Have you ever got caught staring at a woman's...

I don't get it.... because usually women dress in such a way that practically begs guys to look at their chests... then get pissed when they do.

Hey, if wear the uniform of a whore don't be mad when someone treats you like one, right?

If I've been caught it got past me... I was too busy looking below her neck to notice.
I was caught, but I was more across the room than actually talking to her.

Will E Worm

If they don't want someone looking then they need to dress better.;)


Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them - Bill Maher

:yinyang: :Flame: :pimpdaddy
I do get caught a lot and I'm not embarrassed. I just smile and nod my head at the ladies when I get caught. They don't seem to mind, and they probably see it as a compliment.


Hey, if wear the uniform of a whore don't be mad when someone treats you like one, right?

The only time an escort should be treated like an escort is when you have paid for her time.

Guys like you that use that term 'whore' so freely semi-piss me off.

Escorts dress in all types of getup. They have no set look. And to call a woman a 'whore' or 'whore looking' because she dresses provocatively shows what a pig you probably are. Or at least are pretending to be.

If a female friend of mine was dressed provocatively that day and I over heard you say that about her; I would tell you to apologize to her right then and there (if I was any kind of man at all). And if you didn't, I would hopefully do what I legally could to make you wish you had.

Will E Worm

McRocket, Pathfinder74 wasn't talking about escorts.

He was referring to what Dave Chappelle said.

"The girl says, 'Wait a minute! Just because I'm dressed this way does not make me a whore!' Which is true. Gentlemen, that is true. Just because they dress a certain way doesn't mean they are a certain way. Don't ever forget it. But ladies, you must understand that is f*cking confusing! It just is. Now that would be like me, Dave Chappelle the comedian, walking down the street in a cop uniform. Somebody might run up on me, saying, 'Oh, thank God. Officer, help us! Come on. They're over here. Help us!' 'OHH!! Just because I'm dressed this way does not make me a police officer!' All right, ladies, fine. You are not a whore. But you are wearing a whore's uniform."


Nothing to get upset about. ;)


McRocket, Pathfinder74 wasn't talking about escorts.

He was referring to what Dave Chappelle said.

"The girl says, 'Wait a minute! Just because I'm dressed this way does not make me a whore!' Which is true. Gentlemen, that is true. Just because they dress a certain way doesn't mean they are a certain way. Don't ever forget it. But ladies, you must understand that is f*cking confusing! It just is. Now that would be like me, Dave Chappelle the comedian, walking down the street in a cop uniform. Somebody might run up on me, saying, 'Oh, thank God. Officer, help us! Come on. They're over here. Help us!' 'OHH!! Just because I'm dressed this way does not make me a police officer!' All right, ladies, fine. You are not a whore. But you are wearing a whore's uniform."


Nothing to get upset about. ;)

With respect, I disagree. Even if he agrees with you, I still disagree.

His attitude in that post is backwards and chauvinistic and condescending, IMO.

I am not deeply offended. But I noticed it and I am responding to it.


After having time to reflect and re-reading his post a few times, I think I was a bit too harsh on pathfinder74.

However, I still am still not ga ga about his post. Women have the right to dress any legal way they wish. And they should not be referred to as 'whores' for doing so.

Many men dress to show off.
If they don't want someone looking then they need to dress better.;)


Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them - Bill Maher

:yinyang: :flame: :pimpdaddy

I love that Bill Maher quote! I've been thinking that for years but have never been able to articulate it like that. I especially loathe women who put down their own children's dead beat dads, in front of the children and a non-family member like me no less. Discusting.
After having time to reflect and re-reading his post a few times, I think I was a bit too harsh on pathfinder74.

However, I still am still not ga ga about his post. Women have the right to dress any legal way they wish. And they should not be referred to as 'whores' for doing so.

Many men dress to show off.

I agree with your premise that whore is way too strong of a word. There's a big difference between promiscuity and seeking attention. And most women who seek this attention have a longing to feel special, something hard to do when the most attention goes to the girl who gives it up the most.
Missing the point ...

today at walmart, a spanish chick with DD's was walking around with a tee-shirt 2 sizes too small. The shirt on the front had the handprints right on her boobs.
She had her little attitude and rolled her eyes when she saw me staring at them puppies.
Fuck her....and yeah I'll fuck her tits!
what's up with that? She wants it both ways. She desparately wants your attention but desparately don't want you to think she's trying to get it.
Here's the deal ... all she did was roll her eyes.
That's all she did, so don't read into it more than that.

Women do dress and flaunt but why they do it varies.
Maybe she's looking for a guy that doesn't stare at them.
If you stare at them, she rolls her eyes, big deal.
All it means is that both she and you get what you expect.

Maybe she's waiting for Mr. Right to make eye contact and not waiver.
Who knows? Only she does.

Stare if you want. Or don't even look down and see what happens.
Get what you want out of it if that's all you want.
Or try to figure out what she is getting out of it.
Or maybe she's actually do it so she can roll her eyes.

Again, who knows? Only she does.
Doesn't mean she wants it "both ways," it just is what it is.

I don't get it.... because usually women dress in such a way that practically begs guys to look at their chests... then get pissed when they do.
Hey, if wear the uniform of a whore don't be mad when someone treats you like one, right?
If I've been caught it got past me... I was too busy looking below her neck to notice.
You define it as "the uniform of a whore" -- but maybe she doesn't.
That reflects on you, not her, even if you want to judge her for it.

