Assassin Creed III


Die For Me
do i need to look around the cave? you dont need to spoil anything that may be in there but should i take more than 30 seconds of running around to REALLY look around carefully?

The power source things you collect throughout the Desmond parts of the game need to be installed in the cave to open the gate at the end. I did them as soon as I got them but you can wait until the end. You get some Juno/First Civ cutscenes along the way. It may take a little while to figure out how to reach the spots, but not too bad. Otherwise all you are missing is emails and conversations.
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man, the naval battles are awesome, forget about the game which has some stupid missions like chasing thomas hickey, tried over 120 times to finish that quest
i got him on the 1st try,i don't remember it being so hard.

The power source things you collect throughout the Desmond parts of the game need to be installed in the cave to open the gate at the end. I did them as soon as I got them but you can wait until the end. You get some Juno/First Civ cutscenes along the way. It may take a little while to figure out how to reach the spots, but not too bad. Otherwise all you are missing is emails and conversations.

when i did the mma arena desmond part,i looked at the emails....BORING! i always wondered what "new email" in the top corner of the screen meant. i didn't even bother reading them. maybe next exit from the animus scene i'll try to install those power sources.

BTW yesterday i got a nice message that i was top 1% of world in STARTING RIOTS!


My Penis Is Dancing!
I got it recently...a highly addicting and entertaining game, but highly frustrating for me because of the controls and the lack of saves.
I am not very good at these things, so I need to save. A lot. Unfortunately, AS3 does not seem to offer this...and nothing beats exploring the landscape for a couple of hours, only to have it all pissed away after falling off the highest tree in the forest.
Or getting eaten by a fucking mountain lion. I had a battle royal with a family of bears, and finally managed to beat them...only to have a mountain lion blindside me and take the last bit of my health.
Of course, jumping into the middle of a bunch of redcoats does not help, either. So far, I have been able to take care of myself in those cases, but it is when I run into another troop that I have problems.
And finally, I have come across a totally invisible chest (I am thinking somewhere around Concord, but I would not bet my life on it). I spent a half hour stalking that chest. Apparently, it is trapped in the trunk of a pine tree.

I am still early in the game, but there is no greater satisfaction than going into a fort of redcoats, then looting all of the bodies a little bit later on.


Die For Me
It autosaves by itself a lot like the other AC games, you would probably be unlucky if you lost a lot of progress?
I had a few problems with invisible chests too. Usually they are underground in a cave, you have to search the vicinity to find an entrance nearby.
I got it recently...a highly addicting and entertaining game, but highly frustrating for me because of the controls and the lack of saves.
I am not very good at these things, so I need to save. A lot. Unfortunately, AS3 does not seem to offer this...and nothing beats exploring the landscape for a couple of hours, only to have it all pissed away after falling off the highest tree in the forest.
Or getting eaten by a fucking mountain lion. I had a battle royal with a family of bears, and finally managed to beat them...only to have a mountain lion blindside me and take the last bit of my health.
Of course, jumping into the middle of a bunch of redcoats does not help, either. So far, I have been able to take care of myself in those cases, but it is when I run into another troop that I have problems.
And finally, I have come across a totally invisible chest (I am thinking somewhere around Concord, but I would not bet my life on it). I spent a half hour stalking that chest. Apparently, it is trapped in the trunk of a pine tree.

I am still early in the game, but there is no greater satisfaction than going into a fort of redcoats, then looting all of the bodies a little bit later on.

It autosaves by itself a lot like the other AC games, you would probably be unlucky if you lost a lot of progress?
I had a few problems with invisible chests too. Usually they are underground in a cave, you have to search the vicinity to find an entrance nearby.

