One must give you credit, at the very least, for having the courage to consistantly misquote history, realign facts and omit others, and generally contradict yourself from post to post. And yes, you have the courage to actually tell people like Roughneck they are this and that, what they really know, and why you know better.
Some things, like freedom of information, don't exist in most Islamic countries, and yet you seem to find "facts" that support your theories (that's all they are), yet where scholars are notorious for distrusting the popular version of events (Western countries) and hoard documents and facts like squirrels in September, you only seem to accept facts that support your negative view of all things Western.
Veterans of conflict have seen people up close and personal, under extreme stress, and know how people react for real...flight or fight up close. People who fight when flight is called for, are living on a level above the casual citizen who has plenty of time to mull over a situation and react accordingly.
reality is all there is when Humans are stripped bare of all the affectations of society.
You feel your untested theories are equal to this perspective, and all events become on a par for you, mostly intellectual exercises of event manipulation to fit your viewpoint.
Baal does the same; as he is educated and eloquant, his omission of relevant events and facts is much more difficult to discern for a regular person casually involved. Agendas call for cherry-picking information to support their agendas, not even handed treatment of events.
The fact that Jewish population in "Palestine" was much higher than Jordanian and Syrian Arabs living in what was called the "Cursed Land", and Jews have been living there in good numbers for many years before 1948, and that excavations on and near the Temple Mount reveal layer upon layer of Jewish building and history, and reveal almost no Muslim occupation of these same areas, doesn't phase history propagandists who seek to create a new past where "Palistinians" have a historical claim to land they never wanted to live in all that much.
Jews didn't march in with an army, like the Muslim conquerors did centuries past, so how did they acquire land that is now claimed to be someone else's?
By buying useless areas of land, where people had no desire to live, and creating a Western agricultural Paradise; they also created a great deal of sellers remorse among the primitive farmers that existed in small numbers in that inhospitable area...exploitable by canny leaders who lived in Paris, Rome, Berlin, and other capitals of the "decadent" West where they could live in the luxury they were accustomed to, while directing events for their own select political interests. This custom continues today...
There is so much like rearranged history to address, that I am not interested in continuing. Dreary and useless when addressing preconceptions so blatantly based on cherry picked and partial facts.
No history is complete without the transgressions of both sides; that would take even more lengthy and probably pointless effort to debate.
Suffice it to say, this situation will find it's own path in History, foolish wishing and angry exageration won't affect the ultimate outcome in Israel...but when dealing with a displaced people who for a thousand or more years have ended each Passover Seder (The Last Supper was Jesus having a Seder) with the words, spoken in every country on Earth where Jews have settled after their involuntary expulsion, "Next year in Jerusalem!", most will find that removing Israel from it's 4000 year old home is not doable.
No matter how many "freedom fighters" liquify 3 year olds on busses, or shoot nine year old girls in their homes after killing the unarmed parents, the Israelis... Muslim, Jew, and Christian alike...aren't moving to another neighborhood.
You'd think that, if they truly believed Allah wants the Islamic faith to dominate, they wouldn't have to go so far to achieve their stated goals. I mean, death if you convert? Sacrifice anyone at all for the goal, kill Muslims and infidels alike to achieve an unlikely end result? Islam is weak, and desperate to keep it's medievil hold on it's adherents.
As well, the USA and it's Allied countries, have acknowledged the Holy War rhetoric, and are finally responding to the widespread acts of civilian specific attacks the Jihad seems to prefer. As has been said, fuck with the Bull, and you get the horns.