Fox News: "Tiger Woods Needs To Become Christian"

Religion is personal to the individuals. All religion teaches good ways and principles. I don't like to judge any one regardless what ever has transpired and occured. One day, we all will be jugded accordingly to our own deeds. No body is perfect. I am not perfect myself. For Tiger Woods, he's answerable for his own deeds. Where there is genuine love, there is genuine forgiveness and reconciliation. I hope Tiger Woods wife will forgive her husband and love him as he is and for what he is. Like wise, Tiger Woods will make an effort to convince his true love for his Swedish wife to patch up. I have my experienced with my own spouse over the years we are married. Marriage is up and down. When we have a kid, we both put more attention to our kid. We also put more efforts to concentrate on our responsible and managerial jobs. We make up on week-ends and holidays for quality outings as good family.

I agree with some one that Jesus Christ is great and wise one. But Jesus Christ followers or worshippers tend to change things that suits their own comforts and benefits over time. Be God fearing is a lot better than religious freaks.

Each and every one of us have gifts and specialise in our own things and ways. I avoid judging others for that matter. Although I am married man with kid, I still appreciate other women either in real life or on line. But my number one priority is my own wife and kid. Other people are secondary.

This will take up 15 minutes of your time, it is entertaining. The last five minutes about morality of the christian gospels is quite good.

Will E Worm

whats its about?
if it works great, if not i will suck every penny i can from you and try to destroy your life?

It's called a prenup and Tiger wasn't intelligent enough to get one.

Fuzzy Zoeller was right. :rolleyes:

The full slogan is, "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." The latter part implies that by believing in God you will suffer from worry, subsequently dismissing faith as unhealthy, it also suggests your life is on hold, I'd say that targets Christians. These ads were running in London, a Christian country still.

Why don't they have a sign saying that about Allah?

Chickens. :tongue:




Well isnt hard to be scathing about islam. I fell into that media thing too but then realism hit not everyone is bad but as I said it isnt hard when you read things like. Woman stoned to death in front of stadium of onlookers like it was there fooking national past time. Islam sort yourself out your far too easily marginalized, I mean it isnt even isolated incidents that shit is quite widespread. Christians barbaric heathens? Man that shit went outta fashion during the roman empire!


If I target my enemies is that inclusive of many or singling out the individual?

Depends who your enemies are, they need to be defined first.


Then in this case, it's those who believe in a God.

Well then you should have said "I'd say that targets people who believe in God" it's all a matter of wording IMO
Well. Why would anyone watch Fox News anyway? I mean Fox & News is an oxymoron (and I don't mean a dumb ox!). If you want to get pure editorial from a biased and extremely ignorant, backward, even superstitious perspective, watch Fox. They invented it!

As for religion, sweeping generalizations of Islam notwithstanding, the problem here is that fundementalist Muslims follow their religion the way Christians did 500 years ago. If today's evangelical fundementalist Christians came to power, I would expect them to do the same thing & burning at the stake would be back in vogue. That isn't true of all Christians or all Muslims. It is true that it is 2010 and you have people killing other peopler over mythological supernatural beings which seems pretty crazy to me.

Religion is the root of much of the bloodshed in the world. It is time for people to grow up and put it behind them.

As for Tiger Woods, why does anybody care what he does when he's not playing golf? I don't care how many girls Mick Jagger fucks or what religion he is, but I do like to see him perform with the Stones. I don't encourage my children to view Mick or Tiger or any other celebrity as a role model. For that I would turn to Elie Wiesel or Lincoln, etc.
wasnt talking about athiests.
you are the king of twist.
and i dont have any task to do for you.
i'm saying its acceptable to bash christianity in US society today but if you say
anything about any other religion or group then you ar called intolerant.
you call it bullshit, i call it reality.
even about this topic people are upset because of one little thing Hume said.
but if he said christianity was bullshit or find allah there would be no problem.
you still want to argue, do it with yourself because thats what youre best at,
respond to something different than what i wrote and have fun.

You can call it what you want but you haven't given one example. Your reality lacks, er, reality. From where I am sitting you are just making shit up. If you can't support an argument with an example then you you haven't really got an argument, you've just got an opinion. When this is pointed out to you you get right on the defensive. You must have been a pain in the arse at school. Where are these individuals who are bashing christianity left and right and turning a blind eye to young men strapping bombs to their bodies etc? Just give us one name or link.

