god damn, youre like a broken record.
this is pretty fun actually. i love it when they let a mutt stay loose for a little while
I'm still trying to figure out how you made an account at 14 years old... and it was accepted.. :surprise:
You are ill-informed if you think you share none of the legal liability when supporting any organization that survives through the theft of copyright material.
So - if you're so convinced you are 100% without culpability, post your real name, IP address, and a list of videos you have viewed on sites that are known to post stolen content. I'll be more then happy to pass it to our attorneys.
how about instead of trying to play Magnum P.I., you have some of your "oh so loyal" users to this community post their History? I mean, I have already openly admitted to it, yet they claim that its such a horrible thing to do and are biting my head off for asking such an inappropriate question.. (even though a few have already PM'd me confessing to being guilty of it).. Whether your little "friends" on here want to admit it in this thread or not is another question.
Sure hope so, since she began the name calling.
finally, a man of reason.
Can you blame her after the rude way he spoke to her in the above post?! This, after admitting to support the scum bag websites that steal her content!
If someone admitted to stealing off of me either directly or indirectly I would have reacted the same way. Wouldnt you? :dunno:
She could have said "sorry thats not allowed here." and I would have moved on. But she wanted to get a little prissy about it and act like we had a "conversation" to begin with. Maybe I snapped back a little bit, so what. You guys are taking it harder than she is. LoL. trying to get some brownie points? maybe a complimentary BJ?
Instead, she sent her pack of stray puppies on me...
As with so many threads, what starts off as a topic for discussion turns heated and bad things are exchanged. FreeOnes has a thread where people can work out their differences. Many that have posted here have there to resolve things in a calm and rational mannor. After all, we are all adults.
Resolve your differences here.
Like I said, they were looking to be wise guys.. a simple sorry not allowed would of sank in just fine.
You guys do have some of the worst insults I've been on the receiving end of tho, I'm not sure whether you're trying to "cut me deep" or what..
I feel like John Rambo and you guys are trying to close in on me :stir: