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and yes, i posted you in with assari... what's the fuckling difference... gimme a fucking break
I think you should shove that banana up your fucking nose you dumb shit. I never once heard something intelligent from you. I thought you knew shit about the fucking navy yards and arial material. All the shit I ever heard from you was substandard. You'd die if you ever went in the air you fucking retarded brother of mine.What's that? Free lifetime membership of your site? Thank you, and more importantly, banana.
Maybe we should forget Feminism and embrace what I will call humanism; treating people as people regardless of sex, sexuality, religion, race, etc. Apart from left-wingers. They should be forced through a thin wire mesh.
I think you're thinking of radical Feminists and the more extreme (not to mention insane) forms of Feminism.
You may wish to research something often known as "sex positive Feminism" which tends to emphasize a woman's right to enjoy her body (emphasising for example that both stud and slut are both words for a person who enjoys their body, yet only for the female does this carry negative connotations.
Some Feminists even approve of porn, pointing to statistics showing that porn lowers rape rates.
Others say that prostitutes are the ultimate Feminists; they get paid to get laid.
Still more say that men and women can remain equal while fulfilling traditional gender roles because while the stereotypical roles are different they're equally valuable in that it takes two halfs to make a holeYou could argue that that is in fact the case. If you wished to play devil's advocate. Forgive me, I will look at this later. She's correct; men frequently do horrible things. Admittedly, so do women. This makes you a Feminist icon; rather than being dominated, you dominate. You get paid to do what you enjoy. So you can use men the same way they use women? You invert the power balance? Feminist icon... You mean of women getting paid to enjoy sex? (Yes I'm aware that it isn't always thus) So you realise that the female form is a beautiful thing and should be valued? Feminist icon. So you make a man go out to work and bring back the cash so you can live your dream of raising a lovely child? You own the man, dominate him and have him do your bidding. Feminist icon. So you're telling me that you've inverted traditional gender roles and that your husband cooks for (serves) you? And I know you enjoy other men. Again. Inverting traditional gender roles. Feminist icon. You must have power in the first place in order to be able to let it go. Because he's showing appreciation and love? Not gonna touch that one Talk to some of the old soldiers on here and I'm sure you'll find that they're not all pretending. You may continue at will. I grant you that freedom, little kept woman :tongue:
Again, revelling in your body rather than conforming to patriarchal norms and values. Feminist icon.
Please excuse all the trolling and devil's advocacy in this post. Or don't. Whatever. Banana.
style 10/10
tltr/ 0/10
who cares 0/10
Ahahah no worries. I appreciated your in depth post
Put like that you could say that i'm a feminist icon. But then again i prefer to look at myself as at a woman who loves and accepts her differences with men and who finds these differences complementary and intriguing, rather than dividing and unjust.
it's not about feminism.... nice guys finish last because, most of them, lack confidence and, for that, they dont treat themselves nicely. thanks to this concept, it's easier for man to judge others by being "douche" or "assholes" then to treat themselves. 90% of the guys that say that eat themselves of jealousy when they see a guy who is well dressed, who's a fit guy and confident. i know this because i had that mentality! girls go for confidence... they dont go for insecure. it's not about feminism. for those guys who are always "crying" saying "I'm such a nice guy, that's why i'm single" i tell them to man-up... make something for you and take care of u before u take care of women. start looking sharp, being fit, gain some confidence along the way (that's automatic), start going out with attractive friends (same sex) so you can see what they do that attract girls. i don't say "become your friend".. but improve yourself by watching others. if you have a great friend who you can count on and it's actually a "ladiesman" dont be afraid of asking for help.
i saw a post where they say "women like nice men. they dont like Weak men"... i think he/she is right!
"nice guys", eh?
You mean the same guys who get all fucking butthurt when you say "listen, man. I like you a lot but I'd rather just be friends. I want you in my life but not as a lover"? What's so "nice" about flipping shit over that?
You know what women like? men that like the same things they do. Be "nie" all you want, but if we have nothing in common we aren't dating. period.