Illegal Immigration Costs Taxpayers $135 BILLION a Year


To emigrate is to follow a legal path of being in a country. If you did not, you are not an immigrant.

The "New World" and America was not a sovereign country and all who came before a government was formed were settlers.

I find his comment both offensive and racist. Are you saying that the Native American people did not have a way to "govern" themselves? Until of course the "white government" arrived?


Some might find it interesting, but I'm going with BC on this one. European settlement of the Americas was inevitable. We may have done it in some fucked up ways, but that's how you conducted a war of conquest in those days.

If you look at pre-European America though, you see that we didn't change much except skin color, religion....and smallpox. Slavery, torture, genocide and human sacrifice was being conducted north and south long before the pale-faces showed up.

Wading ashore in Florida, treaty in hand waiting to be signed was never an option in Florida or anywhere else. And I'm going with an overall, resounding No, the Native American people did NOT have a way to "govern" themselves.
Some might find it interesting, but I'm going with BC on this one. European settlement of the Americas was inevitable. We may have done it in some fucked up ways, but that's how you conducted a war of conquest in those days.

If you look at pre-European America though, you see that we didn't change much except skin color, religion....and smallpox. Slavery, torture, genocide and human sacrifice was being conducted north and south long before the pale-faces showed up.

Wading ashore in Florida, treaty in hand waiting to be signed was never an option in Florida or anywhere else. And I'm going with an overall, resounding No, the Native American people did NOT have a way to "govern" themselves.

And how did the Europeans govern themselves? they invented democracy which went away with Ceaser. they have had their dark ages, crusades, they have fought in the name of religion., burnt women alive accusing them of witchcraft. the only reason the Caucasian race was able to progress was due to the industrial revolution which was followed by the colonization of the world.

Native Americans had their own unique way of governing but they had their own way of live.
Unless you have 100% blood-kin descendants who are Native-American, ALL Americans are immigrants.

The problem with such a statement is that the natives didn't knew the concept of "states" or "territory". As far as I know, they just live on the land but they do not consider it as their territory, they do not consider themselves as the owners of that land