Any free Tube/Stream sites that are stictly HQ/HD?

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lets see, 2 points dont make sense

You like amateur porn AND you want HD quality. How many amateurs are shooting HD?

The OP is all yours guys!

There was always something that told me "Roald ain't that bad" and now I know why.

Nachoman, you started a post that's iffy to begin with and then you insulted an OCSM and told her to find a new profession. This isn't gonna fly dude... we like Brianna. She contributes here even though she doesn't have to and you're going to tell her to "just pack it up and go." It's a privilege that you even get the chance to interact with someone of her calibre and this is how you choose to respond? OCSM's are here because it's a way for them to interact with fans, fans, should welcome this and we try to, but there are always sycophantic plebeians...not unlike yourself... that discourage this. I, for one, ask you to kindly post less in this section and remember that nobody HAS to identify the request you submit, but we do as a community of like-minded FANS. So, the next time you insult an OCSM... just know that I will fart in your general direction.

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
there is no law about watching stream porn you broke ass broad. if you don't feel like your career is lucrative maybe you should become a nurse or a pharmacist.

amateur porn > studio porn anyway.

Errr, where did this come from? Did you even read my post?! :dunno:

everyone on this site has used stream sites for porn before. even you, im 100% sure of it.

i like watching amateur videos anyway, there is nothing wrong with that is there?

im also pretty sure 90% of the material on this site is copyrighted. unless you mean to tell me there is always consent for the posted material on here?

So you really think a site like Freeones is gonna allow it's members to post stolen content huh?! That's a slap in the face for Petra & the rest of the Freeones team. :nono:

lets see, 2 points dont make sense

You like amateur porn AND you want HD quality. How many amateurs are shooting HD?

The OP is all yours guys!


There was always something that told me "Roald ain't that bad" and now I know why.

Nachoman, you started a post that's iffy to begin with and then you insulted an OCSM and told her to find a new profession. This isn't gonna fly dude... we like Brianna. She contributes here even though she doesn't have to and you're going to tell her to "just pack it up and go." It's a privilege that you even get the chance to interact with someone of her calibre and this is how you choose to respond? OCSM's are here because it's a way for them to interact with fans, fans, should welcome this and we try to, but there are always sycophantic plebeians...not unlike yourself... that discourage this. I, for one, ask you to kindly post less in this section and remember that nobody HAS to identify the request you submit, but we do as a community of like-minded FANS. So, the next time you insult an OCSM... just know that I will fart in your general direction.

:D ^^^^^^^ And it's because of people like funkipman and No_Man that myself & all the other OCSMs post on here & put up with the likes of you.

On closing imnachoman I don't think this is the sort of site for you to be posting on. This is a site that respects the porn business and the people that work within it. You have shown here that you respect neither.

Thank you and good night.
Broke ass broad? Seriously?

I find it funny that you are trying to justify using illegal sites. You keep trying to come up with legal reasons, when really you have no idea what you are talking about. Try to justify it all you want, you are failing miserably. Then when someone calls you out on it, you can't take it.

Op you are too funny. What makes it worse, is that you clearly haven't read the rules
i was asked to drop it, so thats what i did.

and like i said, just to clarify... its NOT illegal to watch a streaming video, you have ALL watched streams before, you WILL do so again in the future, MOST of the content on here is posted without consent.. so you should be ashamed to start an argument about it.

I understand its not permitted to ask such questions like I did on this forum, so I want apologize to the site owners for doing so.


Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
i was asked to drop it, so thats what i did.

and like i said, just to clarify... its NOT illegal to watch a streaming video, you have ALL watched streams before, you WILL do so again in the future, MOST of the content on here is posted without consent.. so you should be ashamed to start an argument about it.

I understand its not permitted to ask such questions like I did on this forum, so I want apologize to the site owners for doing so.


Hold on, you apologise to 'the site owners' for starting this thread AND you just accused them of posting illegal content in the same post. Congrats! You just made yourself look like an ever bigger douche!! Haha! All the content on here is moderated and it is against the board rules to post illegal content, so how can you say they are allowing it to happen?!

This is an argument you're never going to win.
Hold on, you apologise to 'the site owners' for starting this thread AND you just accused them of posting illegal content in the same post. Congrats! You just made yourself look like an ever bigger douche!! Haha! All the content on here is moderated and it is against the board rules to post illegal content, so how can you say they are allowing it to happen?!

This is an argument you're never going to win.

