Good News... Bad News...

Bad News: It's magazines that have already been “used” by guys and they just needed a place to dump a couple of million of them.

Good News: Your Christmas bonus from work was more than usual this year.
Bad News: The property taxes on your car/home ate it all up and then some

Good News: Your dating a super-hot accountant


what the fuck you lookin at?
Bad News: You lost your feet in an auto accident.

Good News: You've just scored a date with your favorite porn star!
Bad News: ...but she releases you in the middle of an African savanna.

Good News: You take a long walk under the stars.
Bad News: Except it's Crazy-Eyes Page and Mumbles Plant, the two homeless crackheads from down the street.

Good News: The doctor says it's "just a rash"
Bad news: He put a ferret in your xmas stocking....yeeeoooww!

Good news: You got that christmas present you always wanted.
Bad News: That is a term people use to describe your life, not a hand you have in poker.

Good News: The people elect you mayor of the town.
Bad news: it's a kiddies toytown.

Good news: You have been invited to the Beckhams new years eve party.
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Bad News: That bastard is so tight you could shove a piece of coal in his ass and in a couple days you'd have a diamond...

Good News: Hey look you got a shiny (if slightly smelly) 3 carat diamond