CIA Waterboarded Mohammed 183X in 1 Month, Zubaydah 83X in 1 month

Re: torturingdemocracy

Typical whining liberal link of accusing the former administration in questioning potential threats and terrorists. To be honest, you are one of the most unamerican people on this board and I don't really think that you desserve your american citizenship. You hate law enforcement people, you dislike the second amendment and you like being socially assisted. But I guess I can't expect nothing from someone who is a liberal and who has no pride for his country nor a single parcel of patriotism.

Let me guess, you're French :1orglaugh


Staff member
Re: torturingdemocracy

Let me guess, you're French :1orglaugh

yes and you are Dutch. And what does it have honestly to do with the post??? Most of my family and relatives live in the US in NY and Texas.
When you are given a citizen ship, you should be thankful to the country that has accepted you as one its citizens and also show pride and patriotism.
Unfortunately, many people who received a citizenship from a foreign country that has accepted them act like very ungrateful and uneducated people.
So instead of moaning and bitching of a country that has accepted them, some people should keep a low profile and definitely stop complaining.
Torture works.. Deal with it or GTFO.
Re: torturingdemocracy

Just saw this program on PBS for the 1st time tonight,it can be viewed at the link above.It is a blistering indictment of the tactics and torture employed by the US.It is really hard hitting IMO because the majority of the severe condemnation of the torture comes from people who served in the Bush administration and members of the military who knew these were war crimes and were digusted by it.

Here is a link from "people for the american way" with a petition to ask Obama and the justice dept to appoint a special prosecutor to bring the architects of the torture to justice.If you need convincing this needs to be done just watch the documentary at the link above.

Typical whining liberal link of accusing the former administration in questioning potential threats and terrorists. To be honest, you are one of the most unamerican people on this board and I don't really think that you desserve your american citizenship. You hate law enforcement people, you dislike the second amendment and you like being socially assisted. But I guess I can't expect nothing from someone who is a liberal and who has no pride for his country nor a single parcel of patriotism.

Let me guess, you're French :1orglaugh

yes and you are Dutch. And what does it have honestly to do with the post??? Most of my family and relatives live in the US in NY and Texas.
When you are given a citizen ship, you should be thankful to the country that has accepted you as one its citizens and also show pride and patriotism.
Unfortunately, many people who received a citizenship from a foreign country that has accepted them act like very ungrateful and uneducated people.
So instead of moaning and bitching of a country that has accepted them, some people should keep a low profile and definitely stop complaining.

Just goes to show that its not just america that has people who would do anything and commit any crime in the name of country.

Again I would say to those who don't know the real facts and details about the things done under the Bush administration watch the documentary in my first link above and then unless you choose to ignore it sign the petition in the link below that.

As to georges and his my country right or wrong attitude and saying I should lose my citizenship I will say this.You beleive like a lot of others on the right that you have a corner on love of country and patriotism.While those of us on the progressive left think such people who would condone torture and other acts that more rightfully belong to a country like Stalins Russia or Hiltlers germany think those kinds of actions are a disgrace to our heritage which we like to beleive is the old line about "truth, justice and the american way".Torture and the other related acts by some in our govt in recent years are a betrayal of those ideals and a betrayal of people who have fought and died in wars to uphold such things.
None of the facts and moral arguments that we anti-torture people present will sway the pro-torture folks, simply because they dig torture. They like it, they get off on it. They're sadists.

Yes and I'm looking forward to the next freeones gallery that features a hottie being waterboarded with dicks. I think Jules Jordan is filming it.

Sahara Knite will play detainee number 1.:spump:


Staff member
Re: torturingdemocracy

Just goes to show that its not just america that has people who would do anything and commit any crime in the name of country.
Again I would say to those who don't know the real facts and details about the things done under the Bush administration watch the documentary in my first link above and then unless you choose to ignore it sign the petition in the link below that.
As to georges and his my country right or wrong attitude and saying I should lose my citizenship I will say this.You beleive like a lot of others on the right that you have a corner on love of country and patriotism.While those of us on the progressive left think such people who would condone torture and other acts that more rightfully belong to a country like Stalins Russia or Hiltlers germany think those kinds of actions are a disgrace to our heritage which we like to beleive is the old line about "truth, justice and the american way".Torture and the other related acts by some in our govt in recent years are a betrayal of those ideals and a betrayal of people who have fought and died in wars to uphold such things.

