So it's revenge you're after. I've noticed how all the pro-torture people on this board make up excuse after excuse to justify torture but no one has the balls to just come out and say you want to get even. I just hope you realize that by thinking this way you're a part of the problem.
Boy, you take a thought and just run with it...!
No matter if there is a degree of difference between harsh or enhanced interrogation techniques and torture, you refuse to allow any space for another world that exists outside the soft one you inhabit.
Its torture if it hurts...OK, that is taken care of.
Where do you get the concept that getting even is weird, wrong, or bad? That's human nature, at least if you aren't timid and scared of just about everything.
That doesn't put all situations in that purview...goals are achieved through application of methods and actions that produce results appropriate to the desired end.
Excuses are not being offered to justify getting hard on the detainee the interrogator has in his charge...getting the job done that has been determined to be a top priority requires extraordinary effort and that's that.
No one here has anything to do with the decisions and actions taken by the people whose "job" it is to defeat the bad boys who know no restrictions to achieving their dearly-held desires to kill and maim their avowed enemies...generally any infidel on the planet...wherever they can. Your flight to wherever, the Mall where my sister is shopping, a bus going from one part of the city to another full of just people...any target that results in indiscriminate dead and dying.
There isn't any space to talk about it...and if 3 cases turn out to be a dead end life can be a result of effective interrogation is worth all the guilt you seem to feel about not being pleasant and well-mannered to everyone.
Now, the eternal interplay outside the standard structure of declared warfare...covert action taken by special operatives against key opponents...has become a political lever used by a beleaguered new administration to divert scrutiny from the massive powergrab the Democratic Left is pulling off as fast as they can write 1000 page bills and vote them into Law.
Political power is usually a fight for dominance between one group and another...the people benefit from compromises needed by all parties to achieve their different goals.
When any power becomes unfettered, as the Democrats are now, by lack of obstruction to achieve their political goals the country loses any balance or ability to affect the outcome of rampant powergrabbing or social upheaval created by those in power.
Politicians have a vested interest in consolidating their power, and history has too many examples of things going to shit that takes generations to set right.
Keeping the population confused and unable to focus on what is actually happening is a tried and true political tactic, and worrying about these "memos" and other distractions are keeping the population from focusing on the wrongdoing running unchecked in Washington, D.C. .
See photo...
The economy has gone to shit around us, things are gonna be really bad for a long time, and worrying about torture/not torture has nothing to do with paying the rent. There are rank amateurs in charge, experimenting with your life and mine, and the incompetents placed in key spots are much more worrisome than the amount of bad treatment some slaughtermonkeys received somewhere and how many times they received it.