How NYPD torture people
You're talking about presumption of innocence and have the gall to call this video torture? You're too biased.
I'd also LOOVE to know which town it is New Jersey that you live.
I will concede maybe some bias against authority like the police and that even calling that vid "torture" might be a bit much.But hope you would agree it was at the least on the face of it uncalled for brutality.But what town I live in in NJ I don't see very relevant.I happen to live in Central Jersey and its relatively suburban but anyone familair with this area knows your never far from urban areas so if the point was I don't know what big cities are like and their problems or haven't been in and worked in them a lot you are way
off base.
And as to the comment about presumption of innoncence lets be clear.I have no problem with people who see things like vids of criminals commiting crimes thinking they very well may be guilty and on the other hand that applies to vids of police beating someone as well.The problem comes in when that becomes dealing out the sentence without due process such as is known as "street justice".Criminals,police who act improperly still should have a day in court and not just beaten on the spot.
Now for others who are arguing the David Koresh case ,I think this idea the ATF shot 1st is not substantiated by any facts I have ever seen.I remeber the vid of ATF guys on the side of the house going to attempt to enter through window being shot through the walls by people inside.
Korseh was known to be buying guns and kits to make them fully automatic and it was also alleged he was having sex with young children in his cult etc,something had to done about him and his followers.But I really don't see how that and a lot of the recent posts in this thread relate to the torture charges against some in the american govt.
And to this idea we who condemn the torture have been "ducking" questions about if it was family member involved I will just say that is not a premise we should even discuss.You don't make national/public policy on such emotional type basis.
And would say some on the other side have been ducking some issues as well.Like how about my post that showed how numerous people have not only been tortured while in US custody but died (murdered).