I'm not looking for an argument I'm just looking for evidence? The sources I relied on are scathing in their condemnation of all religions. Where are the selective religoius critics? Where is the audience that agrees with them?

Will E Worm

They were going for a catch all declaration. It can be taken to include Allah, Buddha, Zeus and all the others.

Well, they failed. God is not an all inclusive name.
When people hear the name God or Jesus they think Christianity.

They should say Allah doesn't exists and you should just live your life.

I want to see how long that banner stays up or how long the bus is not on fire or blown up.


Hiliary 2020
It's called a prenup and Tiger wasn't intelligent enough to get one.

Fuzzy Zoeller was right. :rolleyes:


i wrote :
whats its about?
if it works great, if not i will suck every penny i can from you and try to destroy your life?

so basically your answer is yes?

I cant believe out of all the males on this board that i am the only one saying she got too much, way too much.
300 million, thats mansions all over the world, 100 servants and assistants,private jets, and so so much more.

man men in the states really have become subservient to women.
I bet a few years back most men would say hell no she shouldnt have gotten so much.
today its she desrves every penny.
pussy whipped society.

Will E Worm

i wrote :
whats its about?
if it works great, if not i will suck every penny i can from you and try to destroy your life?

so basically your answer is yes?

I cant believe out of all the males on this board that i am the only one saying she got too much, way too much.
300 million, thats mansions all over the world, 100 servants and assistants,private jets, and so so much more.

man men in the states really have become subservient to women.
I bet a few years back most men would say hell no she shouldnt have gotten so much.
today its she desrves every penny.
pussy whipped society.

Tiger didn't think.

He should have thought before he married, he should have protected his
assets. He didn't and now he's paying for it.

That's what happens. :hatsoff:

And, that's the way the courts work, unfortunately. They are biased against males.
But, then again, Tiger shouldn't have broken his vows.
Anyway, to continue the dance, the most prominent athiest writers of the day: Daniel Dennet, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins (aka The Four Horsemen) are as equally scathing about all religions.

Are you sure they're The Four Horsemen?

Isn't that a Metallica song?

No, no, wait.....isn't it a bunch of characters on that old X-Men cartoon?

No, no, wait......aren't they those guys that sculpt He-Man toys?

No, no.......they're the forces of man's destruction from the Bible.

Now I'm really confused. :confused:

Why don't they have a sign saying that about Allah?

Chickens. :tongue:

Because the next thing they would hear would be:




i wrote :
whats its about?
if it works great, if not i will suck every penny i can from you and try to destroy your life?

so basically your answer is yes?

I cant believe out of all the males on this board that i am the only one saying she got too much, way too much.
300 million, thats mansions all over the world, 100 servants and assistants,private jets, and so so much more.

man men in the states really have become subservient to women.
I bet a few years back most men would say hell no she shouldnt have gotten so much.
today its she desrves every penny.
pussy whipped society.

Tiger's biggest mistake was saying "I do."

Especially nowadays.........marriages seem to fail more often than not. Also, if I was a multi millionaire I think I would try to marry someone else who has money, just to make sure that's not all she really wanted me for.

So Will E is right, he should have at least gotten a prenup.

:2 cents:
They were going for a catch all declaration. It can be taken to include Allah, Buddha, Zeus and all the others.

Not to nitpick, but Buddha is not a god. That's a pretty common Western misconception.

i wrote :

I cant believe out of all the males on this board that i am the only one saying she got too much, way too much.
300 million, thats mansions all over the world, 100 servants and assistants,private jets, and so so much more.

man men in the states really have become subservient to women.
I bet a few years back most men would say hell no she shouldnt have gotten so much.
today its she desrves every penny.
pussy whipped society.

What's funny is that she's not even getting half of what he's got. The guys net worth is going to pass $1 billion this year (pre-divorce), and she's making 30% of it.
I don't want nitpick either but I don't remember hearing anything conclusive about an actual divorce other than gossip. Is a divorce likely? Possible but it's not a fact. As far as a prenup goes, there was a prenup and it was being revised. Elin ended up getting more money because of the revised prenup and I believe she'll get even more if she stays with Tiger.