There is nothing to answer you fraud. Why should I have to tell someone who (really knows) about SERE training when you demonstrated you have no clue beyond what you've tried to read about it on the internet. If you don't understand who is SERE trained at NAS Brunswick (specifically Rangeley)... then keep searching an reading until you figure it out.
And I didn't "just" work at McDill. That was some years ago. However when I did work there it was as a civilian contractor for USSOCOM. And I've worked in various capacities for the US government as a contractor as well as the private sector since I ended my military career.
It makes total sense you are clueless since you are perpetrating a fraud.
To clearly illustrate your BS
#1 You claimed to have been SERE level C qualified at a facility that only does level A and B qualifications for the Navy (this includes Marines they operate under the department of the Navy).
Wow..Well I too served and I'm SERE Level C qualified out of NAS Brunswick.
#2 You are not aware that the DOD (Department of Defense) is a Civilian entity, that some Military personel work in. Best example Robert Gates, who calls himself the Secretary of War does not have any rank in any of the Armed Services. He is a Cabinet level member of our executive Branch of Government. The only member of the Executive Branch that holds any 'Rank' is the President.
That aside, what department of the the federal government do the JCS, Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines belong to?? That would be the DoD.
#3 You claim to have been a member of a very famous Light Armored Marine Unit when trying to imply that you have had some type of a SF duty assignment.
Now how would I be at "high risk of capture" if I didn't operate at the "tip of the spear"???
#4 People (civilians) that work at MacDill do not have to have any SERE qualification as they have no risk of capture because they work at MacDill. Unless they have a job that will take them in theater (very unlikely).
And I didn't "just" work at McDill. That was some years ago. However when I did work there it was as a civilian contractor for USSOCOM. And I've worked in various capacities for the US government as a contractor as well as the private sector since I ended my military career.
#5 You refer to Special Forces as Special Operations, that is what the Brits and Europeans do but you claim to have served in the U.S. Military.
First of all, "boob.." based on your original post on this contention in this thread I was immediately lead to believe you have zero SO experience. Even if you were trained at some level it's not likely you have had any deployment or operational experience.
Do you want me to continue?
To be quite frank I am getting really tired of your BS.
Please quit pretending to know anything about any type of interrogation techniques used by the U.S. military or by our "intelligence agencies" because you obviously don't know anything about the U.S. military.