i got a couple of gaming magazines last week-that i procrastinated to read.... so saturday night i read them and both have unflattering reviews for AC3 in which the issues of "falling into the game" really hold this game back! i have had these problems since AC1 and it's an issue now?
the reviewer said even after a HUGE release day patch the game still has these issues and the message/forum board is littered with them...falling into the game,enemies stuck in treesrocks,animals stuck in trees/rocks,dead enemies falling into the game.... how do you release a game like that?
on the lighter side-in the game i was heading through lexington the other day and there was a patrol with a dog.i was not incognito-i had 1 X against me so the dog came running to me barking,the patrol came over but then he walked away to go get on a horse,i came out from hiding behind a tree and killed the dog then went back into hiding,the patrol came over looked at the dog and said " OH man somebody shut the dog off" !!! :1orglaugh SHUT THE DOG OFF!!! instead of "killed the dog" ...shut the dog off!!!!!!! HA!
BTW anytime this game leaves the animus and you are desmond looking for a power source.... i lose interest in this game. i want to be in revolutionary times!!! fuck desmond,fuck the power source,fuck running on the beams of an MMA fight at an arena that nobody apparantly sees you climb onto!!!! just leave me in the game please? is here anything in that cave i need to look for?