1)I don't think bombing innocents is ever, ever justified. I accept that the west wanted revenge... but killing innocent Afghans along the way made us no better than Al Quaeda.
2)Those self-righteous pacifists don't condone any killing. They hate when innocents are killed by Islamic terrorists. But they hate, just as much, no more, no less, when innocents are killed by anti-terrorist retribution, revenge, etc...
3)Israel had a few men kidnapped. That sucks. But that never, ever, ever justifies bombing innocent Lebanese civillians and EVEN IF someone was so caught up in the war that they believed it was justified, they should have held back from bombing anyone, because each act of violence will only ever be followed up by another one in return. It will not end, until someone stops. When each side waits for the other to give in, people keep dying, and dying, and dying.
4)The UN needs to be re-organized but it is vital to peace in this world. Debating and diplomacy are the only way to avoid war and the UN facilitates global diplomacy. It needs to be given more power, manpower, money, etc, in order to protect the world from those that are not willing to follow the diplomatic channels it promotes.
5)And as for the self-righteous pacifists telling people what to do, they are really only telling you one thing, which somewhere deep down most of us believe in anyway: thou shalt not kill. Whether religious or not, none of us have the right to kill innocents no matter what the reason - and neither should our governments. If Israel had been directly bombed by Lebanon... this response would have been inevitable. But it wasn't. A few men were kidnapped. This can't possibly be a response to the kidnappings, but to an accumulation of attack after attack on Israelis. That is why the UN is vital and must be given more power, so it can stop these terrorists, and penalize - severely - any countries which support them.
6)That is why, again, I blame the US, for destabilizing the UN and taking so much of its power and respectability away through their own ignorance of UN policies and resolutions, and through a campaign to discredit the UN's validity.
7)Thanks for the information about Israel. I know the Jews have a right to that land as much as anyone else does, especially today, I just wish people didn't have to die over land. You don't have any land once you're dead.