YES! some of the chests look like they are right in front of you but they end up being in a cave. if you are at a rock wall you must go all the way around it until you find the opening.
STANSCRATCH- the game autosaves on it's own ....A LOT! the lightning looking thing that happens in the mid-to-lower left side of the screen is the save feature. when you die by animal,redcoat or falling off a cliff/tree it doesn't put you exactly back in that same spot. it puts you back at the last save spot. i'm not sure if it saves automatically after you ambush a bunch of redcoats.but if you are not getting the lightning emblem on the lower left side you should check your settings.
I just had a funny glitch happen to me. I was climbing up a wrecked building in New York and I flew strait up into the air. I thought it was quite funny.
I just had a funny glitch happen to me. I was climbing up a wrecked building in New York and I flew strait up into the air. I thought it was quite funny.

yeah there have been lists upon lists of glitches with this game that were not fixed with the HUGE patch on 1st day release.
i don't understand how companies can release games with issues? is it because:
1. with technology now they can correct issues with patches/updates
2. because people will buy the game no matter what, they WILL complain but still buy it so UBIsoft (or any other game company) is still getting their money?
3. they just don't care?
4. they don't give development teams enough time to create,test,re-test games due to tight deadlines & schedules?


My Penis Is Dancing!
I did finally find out about the underground caves. I had actually considered taking barrels of ammo from a fort to blow a hole in the ground until I finally figured it out. Pretty obvious.
I had a battle royale between myself and two elk. I tend to just run along the landscape in my pursuit of feathers and such, and get a lot of my animal kills by purely bumping into them. One time, I bumped into two elk locking horns. Finally managed to kill the both of them, and before I had a chance to skin them, a leopard jumps me.
I've also noticed that, when exiting restricted areas, all characters tend to respawn upon re-entry. Is this just me? The OCD in me will not allow me to blow up the ammo of a fort until all of the redcoats and bluecoats are dead. So while looting the same bodies over and over is a nice bonus, killing the same people over and over is a bit repetitive.

The weather effects are remarkable. I have never seen a game handle rain better. Only Half Life 2 handled fog as well...and Assassin's Creed 3 might have that beat (impressive, considering Half Life 2 is almost a decade old). Taking out a fort during a midnight thunderstorm is a hell of a ride.
i got a couple of gaming magazines last week-that i procrastinated to read.... so saturday night i read them and both have unflattering reviews for AC3 in which the issues of "falling into the game" really hold this game back! i have had these problems since AC1 and it's an issue now?
the reviewer said even after a HUGE release day patch the game still has these issues and the message/forum board is littered with them...falling into the game,enemies stuck in treesrocks,animals stuck in trees/rocks,dead enemies falling into the game.... how do you release a game like that?

on the lighter side-in the game i was heading through lexington the other day and there was a patrol with a dog.i was not incognito-i had 1 X against me so the dog came running to me barking,the patrol came over but then he walked away to go get on a horse,i came out from hiding behind a tree and killed the dog then went back into hiding,the patrol came over looked at the dog and said " OH man somebody shut the dog off" !!! :1orglaugh SHUT THE DOG OFF!!! instead of "killed the dog" ...shut the dog off!!!!!!! HA!

BTW anytime this game leaves the animus and you are desmond looking for a power source.... i lose interest in this game. i want to be in revolutionary times!!! fuck desmond,fuck the power source,fuck running on the beams of an MMA fight at an arena that nobody apparantly sees you climb onto!!!! just leave me in the game please? is here anything in that cave i need to look for?

I've said it a hundred times by now, but... I have not seen a single glitch in this game. Aside from the multiplayer not working for the first 2 days (which they promptly fixed for everyone), this game has run smooth as butter for me.

Also, I know what you mean about leaving the Animus. I always thought this series would be better off without the convoluted future backstory nonsense. Why can't it just be a game where you play as an assassin from a specific time period? If they're worried about the actual assassin stories making sense in a game-to-game context, they could easily remedy it with a 2 minute cinematic at the beginning of each new game.
I did finally find out about the underground caves. I had actually considered taking barrels of ammo from a fort to blow a hole in the ground until I finally figured it out. Pretty obvious.
I had a battle royale between myself and two elk. I tend to just run along the landscape in my pursuit of feathers and such, and get a lot of my animal kills by purely bumping into them. One time, I bumped into two elk locking horns. Finally managed to kill the both of them, and before I had a chance to skin them, a leopard jumps me.
I've also noticed that, when exiting restricted areas, all characters tend to respawn upon re-entry. Is this just me? The OCD in me will not allow me to blow up the ammo of a fort until all of the redcoats and bluecoats are dead. So while looting the same bodies over and over is a nice bonus, killing the same people over and over is a bit repetitive.

