Arizona Immigration Bill PASSES!!

Do You Think She Made the Right Decision?

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I'm not reading all these posts

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It bugs me to see the US so fearful of immigration. To me, this issue is a matter solely of social welfare. If we don't want to pay for their care, write a bill exempting them from social services. It strikes me that, aside from the xenophobia prior to the War of 1812, this is America at its most isolationist. Unfortunately, our desire for high wages and mandatory health care has killed our notion of welcoming all who enter in, as is written on the Statue of Liberty.
Again, as someone who is originally from Mexico, who does look like a typical Mexican, though a bit pale (I need to go get me a tan), I'm fine with this law and I do hope Texas will adopt something similar. I did NOT come here illegally and I do have lots of reasons to oppose illegal immigration, from national security to MY country, the U.S., to the fact that I hate to see people from my native country getting exploited on this side of the border, and I find it particularly disturbing that they consider that exploitation as an improvement in their lives. The drug war in Mexico is reason enough to enforce immigration laws, particularly when some of the cartel or zeta people have safehouses or allies on this side of the border who provide them with weapons (which are a bit overrated in my opinion, all the good full auto guns they have are left overs from all those wars in Central and South America during the 80's, I mean, if they can buy cocaine from the FARC, why not some of their guns too?)

Mexico needs to get its shit together, plain and simple. The problem from what I saw growing up there is that people who are poor over there just have the idea that it is their lot in life and because they were born poor, they'll be poor the rest of their lives. They don't seem to believe in improving themselves. I've seen that even in my own family. Then the fact that people in southern Mexico still believe they live in an agrarian society instead of an industrialized society and that's the reason you find lots of Mexicans working out in the fields picking crops since that's the only job they've known how to do since they were 5. Again, like I always say, the only person who can take you out of poverty is YOURSELF and that's the same thing I'd tell my fellow Mexicans. If a dumbass conservative such as myself can do it, why can't they?
Again, as someone who is originally from Mexico, who does look like a typical Mexican, though a bit pale (I need to go get me a tan), I'm fine with this law and I do hope Texas will adopt something similar.
:cool: Hmmm so I guess what you're saying is you don't look like someone would have a reasonable suspicion you are an alien here illegally?:rolleyes:

The point is bigger than cops going down to the local Home Depot and rounding up day workers.

It's primarily about unreasonable searches based on vague and ambiguous probable cause.

If you don't understand why the average American would (or should) have a problem with that refer back to the history of our Revolutionary war and basis for the 4th Amendment.

I do love the duplicity of some in the "if you're not doing anything wrong...." crowd though. They see a government boogey man in things like the census, so-so security/national ID cards and firearms registration. But as soon as someone from their side crafts legislation or policy which portends to and/or actually violates rights, their constitutional conscience is quick to take one for the :sing:team:sing:. :nono:
I'm not reading all these posts but my :2 cents: is to say that it's about fucking time. Immigrants are always welcome here in the land of the free and the home of the brave....the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. But if you want us to take in the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, you are well advised to do it in a legal manner. Otherwise, you deserve to be deported.

To those who object about racial profiling I say....well, no shit!!! How many blue-eyed blonde-haired Finns do you see crossing the border illegally? The objection about "prejudice" does not hold water....sorry. It's all about Mexicans....face it.

And I'm a social liberal! However, this is about right and wrong. Good for the governor and the state legislature for having the courage to address this epidemic that blatantly steals money from all of us legitimate taxpayers.

Welcome to America....just come come here legally. If not, face the consequences. Life is with it.

I've read through this entire thread and I can't say it any better than Jagger. Well spoken my friend. As our country starts to reform itself and recover from the ressesion, it's our tax dollars that will be paying for it, like it or not. I know it's not all about money, but our resources should be spent helping US citizens, not those who would come here to only "take" from our system.
Hey what do you know, the representative who introduced this bill in the Arizona legislature is buddy buddy with the state's highest profile white supremacist/neo-nazi, a good old boy named J.T. Ready. Now there's a big surprise :1orglaugh

Good old J.T. was recently quoted as stating, "All the politicians wanna say it (immigration) is a complex problem.......well, I got it for you, one, two, three, four. Ya ready? Number one: Put the 1st Marine Division on the southern border. Number two: Put the 2nd Marine Division on the northern border. Number three: Put the 3rd Marine Division at our ports and shores. Number four: Our 4th Marine division needs to be within the interior moppin' up these gangbangers and takin' 'em out of here."

