This is nothing more than ATTEMPT to justify the raising of gasoline prices. The price of oil at this time is being based upon speculation and nothing more. There is no shortage of oil or any problems, the US controls the LARGEST oil reserve in the world in Iraq so come on now. The oil companies will continue to raise the price and each time they do it a little more to see how far they can go before people start to really bitch about it and make changes in their habits. The last time they raised the price of oil and of course the gas prices go with it. The oil companies made RECORD profits. So, someone want to explain that. There is nothing wrong with profit but RECORD profits when you base the price on speculation. That my friends is complete and total BULLSHIT if you ask me. This reliance on oil will come to an end at some point in life but probably not in my lifetime.
Record profits and yet we can't get Congress to close an $18bil tax loophole for Big Oil will the Republicans in charge of Congress defend this tax loophole now?
Somthin' ain't right here......