Assassin Creed III

What was your risk %? I have sent a bunch and they never got attacked.

the risk was about 85%, but on one i lost i had a full convoy,very expensive stuff (in money coming back to me- like $10,000+), and on another i had like 4 spots filled with only something stupid like cougar fangs and that was also 85%. because i wanted to test it to see if it's the money amount or product amount. i actually did use one yesterday only half filled with about $2200 worth of stuff and it actually made it back! i just cannot risk sending boatloads of money to get freaking lost! if one cougar fang is 85% risk what is the sense shipping at all?


Die For Me
You can get it down to about 5% I think. Sending a ship full of bear/beaver pelts to Saint Augustine is the quickest way to make money in the game.
You can get it down to about 5% I think. Sending a ship full of bear/beaver pelts to Saint Augustine is the quickest way to make money in the game.

that is the one that i lost! full of Bear Pelt! i wonder if it is just random or if there is something truly involved in what decides if the convoy is lost?
Someone want to explain how to send convoys? I did it once, and completely forgot how to do it. The economical type stuff is the part I never really bothered to learn (I just go hunting when I need some cash).

Oh and as far as the "Abstergo Story Timeline" thing, I have no fucking clue what that shit's all about.
go to homestead or a general store
go to the book on the counter
in there you have 3 options (your current trade items,your create materials,convoys
go to the right of that menu and you can trade your items or homestead created "better" items for money to a number of different general stores,traders and such. you look at all the available traders and pick the one who gives more $$ in return to trade with.
bear pelts fetch a nice amount, but some homestead created items fetch even more (fine clothing,windows,boots,quilts,shoes) to name a few.
that is the one that i lost! full of Bear Pelt! i wonder if it is just random or if there is something truly involved in what decides if the convoy is lost?

Why are you sending out ships when there's an 85% risk of them getting attacked? Do the naval missions to lower the risk.
Why are you sending out ships when there's an 85% risk of them getting attacked? Do the naval missions to lower the risk.

i have 3 naval missions left to finish, i also didn't know completing them lowered the Risk of a naval convoy.
go to homestead or a general store
go to the book on the counter
in there you have 3 options (your current trade items,your create materials,convoys
go to the right of that menu and you can trade your items or homestead created "better" items for money to a number of different general stores,traders and such. you look at all the available traders and pick the one who gives more $$ in return to trade with.
bear pelts fetch a nice amount, but some homestead created items fetch even more (fine clothing,windows,boots,quilts,shoes) to name a few.

Thanks. I'll remember to try this next time I pop it in.