Are you for abortion or against?

Are you for or against abortion

  • Yes

    Votes: 60 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 15 18.3%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 7 8.5%

  • Total voters


Lord Dipstick
I see this thread dying like a fetus in the very near future.....:facepalm:


Official Checked Star Member
Ever heard of adoption? There's a long list of people waiting to adopt, and meanwhile, they have no issue with importing kids from some Third World shithole somewhere. There are other options than just the "black" and "white" - keep or destroy.

You seem to have a very jaded, or negative view on the rest of the world. I'd almost venture to say its a hateful view on the rest of the world. Can I ask why you have such negative feelings towards Third World countries, or anywhere other than your own home country? I'm genuinely curious.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner

This discussion is rather narrow. Certain people go around
talking about "fetus rights", but what about the right not to
be born? In the words of the poet:

“Sleep is good, death is better; but of course,
the best thing would to never have been born at all”
-Heinrich Heine

I'm still pissed at my parents for fucking.


Lord Dipstick

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
....So are we Ike, so are we. :facepalm:

More pissed at your parents though. I'm checking to see if they'll consent to a post-natal abortion.
There are three individuals to consider, the mother, father and the unborn child.Present thinking seems to discount the last two.


Closed Account
I believe any woman who gets an abortion should have her tubes tied on the spot. If you're not responsible enough to keep from getting pregnant in the first place and abort the baby then you shouldn't have another chance to have one later on in life, unless the pregnancy was a result of rape.

I just read this article a few weeks ago That is a staggering amount of abortions, and the article says that number is actually down from 12 years ago
If someone wants to go through with it then fine I have no problem with it. It's not my decision to make. I can't honestly answer this for myself (in a yes or no answer) as I would need to have it to happen to a wife or girlfriend to be able to think about it properly. I mean it is too easy to say yes or no on this topic if it doesn't effect you personally.
Can I ask why you have such negative feelings towards Third World countries, or anywhere other than your own home country? I'm genuinely curious.

I don't have a negative view, just a realistic view. Unfortunately there are places that are shitholes, so I am just pointing that out. Places like China, for example, have brought a ton of problems by their own doing. Africa, on the other hand, was definitely retarded from Western imperialism and no doubt we set that continent back quite a bit from the nineteenth- and twentieth centuries, but no doubt we send billions in aid now as well. We're trying to make up for past mistakes (although, me being half Scandinavian and the Scandinavians playing a very small role in the retardation of Africa via imperialism, I doubt how much I owe on acount of my ancestors) and contrary to what people may believe, we, America, are saving millions of lives in Africa everyday because of aid Bush allocated to Africa.

A recent report from the Pew Global Attitudes Project found that "the US image is much stronger in Africa than in other regions of the world". At least 80 per cent of respondents in Ghana, Kenya and Cote d'Ivoire were favourable to the US. In all other sub-Saharan African countries polled, there were more "favourables" than "non-favourables". Part of the reason for that support is money. Lots of it.

When President Bush came to power in 2001, the US spent $1.4bn a year on humanitarian and development aid in Africa. By 2006, the figure had quadrupled to $5.6bn a year. And it is likely to get bigger. The centrepiece of Mr Bush's aid to Africa is the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (Pepfar), a five-year, $15bn Aids prevention and treatment programme launched in 2003. His most recent budget proposes doubling the funding to $30bn over the next five years.

Despite rows over the programme's emphasis on abstinence and faithfulness to one partner rather than condoms to control Aids, it has helped to fund anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs for 1.3 million people across the continent. Before, the US funded ARV treatment for just 50,000 people.

Taken alongside US funding for malaria prevention, plus the Millennium Challenge Accounts, which provide funding for countries with strong governance records, Mr Bush has done more for Africa than any other US president

That's (^) a whole 'nother discussion, but I'm not entirely against us sending aid to foreign countries, but I wonder what good it does in the long run if we are promoting places to have more children what it will do to the human population as a whole in the near future.

No, I am not such a bad guy, but I am not a bleeding heart either. But you should know that people that promote sterilization in many cases have been identified as the real questionable ones. So I kinda get pissed when I hear people talk about sterilzation and how we in the West are the Satans of the world. :2 cents: There's a much bigger picture in the grand scheme.

I believe any woman who gets an abortion should have her tubes tied on the spot.

Good observation. No doubt very much true.
I believe any woman who gets an abortion should have her tubes tied on the spot. If you're not responsible enough to keep from getting pregnant in the first place and abort the baby then you shouldn't have another chance to have one later on in life, unless the pregnancy was a result of rape.

