Any free Tube/Stream sites that are stictly HQ/HD?

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Funny you speak about dating. I had a quick look at your posts, all of which involve getting the name of girls or something to do with porn. Now I'm not saying I'm a quality poster, not by a long shot. But I'm still a hell of a lot better than you.

I have a girlfriend, infact I've had a few. You on the other hand. I don't know about

LoL... so now all of a sudden when someone wants the ID of a girl, they have trouble getting girls?

believe me silly Scottish man, my slay count is nearly as high as my post count. you can believe that if you want, but thats the last argument youre gonna win.

i am glad i can bring a little excitement into your life.. i bet you havent had this much fun since daddy used to give you a sponge bath.

as stated many times before, the shit storm can rest when changes are made.. or you can keep bickering with me. your call.

But I'm not bickering. I'm just pointing out that you've been made to look like a complete asshole in this thread. By yourself. Over and over.

I'm so glad you like being made fun of, and looking stupid. You're so good at it. You've really found your niche here at FreeOnes. We have quite a few village idiots, but we needed a village fucktard. So far, you're winning. Congrats!
But I'm not bickering. I'm just pointing out that you've been made to look like a complete asshole in this thread. By yourself. Over and over.

I'm so glad you like being made fun of, and looking stupid. You're so good at it. You've really found your niche here at FreeOnes. We have quite a few village idiots, but we needed a village fucktard. So far, you're winning. Congrats!

Thank you kind sir. This victory has put me at a loss for words.

Afew things i've noticed about Imadickman

1. He is clearly an Idiot
2. He thinks way to highly of himself
3.He needs to stop patronizing people(given point 1)

Imo, he should get off the internet and go and play with his toys like a good little boy

On the contrary.
1. He is not an idiot
2. Nothng wrong with thinking highly of ones self.
3. Stop patronizing? Why?

I believe the guy is doing a great job of defending himself. Sure, he got an "in your face" kind of attitude in the beginning of this thread. However, considering how many have dog piled on him, I'd say he's holding his own extremely well. In my opinion, it was proven when Dirk requested a Poll to ban the guy. Ever see the movie, Cool Hand Luke, starring Paul Newman? This guy reminds me of Cool Hand Luke.

Note: And as for the young lady (Briana) who is the subject of this thread, she too held her own VERY well against him. That being said, I never have enjoyed seeing a man bully a woman. And on that note, I would like to see him apologize and hopefully this thread will die.

Although, it has been a pleasure watching one guy not lose his cool while being surrounded and ganged up on by so many. Anyway, REPS to NachoMan and Briana.
On the contrary.
1. He is not an idiot
2. Nothng wrong with thinking highly of ones self.
3. Stop patronizing? Why?

I believe the guy is doing a great job of defending himself. Sure, he got an "in your face" kind of attitude in the beginning of this thread. However, considering how many have dog piled on him, I'd say he's holding his own extremely well. In my opinion, it was proven when Dirk requested a Poll to ban the guy. Ever see the movie, Cool Hand Luke, starring Paul Newman? This guy reminds me of Cool Hand Luke.

Note: And as for the young lady (Briana) who is the subject of this thread, she too held her own VERY well against him. That being said, I never have enjoyed seeing a man bully a woman. And on that note, I would like to see him apologize and hopefully this thread will die.

Although, it has been a pleasure watching one guy not lose his cool while being surrounded and ganged up on by so many. Anyway, REPS to NachoMan and Briana.

Hi, friend.

Ill really dont want to apologize to her.. I have NEVER used her material as lighter fluid when BBQing alone..

I am not taking anything away from her, she should fight her own battles, this wasn't one of them to begin with.

Just sayin'

and it wont let me rep you back, sry!


Approved Content Owner
yep... but how many new ones pop up when one goes down?

Actually, it's getting more and more risky as more and more countries band together to stop such thievery, the so-called safe-havens are quickly disappearing. Currently the industry is bringing about 3 major suits a week - and losing virtually none of them. If you figure the current risk - I'd say only a fool would start such a site right now - but you're right, there's a foll born every minute.

But I suppose that the old adage "Once a thief, always a thief" does apply.

But thanks to the combined efforts of copyright holders, the justice system and international laws, those of us who spend our lives creating things finally have some recourse against scum-sucking thieves that continually try to justify their actions.

See you in court some day.

BTW - do a search on the successes of Corbin Fisher against video pirates, including the final thief - the ones that make stealing profitable for the illegal tube sites, then ask yourself what you'll do when the police knock on your door with a search warrant. The beauty of online piracy is that there is always a trail - no matter how hard you try to hide your tracks. Conviction rates are almost 100%

It's just a matter of time :)
haha..:) How are you Mr. Death?

Are you the grim reaper here to tell me its over, the war cloud has passed?..

You know when someone is getting jumped, and then that one asshole comes out of no where and kicks the victim in the head while hes down?
That's you right now, guy... You're that one jerk, who was once a short bus thumb sucker sounding off trying to make an impression in front of your best buds.

hey, how'd you know? that's exactly the kinda guy i am! have we met before? :D anyway, so we're clear, my user name actually has nothing to do with the grim reaper, although the subject of such an entity intrigues me, alas, my user name is in reference to quentin tarantino's film by that name and more precisely referencing the cars that stuntman mike drove which he labeled as "death proof" as in they were built to protect him in the common occurrence of the horrifying wrecks he you know ;)
hey, how'd you know? that's exactly the kinda guy i am! have we met before? :D anyway, so we're clear, my user name actually has nothing to do with the grim reaper, although the subject of such an entity intrigues me, alas, my user name is in reference to quentin tarantino's film by that name and more precisely referencing the cars that stuntman mike drove which he labeled as "death proof" as in they were built to protect him in the common occurrence of the horrifying wrecks he you know ;)

and knowing is half the battle!!!

a battle in which he consistently keeps losing in life
Wow, I can't believe this thread is still going!!

I have to say that I am very disappointed in Freeones over this. It just goes to prove that the OCSMs don't get the protection on here that they deserve.

I guess it means anyone can come on here & talk about illegal sites & insult the OCSMs huh? You guys have no idea how upset Briana is over this & some of the comments made by imnachoman. She's just too nice to report him & his recent posts.
Wow, I can't believe this thread is still going!!

I have to say that I am very disappointed in Freeones over this. It just goes to prove that the OCSMs don't get the protection on here that they deserve.

I guess it means anyone can come on here & talk about illegal sites & insult the OCSMs huh? You guys have no idea how upset Briana is over this & some of the comments made by imnachoman. She's just too nice to report him & his recent posts.

In all honesty, they both went on and on. If she is upset over this she should have let us know and we could have looked into it. She also kept replying and fueling the fire so they are both in the wrong.

Briana, if you are so upset over this than please let me know and we close the thread.

I clicked here in hopes to see a page matching the titles description but all I got was bitching.....for those of you who want to see porn close to the description I believe 4tube is pretty close to HD
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