Funnily enough, J.T. never mentioned that he was court-martialed twice and booted out of the Marines with a bad conduct discharge. Or that in 2006 he was replaced as the master of ceremonies for Mesa's veteran's day parade once vets there discovered the truth of his service record :1orglaugh

And damn if the guy who helped write the Arizona bill is not only an Obama birther :conehead: but an attorney for the legal arm of an organization named F.A.I.R, which over nine years received more than a million dollars in funding from The Pioneer Fund, which in turn has funded 70 years of controversial research about race and intelligence essentially aimed at proving the racial superiority of white people. The Pioneer Fund's original mandate was to promote the genes of those 'deemed to be descended predominantly from white persons who settled in the original thirteen states prior to the adoption of the Constitution.'

Golly, with a cast of characters like that behind it I don't see how this new Arizona law can possibly go wrong :rolleyes:

I do believe you mean "JD" Hayworth.
Oh yeah, I remember this bill!!! This the same one they used under Jim Crow. Where's ur papers????

This kind of divisive talk doesn't help anything. I don't care if Lopez hides behind the title of "comedy" or "satire". This will not be funny anymore when the hordes have guns at our heads (comments at link are pretty telling).


Let's get rid of around 15,000,000 illegals and then we can talk...South Africans are welcome with all their skills and good education.
Mukumbe or Van Wyck doesn't matter, just come with something.
When Luis and Maria Hernandez wanna live here and work for minimum wage, go into debt buying a used truck and a house financed by Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae and skip back to Mexico when they get tired of being thanks.
And when hard working Pedro wants to bring his nephew Rolando here...the teen with 2 criminal convictions, MS13 tats on his chest and no money or property in thanks.
We need the filter of border crossing to keep crap outa the country...we got enough here of our own, we don't need to take Mexico's trash and now is way past time to start reversing the tide of illegals.
You had a vacation, hope you learned go back and fix up fucking shithole Mexico and quit messing things up here. I have lived and worked in Central America, Mexico, and the USA among other places...I hated seeing the shit that social life and economics is built on there being imported here, and seeing the USA start moving backwards to the past instead of forward into a future better place.
Thank you Arizona; now the rest of the states need to move into high gear and git'er done.
Isn't Arizona supposed to secede or something???
I agree they have too much control...but let's face it...we can't stop it any time soon. So I guess even though I have nothing to hide...there is little FEAR FACTOR happening...great post Elwood!!!

I also have nothing to hide,but I do fear my government.

It's a slippery slope.....
You're really hilarious :conehead:

And your basing this on what? Some news reports that made the headlines right? And because of the event of an illegal alien killing American citizen means that all illegal aliens are going to commit the same act. Using this logic, this must mean that all the forty year old guys in this forum are sex offenders. After all, a report shows that these sex offenders have alot of porn on their harddrive.
Just to be sure, we are going to pass a law that allows police to invade your privacy and confiscate your laptop at any given moment based on their judgment. Sure, eventually they did not find any illegal activity, but you did not like being treated that way did you?

face/palm right? What does this have to do with that? Hope that feels good, because I had to face/palm through every comment from you on page 5 of this thread. mean lots of legal children :confused:

Point was...all illegals don't look a certain way as you seemed to suggest and most people who are here illegally come here for a reason, to be productive.

She happened to have a good deal more in her favor when she got here and correspondingly became a quite successful entrepreneur.

Let's get rid of around 15,000,000 illegals and then we can talk...South Africans are welcome with all their skills and good education.
Mukumbe or Van Wyck doesn't matter, just come with something.
When Luis and Maria Hernandez wanna live here and work for minimum wage, go into debt buying a used truck and a house financed by Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae and skip back to Mexico when they get tired of being thanks.
And when hard working Pedro wants to bring his nephew Rolando here...the teen with 2 criminal convictions, MS13 tats on his chest and no money or property in thanks.
We need the filter of border crossing to keep crap outa the country...we got enough here of our own, we don't need to take Mexico's trash and now is way past time to start reversing the tide of illegals.
You had a vacation, hope you learned go back and fix up fucking shithole Mexico and quit messing things up here. I have lived and worked in Central America, Mexico, and the USA among other places...I hated seeing the shit that social life and economics is built on there being imported here, and seeing the USA start moving backwards to the past instead of forward into a future better place.
Thank you Arizona; now the rest of the states need to move into high gear and git'er done.