Any free Tube/Stream sites that are stictly HQ/HD?

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I'm watching some specialist videos
MOST of the content on here is posted without consent.. so you should be ashamed to start an argument about it.

Where were you when God handed out brains?

Most of the content posted is to sample sets that advertise the site that the samples are from.
A lot of the content is posted by Approved Content Owners and OCSM's like Briana.

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
the thread should of been closed already, but if that broad wants to keep lighting the fire then ill just prove her wrong time and time again.

ban me, close the thread, do whatever is right. I had dropped it already.

Ok, go ahead prove me wrong. Because nothing you have said so far has been correct!! Oh except the bit about banning you, that's correct!! Haha!!

Does anyone else see the irony in him calling Brianna a "broke ass broad" when he's the one trying to find a way to watch movies for free?

:1orglaugh That is sooo true!!

Just so that a couple of points here are really clear, even for the asshole OP with the vacuous space between his ears:

1. 100% of the material on FreeOnes is legally obtained for the purposes of this site. They work very had to make that the case, and that is partly why so many producers release material to them. That, in turn creates traffic for their websites. It's a win-win. To maintain that, they work pretty hard against low-life cock gobblers, such as yourself, who try to watch produced, quality material without paying for it. Consequently, talking about tube sites is not okay. Could you follow that, skippy, or were some of the words too big?

2. If you watch any HQ porn, and you don't pay for it, you're stealing it. It's just that simple. Don't try to hide behind the whole, "but I was just streaming it," bullshit. That means someone else stole it, and uploaded it. That's like taking a drive in a stolen car, and when caught, saying, "but I didn't steal the car. It was already stolen. I was just driving.
Well, guess what? You're busted either way. Tube sites post illegal content. Have people on FO watched tube sites? Sure. Some have.

Having cleared those things up more thoroughly, I find it very easy to look back over this thread, and conclude that douche is not sufficient for you. I could be more creative, and come up with something good, but I'd rather spend that energy pre-wetting my postage stamps with my precum.

:goodpost: :goodpost: :clap:

And how can you say that she doesn't look around the site much you idiot. She has posted on here nearly 600 times since she joined in August. You have only posted 129 times since February?! And you call her retarded?! :1orglaugh

:rofl2: You crack me up Andy!

OMG...there's more to FreeOnes than just the board? Nooooooooooooo....say it isn't so.

Sorry to disappoint you hun but it's true. :dunno:

He neg repped me with this reason
"I smell a PUSSY too... its you!"

Words just don't explain it

OMG!! He didn't really say that did he?! How old is he? Like 12 or something? :1orglaugh

Where were you when God handed out brains?

Unfortunately I think he was in the line for nachos & missed out?! :rolleyes:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Thanks for the neg rep, and for calling me an idiot. You made my morning better. Being called an idiot by a whining, obscenely obtuse, piece of dried yak spunk such as yourself is always a pleasure.


Don't worry about that negative rep he gave you. I took care of it for you. :angels:

Thank me later for being the kind admin that I am.
uh yea then you probably have no business in my thread do you? i mean, if its not making you any money, why would you want part of it? maybe you should just pack it up and go! :)

Go watch SWAP.avi, I think you'll like it because it's legally FREE... Oh, and stop arguing with Briana. I think you'll find she is right.
I wish I could neg rep Dirk. But I have to rep some unworthy bloody cunt rag first and you know, fuck that.

Enjoy it while it lasts Daniel.


I'm watching some specialist videos
I was waiting for it, and eventually have received my neg rep from nachodick with the pithy comment "Queer".
Thank you nachoprick. :hatsoff:

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
Nice post. You're fun to have around.


Thanks babe, it's so much fun here, even when I have to put up with dicks like this!! Haha!!

Don't worry about that negative rep he gave you. I took care of it for you. :angels:

Thank me later for being the kind admin that I am.

As she waves her magic wand & all the nasty red dots disappear!! :D

Go watch SWAP.avi, I think you'll like it because it's legally FREE... Oh, and stop arguing with Briana. I think you'll find she is right.

But is it in HD?! :1orglaugh

I was waiting for it, and eventually have received my neg rep from nachodick with the pithy comment "Queer".
Thank you nachoprick. :hatsoff:

I told you, 12 years old. :hairpull:

listen cock suckers, this topic was already dropped, remember? you are getting a neg back for the negs youve given me first! quit acting like little pussys you fucking slack jawed faggots. now move the fuck on with your lives.

I think we made him angry?!! :rofl2: Looks like he's a homophobe as well!!

Oh and apparently you're all cock suckers!! :rolleyes:


I'm watching some specialist videos
listen cock suckers, this topic was already dropped, remember? you are getting a neg back for the negs youve given me first! quit acting like little pussys you fucking slack jawed faggots. now move the fuck on with your lives.

Tit for tat, then, you smelly brown stain on the sole of my shoe.

I tend to give negative rep for things that deserve it, like shitting all over an OCSM raising valid points, rather than just getting my own back like a little child.
Like I said, I was waiting for it from you once I had a) commented on your utter idiocy and b) neg repped you for your vile and unnecessary comments.
you are quite the attention whore... did daddy not love you much?

It's funny that you can try your hardest to insult other people but when they make valid points you can't take it and try to act cool and go all defensive.
You're trying your hardest to insult everyone here, but you are failing miserably. IT's actually quite funny to watch you try and justify this thread when it is clearly against the baord rules.

No one in this thread likes you in any way. You may think that your cool but no one else thinks so. You're clearly an idiot who can't come up with a proper insult to save your life. Does it make you feel better about yourself to insult an OCSM? A hell of a lot more people would care more if Briana stopped posting compared to Dics like you
Tit for tat, then, you smelly brown stain on the sole of my shoe.

I tend to give negative rep for things that deserve it, like shitting all over an OCSM raising valid points, rather than just getting my own back like a little child.
Like I said, I was waiting for it from you once I had a) commented on your utter idiocy and b) neg repped you for your vile and unnecessary comments.

poor larss.. youre 48 years old man, dont spend your golden years trying desperately to be liked on an internet forum... go buy a dirt bike and enjoy your midlife crisis

It's funny that you can try your hardest to insult other people but when they make valid points you can't take it and try to act cool and go all defensive.
You're trying your hardest to insult everyone here, but you are failing miserably. IT's actually quite funny to watch you try and justify this thread when it is clearly against the baord rules.

No one in this thread likes you in any way. You may think that your cool but no one else thinks so. You're clearly an idiot who can't come up with a proper insult to save your life. Does it make you feel better about yourself to insult an OCSM? A hell of a lot more people would care more if Briana stopped posting compared to Dics like you

i honestly dont care if anyone likes me or not.. youre 22 years old with almost 4000 posts in under a year. (lol) maybe you should cancel your internet service and get a different hobby.

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
you are quite the attention whore... did daddy not love you much?

:1orglaugh Really? And you're not?! You keep saying that you're done with this thread but you keep posting in it, for what reason if not to get attention?

It's funny that you can try your hardest to insult other people but when they make valid points you can't take it and try to act cool and go all defensive.
You're trying your hardest to insult everyone here, but you are failing miserably. IT's actually quite funny to watch you try and justify this thread when it is clearly against the baord rules.

No one in this thread likes you in any way. You may think that your cool but no one else thinks so. You're clearly an idiot who can't come up with a proper insult to save your life. Does it make you feel better about yourself to insult an OCSM? A hell of a lot more people would care more if Briana stopped posting compared to Dics like you

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