Israel: Neo-Nazi in the making?

This was on CNN's Anderson cooper 360 two nights ago when christian amanpour was interviewing the general. The truck was in the background and I paused it with dtv and captured it with my mobile - no joke.... People who know me on this board know I'm probably pretty pissed - but this one, well - lets just say it made my day...
@ lordvader

THE END OF DAYS ....that sounds so dramatic hehe....but hey it won´t be the end of days. The end of OUR days for sure, but the planet won´t care a bit about us. It didn´t even shed a tear for the cute Dinosaurs so why should it end it´s live in a suizidal move after we jumped the shark? ;-)
It´s the human arrogance to think that everything will end with the destruction of mankind. But the Universe couldn´t care less i bet.
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What I think is funny is this. The reason that Isreal was founded was because after world war two the Jewish people needed a place to live. Well, this is little knonw, but most of the arab nations sided with germany durring world war two. Out of these nations, the land from palastine was taken away and given over to the Jewish settlers for a new nation. So, the real nazi's are alot fo the arab nation's. Yes this is true I am not b.s.'ing you. Saddam Housein's Uncle who raised him was in the nazi army that controlled Iraq. Matter of fact only 4oo british soldiers defeated 2 to 3 thousand Iraqi nazi's.
It is so funny how much people dont realise alot of this is left over from WW2. Vietnam would of never happened if us Americans would have given back thier country to them from French control. Vietnam was a French owned territory and Germany came in and took it over. The vienamese fought them at the bequest of the allies of WW2 on the promise the would be a soveriegn nation after it. Burma, which is now I think pakaistan and another country, was once sided with the allies durring ww2 but that was over thrown buy the people who were miss educated by nazi germany.

So to all of you who think Isreal is the neo-nazi's, think again misinformed, they are still fighting against the ones that were nazi's in the first place. Egypt, Libya, all those were german countries in late 30's early 40's. None of them were too please when the british 8th army cleared out the german's.
Togath said:
What I think is funny is this. The reason that Isreal was founded was because after world war two the Jewish people needed a place to live. Well, this is little knonw, but most of the arab nations sided with germany durring world war two. Out of these nations, the land from palastine was taken away and given over to the Jewish settlers for a new nation. So, the real nazi's are alot fo the arab nation's. Yes this is true I am not b.s.'ing you. Saddam Housein's Uncle who raised him was in the nazi army that controlled Iraq. Matter of fact only 4oo british soldiers defeated 2 to 3 thousand Iraqi nazi's.
It is so funny how much people dont realise alot of this is left over from WW2. Vietnam would of never happened if us Americans would have given back thier country to them from French control. Vietnam was a French owned territory and Germany came in and took it over. The vienamese fought them at the bequest of the allies of WW2 on the promise the would be a soveriegn nation after it. Burma, which is now I think pakaistan and another country, was once sided with the allies durring ww2 but that was over thrown buy the people who were miss educated by nazi germany.

So to all of you who think Isreal is the neo-nazi's, think again misinformed, they are still fighting against the ones that were nazi's in the first place. Egypt, Libya, all those were german countries in late 30's early 40's. None of them were too please when the british 8th army cleared out the german's.

Verrrry true, in fact Hitler was good friends with el-Husseini, the Grand Mufti at the time. Some former Nazis joined up with the Arabs after WWII. There were Arab Nazi factions also.


It's good to be the king...
I hope Israel, Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, etc are happy with Lebanon's current reversal of fortune. It's been estimated that the country has been knocked back 10-15 years and damage estimated at $2 billion (which Lebanon can't afford, anyway).

Somehow I keep thinking of Mercutio from Romeo and Juliet, as he curses the families whose rivalry led to his death....

"A plague o' both your houses"

You can disagree if you want - I'm too pissed off at the current situation to discuss......:mad:


Closed Account
The whole region needs to get drunk and have it out drunken boxing style. I vote China cleans up the mess.
Whatever happened to this important and timely debate about this War between Israel and Hezbollah?I miss the informed debate that was going on.What happened to ********** and Prof Voluptuary?I have been educated and sometimes enlightened by the various opinions that have been expressed by some of the people on here.This board can be a source of opinions,viewpoints,current events,and attitudes that other people have.History is in the making in OUR WORLD and people respond to a thread entitled "who's face do you wanna cream".--Damn--Are We Awake?--Now Condi has been there and there is talk of a U.N.force moving in.This is pretty big news and nobody seems to care.Where are Fox,Prof,dd,pd,and countless others that had strong and very diverse opinions?--The only reason I am writing this is because I find it fascinating to read the views of Arabs,Jews,Europeans,Americans,and all the people that participate in this forum.It is really an eye opener for this L.A. cowboy. I hope it continues.
4G63 said:
The whole region needs to get drunk and have it out drunken boxing style. I vote China cleans up the mess.