Listen, this isn't about "judgment" or "respect" or anything else.
You decide what you want to get out of the situation, and leave it at that.

There are no "universal" or "absolute" values, that's a farce.
There are only people and their individual considerations and they vary.
How they approach life as individuals may be radically different than yours.

Yes, you're a man, and I am too -- I'm very selfish, very lustful, I admit it.
I want to lay with a woman and a huge detail of that is her figure, including her breasts.
And yes, I can and will treat them as "sex objects" when I have the opportunity.

But how I approach a woman in passing has nothing to do with that, because I want to see where it goes.
Staring at her breasts off-the-bat is a great way to send her a message that I'm "just another pig in the crowd."
You'd be amazed how many times women, after they've been with me, stated that I'm "so respectable."

I immediately correct them and say I'm the most selfish, lustful male pig they've ever met.
And when they give me a dumb stare, I just clarify that "if you ever give me permission, you'll find out I'm not lying.
But since you haven't given me permission, I keep it professional and I don't look or comment."

Women are sex objects to me, it's in my programming, but I don't turn that programming on until I have her permission.
I refuse to say I'm not lustful and I refuse the numb that lust when I am given permission.
And anyone who thinks I shouldn't be the full, raw lustful man I am when I'm given permission should keep their values to themselves.

Because values are what you respect in others, and ask others to respect, not some "universal" or "absolute."
Being a leg man, woman's legs always catch my eye. One time it was a little embarrassing when a female employee in a department store caught me looking at the legs of Mannequins.
Being a leg man, woman's legs always catch my eye. One time it was a little embarrassing when a female employee in a department store caught me looking at the legs of Mannequins.

I guess we don't think these things through to figure out how to get out of an akward situation.
Prof I'm a little confused. On one hand you show a great deal of respect (implying glancing is disrespectful) but on the other hand you're a "lustful male pig " and "Women are sex objects" to you? Correct me if I'm wrong but that sounds more egregeous than the crime of glancing, wouldn't you say?

Will E Worm

I love that Bill Maher quote! I've been thinking that for years but have never been able to articulate it like that. I especially loathe women who put down their own children's dead beat dads, in front of the children and a non-family member like me no less. Discusting.

Thanks. ;)


Re: Missing the point ...

And anyone who thinks I shouldn't be the full, raw lustful man I am when I'm given permission should keep their values to themselves.

You have and continue to comment on what others type on here.

I think it is highly unrealistic (and with respect, somewhat hypocritical) to ask and/or expect others not to do the same.

I sincerely wish you a nice day.
Bingo! But I did NOT say things you said I did ...

Prof I'm a little confused.
Yes, most people are. I am a quandry. Why?
Because you think the "answers" to this side with only two viewpoints.
I give you a third, and one that utterly confuses as long as you think in the terms of the other two.

On one hand you show a great deal of respect
No! I have never stated "respect." In fact, I've argued against that term.
Please, please -- and I'm sorry I'm bolding -- but please separate things I did not say from those that I did.

(implying glancing is disrespectful)
I never implied that -- NEVER! Others did. Others said I was respectful.
I have repeatedly stated that it has nothing to do with "respect."

but on the other hand you're a "lustful male pig " and "Women are sex objects" to you?
Women are sex objects, they were designed to be laid with by man.
I'm not denying my own programming, my own happiness, my own lust, I give into it.
I lust for bust, cup and suck while I spear my manhood into a woman, or slide it between her mammaries.

I just choose to only give into it with women who give me their permission.
I don't go around saying "hey, you showing off your tits, that means I get to oogle your tits and say, hey, don't get mad at me for doing so."
I try to present myself first to a woman on her terms, wait for her permission, to do anything otherwise.

And when she gives permission, I am careful to ensure where the values and limits are on that permission.
I don't go, "hey, you 'let me in' so now you have to 'obey my rules as a man'," that's BS.
I wait for her terms and values to be set, and I follow those values.

If a woman has values that allow me to be a lustful pig, I don't deny myself.
If a woman does not, I do not.
In reality, I do a pretty good job of channeling my lust into prose that most women do not take issue with.

Correct me if I'm wrong but that sounds more egregeous than the crime of glancing, wouldn't you say?
Bingo! Winner!
You are 100% correct on that point.

The problem is that you are applying the assumption that I said things above I do not say.
My values and my views are simple -- give into what you want, but only as it doesn't cross the values of others.
That means I don't assume the values of others and I don't apply "oh, she should let me do that" or "she did this, so that's the same as permission."

When it comes to the values of others, I don't make those up, they do, so I don't cross them.
Not out of "respect," but out of how they will approach me in the future, they will approach me out of trust, not fear or worry.
It goes a long, long, long way, especially when you are a traveling consultant, and people put their major financial systems in your hands, a stranger.

I just apply the same logic when dealing with women, the approach is universally helpful. ;)

It is your duty as men to look.
Nope, it's your programming to look -- no, not just look, but dare, lust, drool and otherwise say with your eyes, "nice tits!"
But how you do it is not only how it matters to her, but how much "enjoyment" you will get out of it besides just, "nice tits!"