Bad News: Potholers are now using your arse as a cave. Good News: you charge them an admission fee.
tunsty Dec 31, 2006 #161 Bad News: Potholers are now using your arse as a cave. Good News: you charge them an admission fee.
D D-rock Dec 31, 2006 #162 Bad News: They don't want to move out now. Good News: You are now a worldwide celebrity.
B Big Sly Jan 1, 2007 #163 Bad News: You are most widley known as the first person with some new, uncurable, terminal illness. Good News: You are granted 3 wishes.
Bad News: You are most widley known as the first person with some new, uncurable, terminal illness. Good News: You are granted 3 wishes.
HeartBroker Jan 1, 2007 #164 Bad News: They all must include razor blades in your ass! Good News: It's a new year!
D D-rock Jan 2, 2007 #165 Bad News: There is nothing keeping it from sucking as much as the previous one. Good News: The local diner is gave you a meal on the house.
Bad News: There is nothing keeping it from sucking as much as the previous one. Good News: The local diner is gave you a meal on the house.
B Big Sly Jan 3, 2007 #166 Bad News: No one gives you a ladder with which to retrieve said meal. Good News: You now get paid $70 an hour.
Bad News: No one gives you a ladder with which to retrieve said meal. Good News: You now get paid $70 an hour.
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 3, 2007 #167 Good News: You're about to make love to one of the Judd ladies. Bad News: It's Wynonna! -cs™
member006 Closed Account Jan 3, 2007 #168 *I thought it was answer the good from prior post with a bad and leave a good? */color] Good news: In 2007 the cost of living goes down.
*I thought it was answer the good from prior post with a bad and leave a good? */color] Good news: In 2007 the cost of living goes down.
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 3, 2007 #169 Crap too late to edit! Bad News:So does the standard of living! Good News: You're having sex with a Judd. -cs™
Crap too late to edit! Bad News:So does the standard of living! Good News: You're having sex with a Judd. -cs™
tunsty Jan 3, 2007 #170 Bad News: It's Judd Hirsch - star of seventies comedy show 'Taxi' Good News: you set a new world record
Bad News: It's Judd Hirsch - star of seventies comedy show 'Taxi' Good News: you set a new world record
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 3, 2007 #171 Bad News: It's for having chronic untreatable hemorrhoids! Good News: You get a lifetime supply of food for free! -cs™
Bad News: It's for having chronic untreatable hemorrhoids! Good News: You get a lifetime supply of food for free! -cs™
tunsty Jan 3, 2007 #172 Bad News: The competition was sponsored by 'British Airways in-flight meals ltd' Good News: You get free flights
Bad News: The competition was sponsored by 'British Airways in-flight meals ltd' Good News: You get free flights
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 3, 2007 #173 Bad News: But it's you being strapped to a rocket! Good News: You win one million. -cs™
HeartBroker Jan 3, 2007 #174 Bad News: It's one million ass kickings! Good News: You're an overnight sensation!
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 3, 2007 #175 Bad News: It's because you were posted on YouTube acting like a damn fool! Good News: Do one thing and you're guaranteed $10,000,000! -cs™
Bad News: It's because you were posted on YouTube acting like a damn fool! Good News: Do one thing and you're guaranteed $10,000,000! -cs™
HeartBroker Jan 3, 2007 #176 Bad News: That one thing is cut off your head with a bottle opener! Good News: PCH shows up at your door!
Bad News: That one thing is cut off your head with a bottle opener! Good News: PCH shows up at your door!
jibbijib Jan 3, 2007 #177 Bad News: PCH stands for Preliminary Crack House. Good News: You don't have to pay rent anymore!
HeartBroker Jan 3, 2007 #178 Bad News: You moved in next to me! Good News: You get a job that pays double what you're making now.
D D-rock Jan 4, 2007 #179 Bad News: Two multiplied by zero is still zero. Good News: Your friends take you out to the bar.
B Big Sly Jan 4, 2007 #180 Bad News: The bar they took you to is a sand bar. Now you're stranded. Good News: An airplane sees your help signals and is coming to save you.
Bad News: The bar they took you to is a sand bar. Now you're stranded. Good News: An airplane sees your help signals and is coming to save you.