They would side with Iran to protect their oil...which would side with syria if push came to shove. Politics are like math as long as you know the equation. In this case, we must assume that everyone is acting within their best interest. Be that as it may, hard facts flush out this simple truth. In the 21st century we either work as a team, or we all die....
sammy402002 said:
--Damn--Are We Awake?--Now Condi has been there and there is talk of a U.N.force moving in.This is pretty big news and nobody seems to care.Where are Fox,Prof,dd,pd,and countless others that had strong and very diverse opinions?--The only reason I am writing this is because I find it fascinating to read the views of Arabs,Jews,Europeans,Americans,and all the people that participate in this forum.It is really an eye opener for this L.A. cowboy. I hope it continues.

Thank you sammy. But as you should understand after everyday problems people tend to relax. Relax with inconsequentials. A heavy thread like this, doesn't allow to do that.

There is a word which I believe in. "All are equals, but some are more equal than others." Its too true in democracy.

In my opinion some states think they are a little more equal than others, and if it is in relation to a gulf country with a rich reserve of oil, then they are much more equal than others.

But here in Freeones there is no boundary. We are all one, Freeoners, members of the Freeone-world, expressing our individual views.

Have a nice time.



Staff member
Everyone has their own point of view based on their experience of what they have seen in the country in question when they visited it or when they talk with people native from the country in question. Just my two cents :2 cents:
georges said:
Everyone has their own point of view based on their experience of what they have seen in the country in question when they visited it or when they talk with people native from the country in question. Just my two cents :2 cents:

Thank you too georges. My view regarding democracy is true in the perspective of the entire world, IMO. Look at the modern history and you may agree to it.

Who says he is wrong in his view? :dunno:
not dd at the least. :D
So to all of you who think Isreal is the neo-nazi's, think again misinformed, they are still fighting against the ones that were nazi's in the first place. Egypt, Libya, all those were german countries in late 30's early 40's. None of them were too please when the british 8th army cleared out the german's.
Well Togath Arab nations were never Nazi's as you say they some of them fought with the Germans because that suited them. Don't forget that those countries at that time were under British occupation, and they thought that by fighting with the Germans they would gain their freedom. As it is widely known " the enemy of my enemy is my friend".
That doesn't make them Nazi's, they just wanted their independence and they fought for it.
Besides even if Syria or Iran or Egypt or anyone was Nazi's that doesn't mean that they still are, just like Germans aren't.
Well to be honest **********, I have to kind of side to a point of a movie I saw. It was the original "Clerk's" movie. How might you ask could this be relevant this debate. Well in this movie the debate came up about the second death star in 'return of the Jedi". The debate basically came up in that the second death star was not complete, and that there was probably civilian employee's working on the death star, and along came the rebel fleet and destroyed it including probably alot of civilian contractors. A third man stepped intot he arguement saying that, Those civilians knew who they were doing business with, "I had a chance to do a roofing job on a Mob Boss's house, i declined not wanting to take a risk, and let my buddy have the job. A week later a hit was put out on this crime boss and my buddy was killed in the ensuing gunfire". The third guy goes on to say basically that his friend new the risk, and had to accept that fact that he was basically laying down with dogs so he couldnt bitch if he got up with flea's. This hold's true Lebonan and Palestine. The people sided with Hezbollah and Hamas, both notrious terrorist orginazations. Now these terrorist orginizations are using the people as human shield's. Those people had a clear choice not to vote for those parties, and to move out of thier country if they did not like it.So here Lebonese sit getting thier houses bombed because the Hezbollah "terrorists" are using the garages as rocket pads to launch attacks against Isreal. What would you expect Isreal to do. Look, Isreal has been pounded on by all sides for well over 30 years. They have been technically more advanced compared to the countries around them. I am surprised that Isreal has'nt done this before now. I hope as a country, the U.S. doesnt step in. Let Isreal show just how much more advanced they are compared to thier neighbor's. Let them bloody the nose of the extremist countries.
You do not see Jewish people going into Lebanon or Palestine strapped with bomb's targeting civilian's. You might say "No, the Isrealie army does that". Well thats bullshit. Were the 240 U.S. marines attacking anything in 1983 when thier barracks was blwon up by Hezbollah? No they werent. Niether did Isreal shoot first in any of this. The Jewish nations has been targeted for decades by these spinless Islamic funamentalists who profess that god decree's we should kill people. No god would decree that no matter unless if it is an evil god.
The Marines attacked and blew up house's in Lebanon while they were stationed there? I would love to read a report saying this, and yes the Hezbollah, which controls roughly 75% of Lebonan, did strike first. Not once has Isreal striked first. Granted two wrongs dont make aright, but two negatives can equal a positive out come (-2 x -2 = +4).


