Any free Tube/Stream sites that are stictly HQ/HD?

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New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Be careful what you say, nachotard.


Yes? So a tube site got posted. For some reason, FreeOnes seems to have changed its policy on xhamster, as I'm able to post it, too. xhamster isn't 'strictly HD/HQ,' and therefore doesn't fit the original category you asked about in the OP.

So, what was your point in posting it in this thread?
Be careful what you say, nachotard.

nachocock .jpg

good one.

Yes? So a tube site got posted. For some reason, FreeOnes seems to have changed its policy on xhamster, as I'm able to post it, too. xhamster isn't 'strictly HD/HQ,' and therefore doesn't fit the original category you asked about in the OP.

So, what was your point in posting it in this thread?

are you on another planet?
You have bitch slapped exactly no one. We've all just become bored with you. This will be my last post here. Not because you have won, but because you're an insatiable fucking dumbshit. I find it hard to believe that you're not banned, and this thread isn't closed, but whatever.

You're a fucking douche nozzle. Respond however you like. I won't be reading it. Have fun!

Well done. Round of fucking applause. I don't think I've ever met someone as deluded as yourself. As Dirk said, I don't think I'll post in this thread again either. Quite frankly you're one of the worst posters i have ever seen on this site, and there are a few bad ones. Nothing of what you post means anything, and the amount of people that think you're an idiot proves that. Yet you keep thinking that you're winning the argument or holding you're own. That's just how fucking deluded you are.

Most of the members in this thread wouldn't care less if you were banned right now. That's just how insignificant you are on the forum. You mean nothing to anyone here.

Again as Dirk said, you can reply how ever you want to this post. I sure as hell won't read it. All of you're replies are ridiculous anyway. You're replies never stretch past "LOL" or similar, it's like you're 12 years old. Most posts from you on this thread make no sense


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Nachoman, make us some fucking nachos, now ;)

I thought you would never ask.

1 lg. pkg. cream cheese
1 med. onion, chopped
1 med. tomato, chopped
1 jar salsa
2 c. shredded cheese
1 bag nacho chips

Spread cream cheese in bottom of pie plate or Pyrex casserole dish. Spread onion and tomato on top. Spread salsa on top and sprinkle with cheese. Put in microwave on high for 8 minutes. Let cool a few minutes and dip chips in.

Here is another.

1 bag Nacho Cheese Doritos
1 cup shredded Colby cheese
1 jar Pace Picante Sauce (chunky)
1 jar jalepenos
2 tbs. sour cream
1 small can black olives

Take about 20-25 chips and place onto a microwavable safe plate.
Spread 1 cup Colby cheese onto the Doritos. Do not add sour cream until after heated. Heat in the microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute (depending on microwave).

Spread Pace Picante sauce on top of the melted cheese and Doritos. Garnish with 2 heaping tablespoons of sour cream, black olives, and jalepenos.

Serve. Enjoy this fast and easy dish. It's a great meal at a cheap price for larger families. The kids will love it. Add lettuce or any other variety of ingredients to your liking.

Plenty time for your Surer Bowl game. Enjoy.
Thread closed cockboys, think we had enough fun.

Back to the regular program!!!
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