Are you for abortion or against?

Are you for or against abortion

  • Yes

    Votes: 60 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 15 18.3%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 7 8.5%

  • Total voters
I dunno, is there a beating heart? They can sleep on that, I don't think I could sleep with that on my conscience. But again that's just me.

Your original statement;
I'd like more people to put their money where their mouth is. If this is such a pressing issue, go to medical school and learn how to abort. If you could stomach such a procedure I'd like to see it. Advocates don't want to do it, gaurantee.

Just so you know, 'advocates' already do. Who do you think it is that does them?

Again, allot of people wouldn't have the 'stomach' to perform all kinds of legal, medical procedures.:wave2:
So in analogous terms, because a man preparing to undergo brain surgery probably wouldn't have the stomach to perform brain surgery himself shouldn't undergo brain surgery? Not sure if you understood that being one of the effects of your point. :eek:

Point being, most people don't have the stomach to be a surgeon of any type, coroner or any of the other professions that would require them to engage in otherwise gory conditions. That doesn't call into question the legitimacy of the professional act.:2 cents:

And I want to reiterate that I am somewhat liberal when it comes to stuff like homelessness in MY community. Heck, I used to go with my folks to the Union Gospel to give sandwiches to the homeless. I've put my money where my mouth is.

And if I do ever get filthy rich I'm going to a hell of a lot more for the homeless in my community, you can bet on that. I love my city more than any place on earth and it's all love and all blood.

People have no idea the good I would do in the world if/when I hit it big. What have YOU done in your community today, Mega? :1orglaugh
What have YOU done in your community today, Mega? :1orglaugh

I wasn't aware this abortion subject and gory jobs turned into a community service thread but I just saved BS Scott from making a fool of himself with another BS point.:hybrid:

Aside from that, all of my old clothes go directly to homeless shelters, as in the example above, I mentor YOUth, and I always drop the kind of money that folds in to the red Salvation Army buckets.

Good enough for you?
I wasn't aware this abortion subject and gory jobs turned into a community service thread but I just saved BS Scott from making a fool of himself with another BS point.:hybrid:

Aside from that, all of my old clothes go directly to homeless shelters, as in the example above, I mentor YOUth, and I always drop the kind of money that folds in to the red Salvation Army buckets.

Good enough for you?

It didn't go from abortion to "community service." Are you not following me, or are you trying to totally change the subject? That's all part of the abortion debate, no? The fact that there are so many undesirables in the world and that we could use less people. Therefore, since I somewhat object to the idea of abortion I am a hypocrite that later treats these former undesirables like shit, so I have no right to say abortion is bad.

You followin' me, genius?

As far as donating clothes, I just donated three big ass trash bags worth to Goodwill, old timer. :1orglaugh

Anything else?
It didn't go from abortion to "community service." Are you not following me, or are you trying to totally change the subject? That's all part of the abortion debate, no? The fact that there are so many undesirables in the world and that we could use less people. Therefore, since I somewhat object to the idea of abortion I am a hypocrite that later treats these former undesirables like shit, so I have no right to say abortion is bad.

You followin' me, genius?

As far as donating clothes, I just donated three big ass trash bags worth to Goodwill, old timer. :1orglaugh

Anything else?

You've succeeded at proving you are quite adept as confusing yourself.

You've made the leap of connecting abortions and homeless...:facepalm: Un-real...homeless and abortions have nothin....err forget it.

Memo to youthful (mentality) 'genius'....Goodwill sells what you donate (to anyone, not homeless) in what amounts to a retail garage sell. It is better to find a homeless shelter and give the clothes directly to the homeless. :2 cents:

Nothing else. Lesson over.:hatsoff:
You've succeeded at proving you are quite adept as confusing yourself.

You've made the leap of connecting abortions and homeless...:facepalm: Un-real...homeless and abortions have nothin....err forget it.

Memo to youthful (mentality) 'genius'....Goodwill sells what you donate (to anyone, not homeless) in what amounts to a retail garage sell. It is better to find a homeless shelter and give the clothes directly to the homeless. :2 cents:

Nothing else. Lesson over.:hatsoff:


You LOSE. :1orglaugh
I just wanted to say that since I have sisters, I can't imagine if one of them were raped and impregnated. I would probably take a different outlook on the subject entirely, so, yeah, I dunno...that would be difficult. I can't say I am entirely against it, but the circumstances would have to be pretty extreme.

But don't they give rape victims some form of meds to kill anything?

Jon S.

What intrusive operation or procedure ISN'T gory or grusome in all fairness? Open heart surgery is I'm sure gory and grusome as Hell, and I sure as Hell wouldn't want to do it myself...BUT, that doesn't mean that I don't want qualified people who can stomach it doing it. I'm sure as procedures and operations go, abortion is likely nowhere near the top from a gore standpoint.

That being said, I don't believe there is anyone who could be classified as being an "abortion advocate". I support a woman's right to make the choice for herself...nothing more and nothing less. That does not mean I am a champion of having abortions. One has to admit though that there are plenty of situations where being born is probably not the best option for the fetus.

This "poll" was poorly written, thus I never actually made a selection from the choices. Obviously I'm not anti-abortion. However, that does not mean I am "for abortion" either. Like I said before, I support a woman's right to make the choice for herself...I mean it is HER body afterall!

Will E Worm

I'm all for reasonable abortions. Maybe up to 2-3 months. If a woman doesn't realize she is pregnant after 3 months thats her fault. Also I'm really disgusted by these porn girls that use abortions as birth control. Heard one on Howard Stern bragging about how she had like 5 abortions and it disgusted me.
I'm not for or against.
Its the girls personal decision to abort, and as a guy you have to put up with it

Same, it comes down to the girls choice. Though for the decision it is, it should be a last resort. Contraception should be foremost in the equation. More safe sex = less unwanted pregnancies, STDs etc etc.
Fuck kids. The less the better. I'm not wasting the next 20 years of my life because birth control isn't 100%. Abort that shit.
For abortion. Because having sex or not is also a birth control itself, so. And giving birth to an unwanted child isn't a good condition
When people are posting "using abortion as a form of birth control" do they mean like a condom or as a way to prevent a an unfortunate situation?

Are there that many people using abortion as a form of birth control?

I'm for the legalization of abortion. Funding is a tricky debate and I think it should be debated. This is a heartbreaking issue and it is one issue that I'm glad people are fighting for it (their belief) on both sides.
If I got a girl knocked up,I would want her to keep it,but ultimately,I would want her to make the best decision for herself,and for better or worse,I would try to support her choice.

I will say that I'm 100% against partial birth abortion.