Bingo! My point exactly. This thing was GOP ginned up and strictly may have had it's own legs..but clearly (to anyone with common sense) to the extent they exploited others....this is all about the GOP reaching for traction against Obama.
After all, before this spending and these crisisis....we had record supplemental spending and a growing crisis in Iraq...where was Fox and the usual suspects then???
Ginned up means purely created by a political party without basis in the grassroots right?
That's not true at all. Like I said this has happened during Tax Day for years.
If they have EVEN LESS of a say in how their tax money is spent (yet they continue to pay most of the taxes) no wonder it's gotten more attention. If I was a Fox News editor, I'd see a story in that. And seeing that most of the media is liberal controlled, you're basically guaranteed a sizeable audience if you're the one who devotes coverage to it.
Did you see how condescending the CNN folks were? It's funny how it backfired on that one "reporter" Susan Roesgen.
And if Obama is outspending the GOP in a matter of months, they are now supposed to be quiet about it...Clearly you don't recognize the difference between conservatives and the GOP as a whole. It's like telling liberals not to protest because Obama decided against immediate 10 month withdrawal and has left a loophole open for continued combat troops past the deadline if things head south.
I guess they should stfu, because the Dems are in charge now, right? These folks can do whatever the hell they want to do. It's up to their party to respond to them, because this is where the votes lie. These are the folks who go out and campaign for you, who drum up support. When you don't listen, they stay home. Which is what happened to the GOP the last 2 election cycles.
So tell me why are Republicans wrong for protesting massive spending by President Obama? Why are Conservatives wrong?
Has it worked so far with Chrysler? That company is in the toilet and now it's looked like money wasted.