Hiliary 2020
Muslims take it all away? Paranoid much. Most people in Europe live peacefully side by side (1000s of years of history have dilluted the ethnic populations already) and you get very minor incidents of racial tension, which make headlines in the right wing media. This whole view that Islam is trying to overthrow the west because they hate the fact we have tvs and 'moderninity' is absurd, sounds like something straight out of the mouth of George Bush trying scare the world to side with the states, something the UK, Spain and Australia did to great costs (London/Madrid/Bali bombings). People should be allowed to practice their religion as long as it doesn't infringe on security (ie faces covered in public or inciting violence) or health and safety (ie dress or hygiene etc). Everyone respected, no one disrespected everyone happy, simples.
no not paranoid, just realistic.
lets wait about twenty or 50 years and see who was right.
Its called mass immigration dude.
and your thousands of years of dilluted ethnic populations theory doesn't apply here, but it is a good excuse for those who buy into it.
Sure the anglo saxons came from germany into england 1500 years ago, norse mixed with many populations also.
That was a long time ago.
It has nothing to do with what is happening in Europe today.
I wonder, if euro people began a mass immigration into arab and indian lands, who you would be defending.