Assassin Creed III

As other have said her the naval missions are superb, loving this latest AC and was surprised to see how much negative press it has had. I think it has been mentioned here somewhere but I cant read it all through again, can someone tell me how to get to the underground chests and trinkets please.


My Penis Is Dancing!
As other have said her the naval missions are superb, loving this latest AC and was surprised to see how much negative press it has had. I think it has been mentioned here somewhere but I cant read it all through again, can someone tell me how to get to the underground chests and trinkets please.

The underground chests are in caves. You can find the mouths about 50 or so yards away from where the treasure is supposed to be, always in a collection of rock and a bit downhill from where the chest is situated.
So, if your map shows you on top of the chest, you should be on top of a hill or cliff or something. Go down the hill and start looking for rocks. There, you will find the cave mouths. Some are a bit difficult to find.
As other have said her the naval missions are superb, loving this latest AC and was surprised to see how much negative press it has had. I think it has been mentioned here somewhere but I cant read it all through again, can someone tell me how to get to the underground chests and trinkets please.

The naval missions got negative press? It was leaps and bounds better than that tower defense crap in Revelations. They don't even compare.


Die For Me
Probably about the game in general, practically everything I have read on the naval warfare has been very positive.
The underground chests are in caves. You can find the mouths about 50 or so yards away from where the treasure is supposed to be, always in a collection of rock and a bit downhill from where the chest is situated.
So, if your map shows you on top of the chest, you should be on top of a hill or cliff or something. Go down the hill and start looking for rocks. There, you will find the cave mouths. Some are a bit difficult to find.

Thankyou very much Stan, you can have some rep for your help.
Probably about the game in general, practically everything I have read on the naval warfare has been very positive.

Yeah sorry about that, I was referring to the game in general. And for the record I dont think it deserves some of the bad press it has recieved or maybe im just reading the wrong sites : )

i think the negative press is the glitches, the list has been unreal-even with a huge 1st day patch/update.
Well so far I seem to be enjoying it as much as any other AC, for some reason I have become obsessed about upgrading my homestead to the point where im getting nothing else done. I care about these people and their well being : )
Yea, I like that new domination, maybe because I tend to win more compared to the other modes.
Wanted is still wanted, the deathmatch is similar but with audio cues to point out close by contracts or pursuers and no radar, got owned in that quite a bit.
I have only done Wolfpack by myself but that was fun too, best was wave 23/25 or something.
You can unlock quasi-storyline stuff by doing challenges, like the Abstergo videos and corresponding Erudito hacks.
Some of them are difficult to unlock though, easier to just watch on youtube :cool: Dev diaries with hacked versions below. Possibly giving some clues into the origins of the next AC?

Yeah, I'm up to a level 46 or something in MP. It's wicked goddamned fun, but it takes some learning and getting used to. I feel like a lot of ppl probably try it once and then write it off because it isn't anything like Call Of Duty or Halo. If you stick with it and learn the ropes, it can be an absolute blast, especially if you're playing with friends.

Wolfpack is fun, and you get to unlock the "Dark" costumes if you manage to beat it. I got it the costume for The Hessian, which is the only character I ever use. I mostly just stick to Deathmatch though.

i started MP 2 nights ago, i like it but i have a hard time finding the player i need to kill. i guess i am more methodical in my "game playing" instead of just running around looking to find the target.i am trying to get higher scores and in turn i think i am taking too long to get the target.
i am up to level 7 or 8 so playing with level 30-40-50 players is a challenge.
i looked through the types of multiplayer games and i don't understand that timeline thing like lungzyn posted. i think i have the first 3 or so steps complete but cannot figure out how to unlock more. do i need to complete objectives in MP to get more unlocked?
i am amichalski81 on the game if anyone wants to look me up to get me into some games- PS3 version btw

Well so far I seem to be enjoying it as much as any other AC, for some reason I have become obsessed about upgrading my homestead to the point where im getting nothing else done. I care about these people and their well being : )

and in turn you get better products to create... and sell and make money. although i just kill like 20 bears,cougars,wolf,raccoon and beaver then sell the hides for lots of money. make sure you create 2 more convoys to give yourself 3 convoys ....and even more INCOME!
so check this out, i was just driving around town near work and home and i realized there are a few buildings (schools) that have the perfect steeple to climb up to do an ASSASSINS CREED "synchronize" are pictures for 3 of the buildings that i took. 20130110_100341.jpg20130110_115912.jpg20130110_155613.jpg


Die For Me
That was one of the disappointing things, how the synch point buildings were all so similar. Also the trees in the frontier, at first it was interesting but then you found out they all had the same structure. Seemed a bit lazy.