Staff member
********** said:
Not the Marines, but the CIA.

It's hard to find such reports given that we're on the side of "god" and "good", but everyone who knows the situation knows the 1985 car bombing was carried out by the CIA.

They were trying to kill one terrorist and his co-conspirators. They failed, but they did manage to kill 80 innocent Lebanese civilians and injure hundreds more.

I understand that you weren't aware of this, but don't pretend to know the history of this region when you don't. Everyone has blood on their hands, and every innocent death is unwarranted. Every action is a revenge for something or other, but none of these actions are justified, NONE, by any of the parties involved. The killing must stop on all fronts, with no excuses.

Hezbollah will tell you their "strike", which was most recently a kidnapping, not a strike, was a retributive act for something Israel did. Israel will say that act was a revenge act, too, a response, to something Hezbollah did. Hezbollah will say that was an act of retribution too. Who the hell are you, or they, or anyone, to declare who had the first strike in a struggle which has been going on since before any of us were born? There's no first strike, and there's no justification for murder, for bombing Beirut, or for bombing Jerusalem either. Anyone who kills innocents is a murderer, as far as I'm concerned.



Mathematics has nothing to do with this. -2 Israeli lives x -2 Lebanese lives does not equal + 4 of anything, in fact it probably will equal more deaths on both sides, in retribution. So what is that about? :(

The fact is that none can trust either Hamas, Hezbollah and people like Amahzedineeidjhad.
Perhaps should we count how many Israeli civilians are killed by kassams and were killed by the several kamikaze who blew up themselves during all those years. Some people have more blood on their hands than others, look at Iran with Amahzedineeidjhad, look at Bachar El Assad who is not better than his father and who never gave the nazi criminal Aloïs Brünner to be traded in justice for what he did in WWII.
Cheik Ahmed Yassine and his successor Abdel Rantissi were both killed by Israel, many of the assasins of the jewish atheletes in 1972 were also killed. Which tells you gun play never pays.
The most despicable thing was when Chirac many years ago didn't consider and forbid to consider the Hezbollah as a terrorist organization which showed how much full of shit she was. Chirac only understood and considerated recently that the Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. Chirac also didn't want to war against in Irak because he was a close friend of Saddam during the past and had food for oil contracts passed with Irak before the war.
When I see some newsreports or on some news sites talking about the hezbollah members or hamas members as resistant, it infuriates me very seriously :mad: and I want to tell them "Why don't you live in Israel and see what it is to be bombed or eventually be killed by either a kamikaze or a kassam?". For many medias, it is always easy to put the blame on the victim than on its agressors. Israel brings more economically, culturally and militarily speaking to western countries and asian countries than the majority of its arab neighbours. Also, Israel is the only true democracy from the whole Middle East. So I think it is really time to stop to victimize Lebanon and/or Palestine, people serving and supporting terrorist/fundamentalist/radical islamist governments are not to be trusted, and they must be wiped out for good.
its not right to kill terrorists? thats a bold statement. and quite frankly, its a bit offensive. what those assholes did with the towers is uncalled for. i actually applauded them for taking down a piece of the pentagon. thats what you do in a war. take out government and militia. but you dont kill innocent people. i know what you are going to say: usa is doing the same thing right now. am i right? well i am glad they are. turnabout is fairplay. i just wish america would flex all their muscle and wipe out those scumfucks for good. but, they are still not as bad as the illegals taking americans rights, jobs and privileges. another story for another day. nuke the mountain living bastards. fuck them.