The weather effects are remarkable. I have never seen a game handle rain better. Only Half Life 2 handled fog as well...and Assassin's Creed 3 might have that beat (impressive, considering Half Life 2 is almost a decade old). Taking out a fort during a midnight thunderstorm is a hell of a ride.

technically the BlueCoats aren't your enemy- they are the patriots/militia of the "USA" but i think still show up on the radar as an enemy because considering you are a native american (indian) you are "not" one of the patriots/militia therefore the red dot as an enemy on the radar.
i personally do not attack Bluecoated militia unless i get attacked/provoked by them. but the redcoats FACE MY WRATH every chance i get.
Also keep those skinned animal hides come in handy for cash at the general store to get better weapons- or later in the game when you begin to trade within the colonies.collect as much as you can!
I've said it a hundred times by now, but... I have not seen a single glitch in this game. Aside from the multiplayer not working for the first 2 days (which they promptly fixed for everyone), this game has run smooth as butter for me.

Also, I know what you mean about leaving the Animus. I always thought this series would be better off without the convoluted future backstory nonsense. Why can't it just be a game where you play as an assassin from a specific time period? If they're worried about the actual assassin stories making sense in a game-to-game context, they could easily remedy it with a 2 minute cinematic at the beginning of each new game.

definitely check out the ubisoft forums and all the issues. there actually is one thread about the animus story we are talking about!
technically the BlueCoats aren't your enemy- they are the patriots/militia of the "USA" but i think still show up on the radar as an enemy because considering you are a native american (indian) you are "not" one of the patriots/militia therefore the red dot as an enemy on the radar.
i personally do not attack Bluecoated militia unless i get attacked/provoked by them. but the redcoats FACE MY WRATH every chance i get.
Also keep those skinned animal hides come in handy for cash at the general store to get better weapons- or later in the game when you begin to trade within the colonies.collect as much as you can!

I think the Militiamen are "enemies" because they're official keepers of the peace, and while Connor is the game's hero, he is still technically a pretty massive criminal. I attack redcoats and militiamen all the time. I'm equal-opportunity like that.
I think the Militiamen are "enemies" because they're official keepers of the peace, and while Connor is the game's hero, he is still technically a pretty massive criminal. I attack redcoats and militiamen all the time. I'm equal-opportunity like that.

i never did because you liberate a fort and hand it over in a cut scene to the bluecoats,so they are not your straight enemy. yes connor is not on a "side" but i feel that they are only attacking if you have 1,2 or 3 X's and are not incognito,obviously you committed a crime for them to attack.
I finished the single player game last night. I had alot of fun with it. Now I want to replay the old ones lol.


Die For Me
Yea, I like that new domination, maybe because I tend to win more compared to the other modes.
Wanted is still wanted, the deathmatch is similar but with audio cues to point out close by contracts or pursuers and no radar, got owned in that quite a bit.
I have only done Wolfpack by myself but that was fun too, best was wave 23/25 or something.
You can unlock quasi-storyline stuff by doing challenges, like the Abstergo videos and corresponding Erudito hacks.
Some of them are difficult to unlock though, easier to just watch on youtube :cool: Dev diaries with hacked versions below. Possibly giving some clues into the origins of the next AC?

I finished the single player game last night. I had alot of fun with it. Now I want to replay the old ones lol.

Could you tell me if the ending sort of "takes off"? By that, I mean do you get to chapter 10 or something and the game just makes you play through to the end without being able to fiddle around between missions? The last two games did that, and it kind of pissed me off. I'd think I'd have a few sequences left to go through, and then the last 2 or three would just be mashed into one. I'm in sequence 9 right now, and I'm kind of putting off the story because I don't want it to be over all of a sudden.

i want to mess around with multiplayer.
has anyone tried it yet?

Yeah, I'm up to a level 46 or something in MP. It's wicked goddamned fun, but it takes some learning and getting used to. I feel like a lot of ppl probably try it once and then write it off because it isn't anything like Call Of Duty or Halo. If you stick with it and learn the ropes, it can be an absolute blast, especially if you're playing with friends.

Wolfpack is fun, and you get to unlock the "Dark" costumes if you manage to beat it. I got it the costume for The Hessian, which is the only character I ever use. I mostly just stick to Deathmatch though.