You should perhaps blame your actual governement for having dirtbags like the clinton bitch, nancy pelosi, emmanuel rahm and janet napolitano or whatever the fuck her name is and trying to copy paste. You want talk about facts??? Tell us please how many illegal aliens are entering illegally on the us soil and crossing the border. Tell us how many people living in the ghetto shitty suburbs are not involved in gangs or in criminal activities.
With you as with most of leftists, I have understood several things:
-clinton = holy god and the former governments = crap
-death penalty = inhuman treatment
-2dn amendment = useless for you and the dirty leftists
Clinton was a blowjobber and liar under oath. During his presidency, the first WTC bombing happened, the bombing of the USS Cole happened and the Bombing of the American Ambassy in Kenya happened. I am not also mentioning the fiasco that happened in Mogadiscio because of the stupidity of the Clinton administration.
For you feeding criminals with honest and law abiding citizens money especially when they are guilty of heinous crimes is better than sending them to death? I bet you must like criminals to think like this.
The second amendment is a part of the american culture and trust me there will always be someone who will remind it you very clearly in way or another.
Progressive left implemented by Obama is shit as is his government. Instead of freeing some gunatanamo detainees without reason, you should have judged them like criminals (especially when they have a record) and stop always gving than bullshit excuse of human rights. The one who is a disgrace is the one who thinks that criminals shouldn't be treated as criminals and who is willing to be socially assisted at the expense of others honest hard working citizens. I am not going to chew my words with you Friday but I am going to tell you one thing in a very direct way: you are more an embarassement to America than something else.


Staff member
If America was a person georges would be it's bitch.

I am not anyone's bitch :nono: I am just a conservative right wing pro american person and not some leftist socialist brainless tool as are a lot of Europeans who also have anti american feelings when there is a republican government leading the USA.
If being pro American means blindly accepting the misdeeds of a group of war criminals (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales and the war council) than I'd rather be a leftist socialist brainless tool. For the first time in history an administration has said it will disregard the Geneva convention and they delibirately corrupted the law to serve their agenda and to escape prosecution but you think they're the dogs kahuna's. You can try to twist and wriggle your way out of it any way you want but that makes you a pro war crime person.
Who deserves it more, a fetus that's done nothing, or a member of a terrorist cell bent on killing Americans?

If they're a member of a terrorist cell, then try them and convict them in a court of law (Remember, the USA is supposed to be a nation of laws, not men), rather than storing them and torturing them without a trial.

I love how 95% of the time, the pro-torture people just operate on the blind assumption that if someone's locked up in one of these places (Gitmo, Abu Ghraib, etc.) then they're automatically a terrorist. That's :bs:


If being pro American means blindly accepting the misdeeds of a group of war criminals (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales and the war council) than I'd rather be a leftist socialist brainless tool. For the first time in history an administration has said it will disregard the Geneva convention and they delibirately corrupted the law to serve their agenda and to escape prosecution but you think they're the dogs kahuna's. You can try to twist and wriggle your way out of it any way you want but that makes you a pro war crime person.

Ta-Da! You got your wish...!
If they're a member of a terrorist cell, then try them and convict them in a court of law (Remember, the USA is supposed to be a nation of laws, not men), rather than storing them and torturing them without a trial.

Here's a good one, there is the false narrative being floated by GOPers right now concerning where we're are to transfer GTMO detainees.....and by one wants them "here" (Nimbys).

Here's a question where did we send Richard Reed, The Blind Sheik, Timothy McVeigh, Padilla, Maussoui, and other terrorists. once we convicted them? To the moon?


I love how 95% of the time, the pro-torture people just operate on the blind assumption that if someone's locked up in one of these places (Gitmo, Abu Ghraib, etc.) then they're automatically a terrorist.

That's :bs:

Now the UberLiberals have created a new group to label and denigrate...the PRO-TORTURE PEOPLE!
Hunt them down! Ferret them out! Burn them!Send them to San Francisco! Death by, that's torture!:rofl:
Hunt them down! Ferret them out! Burn them!Send them to San Francisco! Death by, that's torture!:rofl:

Is that any different from the labeling of some as "pro abortion" for their propaganda purposes?
Re: torturingdemocracy

2nd amendment = useless for you and the dirty leftists

Georges, obviously I can't speak for the posters who departed before my arrival, but during the 3 1/2 years I've posted here I can't think of a single regular "leftist" poster (other than perhaps Fox, and at this late date I'm not even 100% sure about him) that's ever advocated the repeal of the 2nd amendment. It's possible I'm overlooking somebody, but I don't think so.

Fridayonmymind has stated very clearly on multiple occasions that he has no desire to see the amendment repealed.
Re: torturingdemocracy

Georges, obviously I can't speak for the posters who departed before my arrival, but during the 3 1/2 years I've posted here I can't think of a single regular "leftist" poster (other than perhaps Fox, and at this late date I'm not even 100% sure about him) that's ever advocated the repeal of the 2nd amendment. It's possible I'm overlooking somebody, but I don't think so.

Fridayonmymind has stated very clearly on multiple occasions that he has no desire to see the amendment repealed.

I didn't bother to correct him on it,as he mis-states so much of what he says I think about so many things eitheir on purpose or some other reason it gets to be a waste of time.
You are of course correct I do support the 2nd amendment and right to bear arms.I just won't go along with some who think its reasonable to claim there isn't some negative consequnces to the right.This idea that alot of guns makes us safer in day to day lives doesn't hold up IMO.I support the right for the reason that I still think an armed population has power an unarmed one doesn't.Might be an archaic even romantic or crazy idea but I cling to it lol.
can we torture anti-abortion, environmentalists, or turner diary terrorists who would do harm? or are we only allowed to torture non-american terrorists?
georges is so far gone in his posts that I don't even bother to reply to it. It's like he's living in another dimension with his irrational rants.