i guess that depends on where you live.
if its a christian channel or show obviously they arent going to denounce their own faith.
so whats bullshit?
that i said denouncing christians is ok today?
or is it bullshit because you dont like it?
hell its even fashionable. you just did it, its done on this board everyday, and it is done in the liberal media constantly.
I dont really care, but it is strange that you cant say peep about muslim faith or men buttfucking each other without being called intolerant by the same ones who have no problem trashing christians.
lets see how you twist that now.
Atheism is not a fashion it is just an absence of belief. I find it bizzare that you are under the impression that anal sex is somehow involved in this process. I don't know of any groups that get together to specifically denounce christians. Do you? No you don't, because they don't exist.
Anyway, to continue the dance, the most prominent athiest writers of the day: Daniel Dennet, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins (aka The Four Horsemen) are as
equally scathing about
all religions. Indeed, Hitchens is particularly angry about the Muslim faith and was an outspoken critic when his good friend Salman Rushdie was placed under a fatwa. I believe he was also at the pro Denmark rally outside the embassy in Washington at the time of the cartoon fiasco. When Sam Harris was prompted to write "The End of Terror" which religion do you think he was initially on about? If you thought Buddism, you would be wrong.
Perhaps I am wrong and there are no end of fashionable writers taking time out from buttfucking (or not - insert "please forgive shaky handwriting" joke here) to pen screeching, hysterical, anti-christian diatribes while simultaneously giving a pass to allah and mohammed.
You will need to supply some examples. They must exist if this attitude has elevated to the dizzy heights of becoming a fashion. So your task is ahead of you or I call bullshit.
Video of hitchens and the meeting he helped organize outside the Danish embassy.
Part one of an interview dated Jan 6th 2010 in which Hitchens is equally scathing of Islam and Christianity.