Fox News: "Tiger Woods Needs To Become Christian"

Hume as no business talking about Tiger's religion I wish it was like the old days when reports just reported the news


Tiger should join me and a few other smart people in worshiping the the Greek Pantheon. And whatever, if you think FOx News is Actual News and not an agenda based infomercial, well, you're not particularly observant.
The video won't play--I assume that's because people around the nation are having a laugh at it and at Brit Hume (I thought he announced he was leaving FixedNews?).

If Tiger Woods actually came out and said he "found Christ" (like any pornstar who mysteriously has done the same) he would be the essence of the statement we were discussing yesterday...

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel

simply replace Patriotism with Christianity....:thumbsup:
That clip was from a roundtable opinion discussion. Not part of an official newscast.

Therefore it was Brit Hume giving his opinion...not Fox News.

I would be like me saying "MSNBC says Republicans brains are less evolved than Democrats" because Janeane Garofalo said it on Keith Olbermann.

You would think though that at a site like freeones which is about girls and porn that even if right wingers and religious types were here they would not be so willing to express those views as the right and religions would tell them they are not adhering to the beliefs at all by being here and it's even funnier that we have right wing OCSMs.It's like I screw for a living but support the people who would like me to go to hell and be prosecuted for doing so.

I noticed this too shortly after i joined this site and was surprised to see these self-righteous moral Christian hypocrites touting and praising Fox "News" as if there's nothing but Gospel truth aired on that station :rolleyes:
if you think FOx News is Actual News and not an agenda based infomercial, well, you're not particularly observant.

Only someone who watches a lot of Fox News and can list examples of Fox misreporting situations, and what the actual, opposing situation is, has any justification in saying things like this. So, either you watch Fox a lot (and therefore are a hypocrite) or, you're full of shit. I can guess which.

And no, I don't watch Fox, or any news channel, myself. But I don't talk out of my ass, either.
Only someone who watches a lot of Fox News and can list examples of Fox misreporting situations, and what the actual, opposing situation is, has any justification in saying things like this. So, either you watch Fox a lot (and therefore are a hypocrite) or, you're full of shit. I can guess which.

And no, I don't watch Fox, or any news channel, myself. But I don't talk out of my ass, either.

Or C. You could just watch where other people point out their fuck ups, lies and deceptions.

There are tons of places you can watch that other sitting in front of Fox.:2 cents:
As a polygamist he'd better become Mormon.

Or even better yet, he should should get initiated into the Shuar Tribe in the Amazon rainforests becoz polygamy has been practiced by them for time immemorial
Only someone who watches a lot of Fox News and can list examples of Fox misreporting situations, and what the actual, opposing situation is, has any justification in saying things like this. So, either you watch Fox a lot (and therefore are a hypocrite) or, you're full of shit. I can guess which.

Hmm. Considering the video in question came from Youtube, is actually watching Fixed even necessary anymore?

We have discussed before, and I'm too lazy and uninterested to dig up the threads, just how GRAY/Foggy the line between News and Opinion is on Fox, specifically, and on Cable News generally.:hatsoff:
Or C. You could just watch where other people point out their fuck ups, lies and deceptions.

Not really. Second hand and anecdotal evidence is never reliable or acceptable in reasoned debate.
Not really. Second hand and anecdotal evidence is never reliable or acceptable in reasoned debate.

:rolleyes: "whore..." unless you witness every fact yourself, every bit of information you get is by way of someone else (second hand) isn't it? Or do you go witness first hand all you're own news and render all your own data??

Watching someone express something with my own eyes that has merely been re-broadcast is generally good enough for me and most rational people.

Another helldoucher thread that just massacres the board's yet again.

I think he has only said Neocon once this thread though so that's pretty amazing!