Are you retarded? serious question...

Site owners don't post the content, the users do. Why don't you take a look around. Or do you not really look around much, just play on the keyboard?...

This thread should be closed but instead, you want to keep at it.

Somebody put a dick in this porn stars mouth, that's all you're good for.
Are you retarded? serious question...

Somebody put a dick in this porn stars mouth, that's all you're good for.

Posting things like that to an OCSM is just going to get you banned. Do you just degrade women because you can't get one of your own? That's the way it seems.
Or are you just here to troll?. Either way, you aren't going to win any friends around here.

Another class example, that you have not read the rules
Somebody put a dick in this porn stars mouth, that's all you're good for.

And the ban is coming in 5...4...3...2...

Do you just degrade women because you can't get one of your own? That's the way it seems.
Or are you just here to troll?. Either way, you aren't going to win any friends

I just assume he likes to watch amateur porn because he hopes to stumble upon the tape his parents made when they accidentally conceived him. Sicko
Are you retarded? serious question...

Site owners don't post the content, the users do. Why don't you take a look around. Or do you not really look around much, just play on the keyboard?...

This thread should be closed but instead, you want to keep at it.

Somebody put a dick in this porn stars mouth, that's all you're good for.
For God's sake man. It's a pretty stupid thing to say, that you are winning this argument. It's you against everyone else who posted in this thread. In what world does that mean that you are proving people wrong time and time again. I've not seen it once from you.

If you dropped it, why did you reply again?, just let it go. Don't type another word in this thread if you have "dropped it"
Just so that a couple of points here are really clear, even for the asshole OP with the vacuous space between his ears:

1. 100% of the material on FreeOnes is legally obtained for the purposes of this site. They work very had to make that the case, and that is partly why so many producers release material to them. That, in turn creates traffic for their websites. It's a win-win. To maintain that, they work pretty hard against low-life cock gobblers, such as yourself, who try to watch produced, quality material without paying for it. Consequently, talking about tube sites is not okay. Could you follow that, skippy, or were some of the words too big?

2. If you watch any HQ porn, and you don't pay for it, you're stealing it. It's just that simple. Don't try to hide behind the whole, "but I was just streaming it," bullshit. That means someone else stole it, and uploaded it. That's like taking a drive in a stolen car, and when caught, saying, "but I didn't steal the car. It was already stolen. I was just driving.
Well, guess what? You're busted either way. Tube sites post illegal content. Have people on FO watched tube sites? Sure. Some have.

Having cleared those things up more thoroughly, I find it very easy to look back over this thread, and conclude that douche is not sufficient for you. I could be more creative, and come up with something good, but I'd rather spend that energy pre-wetting my postage stamps with my precum.
Are you retarded? serious question...

Site owners don't post the content, the users do. Why don't you take a look around. Or do you not really look around much, just play on the keyboard?...

This thread should be closed but instead, you want to keep at it.

Somebody put a dick in this porn stars mouth, that's all you're good for.

I think you'll find she was talking about Freeones as a whole. There is alot more to the site than just the board.

And how can you say that she doesn't look around the site much you idiot. She has posted on here nearly 600 times since she joined in August. You have only posted 129 times since February?! And you call her retarded?! :1orglaugh

Oh & if you had any sense you'd know that Briana isn't a Pornstar!! Just another fact you've got wrong!

I think it's time for a mod to step in here. I thought it was against the rules to insult the OCSMs on the board?


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I think you'll find she was talking about Freeones as a whole. There is alot more to the site than just the board.

And how can you say that she doesn't look around the site much you idiot. She has posted on here nearly 600 times since she joined in August. You have only posted 129 times since February?! And you call her retarded?! :1orglaugh

Oh & if you had any sense you'd know that Briana isn't a Pornstar!! Just another fact you've got wrong!

I think it's time for a mod to step in here. I thought it was against the rules to insult the OCSMs on the board?

OMG...there's more to FreeOnes than just the board? Nooooooooooooo....say it isn't so.
Thanks for the neg rep, and for calling me an idiot. You made my morning better. Being called an idiot by a whining, obscenely obtuse, piece of dried yak spunk such as yourself is always a pleasure.

Thanks for the neg rep, and for calling me an idiot. You made my morning better. Being called an idiot by a whining, obscenely obtuse, piece of dried yak spunk such as yourself is always a pleasure.

He neg repped me with this reason
"I smell a PUSSY too... its you!"

Words just don't explain it
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