I just read this article a few weeks ago That is a staggering amount of abortions, and the article says that number is actually down from 12 years ago

Women who are stupid enough to get pregnant more than a couple times though, SHOULD be neutered.

Forced sterilization... one of the darkest chapters in modern history that didn't stem from nazi germany.

The only thing abortions may cause for others apart from the mother is a mild annoyance and some cost. You cannot say "Ok, we're gonna make you unable to have babies now because we're so bloody annoyed at you running here all the time".

If it irks you that some women are serial abortionists, so be it... but that alone is no reason to force such a medial procedure on someone.

To put it in perspective: what is someone said "Because you do adult modelling, you're probably unfit as a mother... so we're gonna tie your tubes now. We have just decided you shall not have children".

Forced sterilization... one of the darkest chapters in modern history that didn't stem from nazi germany.

The only thing abortions may cause for others apart from the mother is a mild annoyance and some cost. You cannot say "Ok, we're gonna make you unable to have babies now because we're so bloody annoyed at you running here all the time".

If it irks you that some women are serial abortionists, so be it... but that alone is no reason to force such a medial procedure on someone.

To put it in perspective: what is someone said "Because you do adult modelling, you're probably unfit as a mother... so we're gonna tie your tubes now. We have just decided you shall not have children".


Maybe the price should go up after each abortion so either you'll learn to use protection as you can't afford the next abortion or you end up having the kid because you can't afford to abort it and as you struggle with parenthood you vow never to practice unsafe sex again. Of course this excludes pregnancies from rapes and babies that may suffer severe problems and doctors recommend termination.
How do you think this conversation would be going if men were the ones to carry the fetus?

Oh geez... not that bullshit again. "Oh but if men had to suffer all thse things they would have been fixed loooong ago!".

If men are so good a fixing things inequities do they still suffer them and noone even cares?

Oh and please please PLEASe answer "WTF you talking about, men don't suffer from inequities"... just to prove my point at once.

I'm not "for" abortion.... however and this what the "right to lifers" do not understand. And that is the fact of does a woman have a right to do what they wish with their body? And the answer is YES....which the pro-lifers keep twisting is that its morally wrong and etc. But we aren't talking about morality my friends. It's more of the right to choose or not and you cannot legislate morality.
Do you think its right that a woman gets raped and has to carry that un-wanted pregancy? Uhh. no
And there are host of other situations so the right to choose is the question. And what many pro-lifers do not understand or refuse to accept. No one has the right to tell someone else what they can or cannot do with their body. And some of the rabid pro-lifers are hypocrites because they don't believe in abortion but they murder an abortion doctor or whathaveyou. The last time I checked taking a life is taking a life.


Official Checked Star Member
Forced sterilization... one of the darkest chapters in modern history that didn't stem from nazi germany.

The only thing abortions may cause for others apart from the mother is a mild annoyance and some cost. You cannot say "Ok, we're gonna make you unable to have babies now because we're so bloody annoyed at you running here all the time".

If it irks you that some women are serial abortionists, so be it... but that alone is no reason to force such a medial procedure on someone.

To put it in perspective: what is someone said "Because you do adult modelling, you're probably unfit as a mother... so we're gonna tie your tubes now. We have just decided you shall not have children".


My being an adult model bears no reflection on my skills and abillity to be a mother IMO. However, continually showing that you are unfit to carry and birth a child, SEVERAL times, and are so unfit to do so to the point where you abort several children...yeah thats not exactly showcasing to the world that you are prepared to handle motherhood. Sure maybe things might change in the future, but should innocent children continually be concieved and aborted, and government dollars be wasted on someone who is too stupid to keep on the pill or use rubbers? I think not.


Official Checked Star Member
Sure maybe things might change in the future, but should innocent children continually be concieved and aborted, and government dollars be wasted on someone who is too stupid to keep on the pill or use rubbers? I think not.

This is pretty much how I feel. I am 100% pro-choice, and I think a woman's body should be her own decision - if someone isn't ready to raise a child, then it's best to terminate the pregnancy rather than bring another unwanted life into the world where it may not be cared for adequately. HOWEVER, I have known a lot of girls during my years in the industry who seem to think abortion is a form of birth control, including one girl who has actually had so many abortions that the local clinic has told her they will not be able to give her any more without causing severe irreparable damage to her uterus ("my husband doesn't like the way condoms feel and he won't let me go on the pill cos it makes me gain weight" - actual quote), and that is something I do take issue with. Unfortunately, there really is no ethical solution to the problem.