get thier panties in a bunch with higher fuel prices. Yes, to $3.50+ a gallon isnt much compared to what you are spending in england, sweden etc. The thing is though, america doesnt have the luxury of public transportation. Where I live we have no public transportation. I fortunately only have to drive roughly 50 miles a week total, so I fill up about 1 every 2 to 3 week's. Also, our comercial tranportation is heavily founded in ground base through semi-trucking. Notice how deisel has not creeped up, but yet the price for food has? What really neds to be done is congress need's to break up these giant oil companies. Our fuel in the U.S. is not taxed heavily like alot of western europe. We dont have public health care to fund and other community based programs in the U.S. I am not putting one or the other down, I am just making point's on why europeans have higher prices and hwy it isnt as hard on them as it is on american's. America is a very spread out country, people have to travel large distance's a day for work, without the aid of public transportation. There is not a quick fix in any of this, but I do agree it is rediculous that oil companies are posting a $5billion profit a month. I am pretty much a republican, more so the democratic, but I think what really needs to be done is get a third party involved , one who isnt tied down by kickbacls from decades back. The U.S. auto industry really needs to get geared up for alternate fuels, and the U.S. really needs to get off of dependency from foreign oil. How can this be accomplished? Well first off, america need's to get on better relation's with the rest of the world. Get lawyers out of official job's (they are made to bend the trueth). Force the 3 major auto makers into building alernative fuel car's. Put a price freeze on good's in the U.S. so grociery stores, down to electronic stores wont use this as an excuse to once again stick it to the working man.
I think it's all too late. The auto industry had it's chance to make quality economical cars when the first VW Beetle was imported some 50 or so years ago. They dropped the ball on the last oil "shortage" in 1981 and as long as they can convince people their wasteful car models have a lot of sex appeal, they sat back counting their cash while outsourcing more of their production out of the US. Is there any chance they will look at an alternative psychology now and produce quality economical cars for a changing world? Doubtful. They've all made their fortunes having a lack of insight on the future all these years, so why change now?
Unfourtunately AFA I might have to agree with you. But then again I am optimist when it comes to the world, my wife would shit hearing me say I have hope.


Closed Account
Good For Him

This guy shut down his station in protest. Hey, it has to start somewhere right? :thumbsup:

We had a place on our news station telling best prices in area as reported by local people and a news helicopter went to locations as soon as the were put on the site and taped them running out and marking up the damned prices. It happened in four separate instances. That sucks!!!! At least this guy sees we're in it together.

anyway, I don't know what the fuss is about. it's a good thing that God blessed us with an unlimited supply of oil when he made the universe 15,000 years ago... Cuz if it was the result of carbon breaking down over thousands of years then we'd be fucked.

Calpoon, we, human beings, mostly westerners, already used up 50% of all fossil fuels. There are less than 50% of all fossil fuels left for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren !

All of these oil hike is not due to oil shortage but manipulation of oil company to reduce oil refineries output and reduce the supplies.

Canada and Mexico actually supplies 33% of all domestic use, United States supplies 33% of its own, and the rest came from overseas.

The threat is China targeting African nations and South America competing for the oil reserves. But it may be 25-50 years down the road when we actually see the real shortage.