The MP rewards run on a minimum level requirement + completing certain challenges. The final one sounds like a chore to do legit, like be level 50 and kill a certain amount of people while you are poisoned or something, among other things.
i started MP 2 nights ago, i like it but i have a hard time finding the player i need to kill. i guess i am more methodical in my "game playing" instead of just running around looking to find the target.i am trying to get higher scores and in turn i think i am taking too long to get the target.
i am up to level 7 or 8 so playing with level 30-40-50 players is a challenge.

i looked through the types of multiplayer games and i don't understand that timeline thing like lungzyn posted. i think i have the first 3 or so steps complete but cannot figure out how to unlock more. do i need to complete objectives in MP to get more unlocked?
i am amichalski81 on the game if anyone wants to look me up to get me into some games- PS3 version btw

and in turn you get better products to create... and sell and make money. although i just kill like 20 bears,cougars,wolf,raccoon and beaver then sell the hides for lots of money. make sure you create 2 more convoys to give yourself 3 convoys ....and even more INCOME!

Depending on which mode you're playing, there are a few different ways to figure out where your target is. The compass, heartbeat/whispers and a combination of unlockable perks/abilities are all helpful. Don't worry too much about how many kills you get, worry about how well you kill them. I win games all the time with a negative K/D ratio because the people who kill me just sprint up to me and get 100pts. However, if you utilize stealth, line of sight, kill/lure/escape chains and different perks or weapons (like poison) as well as working on variety bonuses, you can average 400-500 pts per kill, and get some massive single kill scores. A lot of this type of stuff will be easier once you level up and unlock different abilities, but if you stick with it, it's a fun, rewarding MP experience.
the picture on the right is the town hall building and that has a cross at the top top of that steeple... when i was taking the picture i was looking at it closely thinking of trying to balance on the top of the cross...with 1 foot.
there is a really cool one in downtown paterson if i ever get near there again i HAVE to take a picture of that one. it is cooler than all 3 of these.
Depending on which mode you're playing, there are a few different ways to figure out where your target is. The compass, heartbeat/whispers and a combination of unlockable perks/abilities are all helpful. Don't worry too much about how many kills you get, worry about how well you kill them. I win games all the time with a negative K/D ratio because the people who kill me just sprint up to me and get 100pts. However, if you utilize stealth, line of sight, kill/lure/escape chains and different perks or weapons (like poison) as well as working on variety bonuses, you can average 400-500 pts per kill, and get some massive single kill scores. A lot of this type of stuff will be easier once you level up and unlock different abilities, but if you stick with it, it's a fun, rewarding MP experience.

i have only played deathmatch so far- i have only done about 1 1/2 hours each the past 3 nights.i have done all 3 tutorials, but when i exited the game and was on the MP main menu there is the list of game choices- deatchmatch,wolfpack ,challenges and a few others. i clicked on the challenges and that is where it has like 1 then 1 with 2&3 under it on like the timeline thing. then on 2 it has 1&2 under it. i think like i have all of them "white" up to like 5 (i think) and 5 is red and i can't click on the options under it. i may just need to spend more time on it and reading what it says. i only looked over them briefly
so to make more money i created a naval convoy to trade goods along with land convoy.... WOW i think i am never going to use the Naval convoy again!!! i have sent out 9 trips and have lost 6 of the 6 HIGH PRICED profits just disappeared!
you can't protect them like you can land ones so why would i even risk send stuff by naval convoy for way more money when i will likely lose it?
i am a huge fan of the naval mission but i wish there was a way to just free-roam the high seas like you can around the regular game. i understand the way they have it set up. what are you going to sail for hours? and then attack other fleets just for the hell of it? i wish you were able to sail OUT TO THE MISSION instead of it just being picked and then just beginning.maybe i am just stuck in the awesomeness of the movie MASTER & COMMANDER w/russell crowe that i want more from naval missions in AC3?


Die For Me
so to make more money i created a naval convoy to trade goods along with land convoy.... WOW i think i am never going to use the Naval convoy again!!! i have sent out 9 trips and have lost 6 of the 6 HIGH PRICED profits just disappeared!
you can't protect them like you can land ones so why would i even risk send stuff by naval convoy for way more money when i will likely lose it?
i am a huge fan of the naval mission but i wish there was a way to just free-roam the high seas like you can around the regular game. i understand the way they have it set up. what are you going to sail for hours? and then attack other fleets just for the hell of it? i wish you were able to sail OUT TO THE MISSION instead of it just being picked and then just beginning.maybe i am just stuck in the awesomeness of the movie MASTER & COMMANDER w/russell crowe that i want more from naval missions in AC3?

What was your risk %? I have sent a bunch and they never got attacked.