Assassin Creed III

so when you take over a fort and put up the american flag....the patriots who take over the fort are still red dots on your radar and considered "enemies"....but since you (the character) are a native american ...ANYONE other than your people would technically be the enemy. i don't fight the patriots after taking control of a fort. smart move right?

I don't attack the patriots unless I'm attacked.
i noticed the last 2 days while driving to work.... and seeing the downed trees on the sides of the highways from hurricane sandy .... i look at the trees different like the character in ACIII. i look at the branches and try to see if it's possible to go from tree to tree and what branches i would use!! :facepalm:

i also am looking at the piles of leaves on the curbs in front of houses different also... like "i wonder if there is someone hiding in there" .... or "can i hide in there to make an escape?" :facepalm::facepalm:

hehe, I did that with a big maple in my back yard. I also see driving lines all over the roads after I play a lot of forza.
it's good to know that UBISOFT has yet to figure out "collision detection?" .... if i am correct calling it that.
because 2 TIMES NOW since buying this game i have somehow gotten stuck "inside the gaming world" just like when i played the 1st AC and could not finish the game because i kept falling down....into the gaming world abyss!
WTF is with that? i somehow end up "inside" or "behind" a giant rock or somehow fall "into " a tree.
very frustrating since that MAIN reason i never got another AC game after that first fucking debacle!
here we go again!!....:brick:..... now i know why i didn't finish AC1 and haven't gotten any AC games until this one....
besides "falling" or getting "stuck" in the "gaming world" , i am now having weapons disappear... weapons unable to be pulled AND/OR weapons unable to be sheathe.
i hate having to exit games and re-load games due to fucking glitches. make sure the game works before releasing it!!:mad:
here we go again!!....:brick:..... now i know why i didn't finish AC1 and haven't gotten any AC games until this one....
besides "falling" or getting "stuck" in the "gaming world" , i am now having weapons disappear... weapons unable to be pulled AND/OR weapons unable to be sheathe.
i hate having to exit games and re-load games due to fucking glitches. make sure the game works before releasing it!!:mad:

Damn, I never ran into a lot of issues in the Assassin's Creed games. Maybe small issues here and there like free running the roof tops but the game thinks I want to run up a chimney instead of around it or trying to jump off a log but instead I'm stuck in a crouched position, but nothing major that would make it unplayable.

Unfortunately in this day and age, games are released in semi-playable states because they can be patched later. Skyrim is HUGE example.
here we go again!!....:brick:..... now i know why i didn't finish AC1 and haven't gotten any AC games until this one....
besides "falling" or getting "stuck" in the "gaming world" , i am now having weapons disappear... weapons unable to be pulled AND/OR weapons unable to be sheathe.
i hate having to exit games and re-load games due to fucking glitches. make sure the game works before releasing it!!:mad:

I've played every AC game except for the 1st one and I have never had any of these glitches happen to me on any of them. I don't know what to tell you, dude.
sailing the high seas.................. FUCKING :banger: AWESOME! and i only did the trip to martha's vineyard !


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The last Naval Mission is pain to 100% with a fully upgraded Aquila.
just went to the UBISOFT website & forum....
GOD this is becoming a nuisance ! my weapons just disappear for no reason, how do you release a game with severe glitches like that? it's all over their forum boards.

spoken wheel
I've played every AC game except for the 1st one and I have never had any of these glitches happen to me on any of them. I don't know what to tell you, dude.
you must have the greatest consoles and perfect games in the world! pages upon pages of game ruining glitches. i shouldn't have to go all the way back to a general store every time and re-acquire all weapons and consumables & such!


Die For Me
Are you having guns disappearing/changing from dual holsters? I heard that was quite common so I didn't bother with the holster upgrade.
Otherwise, I don't think any of my weapons disappeared but consumables like bait/snares may have.
Are you having guns disappearing/changing from dual holsters? I heard that was quite common so I didn't bother with the holster upgrade.
Otherwise, I don't think any of my weapons disappeared but consumables like bait/snares may have.
i don't have the holster upgrade/dual holsters
it happens just randomly,sometimes after missions, i definitely have no bait/snares, arrows to 0,sawtooth sword gone but just the regular sword is available but it cannot be un-sheathe, hidden blade is "equipped" but my weapon choice is FIST! i cannot un-sheathe any weapon. i have to go to general store and "re-purchase" (it doesn't cost anything) sawtooth sword,gun,arrows,bait,snares, the landmines & grenade? (im not sure what those 2 are specifically) are both at zero. it's slightly annoying having to do that.
Now that I think about it, I have had arrows, snares and bait suddenly disappear and then I've had to go replenish them. On one of the last main missions, my sword disappeared.
just went to the UBISOFT website & forum....
GOD this is becoming a nuisance ! my weapons just disappear for no reason, how do you release a game with severe glitches like that? it's all over their forum boards.

spoken wheel
you must have the greatest consoles and perfect games in the world! pages upon pages of game ruining glitches. i shouldn't have to go all the way back to a general store every time and re-acquire all weapons and consumables & such!

Awesome game! Bought it a few days ago and haven't really been very productive since. It's still amazing me how much you can actually do, you can interact with mostly anything in the game. It seems a lot harder this time around though, your notoriety is always up but with the new features on how to hide yourself it makes for some mad escapes.

I've just nearly been hung! :eek:
i got a couple of gaming magazines last week-that i procrastinated to read.... so saturday night i read them and both have unflattering reviews for AC3 in which the issues of "falling into the game" really hold this game back! i have had these problems since AC1 and it's an issue now?
the reviewer said even after a HUGE release day patch the game still has these issues and the message/forum board is littered with them...falling into the game,enemies stuck in treesrocks,animals stuck in trees/rocks,dead enemies falling into the game.... how do you release a game like that?

on the lighter side-in the game i was heading through lexington the other day and there was a patrol with a dog.i was not incognito-i had 1 X against me so the dog came running to me barking,the patrol came over but then he walked away to go get on a horse,i came out from hiding behind a tree and killed the dog then went back into hiding,the patrol came over looked at the dog and said " OH man somebody shut the dog off" !!! :1orglaugh SHUT THE DOG OFF!!! instead of "killed the dog" ...shut the dog off!!!!!!! HA!

BTW anytime this game leaves the animus and you are desmond looking for a power source.... i lose interest in this game. i want to be in revolutionary times!!! fuck desmond,fuck the power source,fuck running on the beams of an MMA fight at an arena that nobody apparantly sees you climb onto!!!! just leave me in the game please? is here anything in that cave i need to look for?
man, the naval battles are awesome, forget about the game which has some stupid missions like chasing thomas hickey, tried over 120 times to finish that quest